
Chapter 184 Find the ugly

The nobles want to be shameless, but if they can get more benefits than the shameful, they will definitely choose to tear off the layer to fool themselves.

Hudani didn't say anything, but the fat pig had clearly realized that he was going to decide on this woman.

And I'm afraid that even the belongings I sent up may not be returned at this time. Thinking of this, this fat pig feels that his whole body is in pain, and he has lost too much!

No! Absolutely not!

The fat pig instantly decided to get that woman no matter what.

Although this Hudani is the number two figure in Daru City, as long as he is not the city owner for a day, his power will be unstable for a day.

In particular, several of his younger brothers have the ability to take half a step, especially one of them is a regular warrior. Once someone achieves great power, the Hudani, who has been suppressing his brother by any means, will have the most tragic fate waiting for him.

That's why the fat man knows that as long as he does it fast enough, he will have a chance to catch Shesina before the Hudani starts, and then he will have a chance.

If it was secretly, Hudani might dare to take action on himself.

But but in such a situation where many Dalu nobles are onlookers and even involved, unless he doesn't want to be the city owner, he will never dare to grab another nobleman's thing in daylight.

That kind of behavior will be feared by everyone*.

Thinking of this, the fat pig suddenly felt as if he was sure, and then looked at Xuesna again, and the heat in his heart boiled like a volcano, uncontrollably.

Poor this fat man still doesn't know that Xuesina is a powerful mage. He just thinks she is a powerful mage, otherwise, I'm afraid she will have fled thousands of miles away.

The mage has several times the combat lethality of warriors of the same level. The higher the level, the greater the gap.

This apparent injustice is determined by the efforts of the mages.

A mage, even if he has enough resources, his efforts are several times that of the warrior. Mass knowledge and endless experiments, as well as endless exploration and travel. If the resources of cultivating a mage can be used to train warriors, five or six are fine warriors, and they are also elite warriors.

A great mage can support a great warrior for a period of time even if he is besieged. Because the great mage also has a great body, but that body does not contain laws.

However, the spirit of the great mage can communicate his familiar laws from heaven and earth at any time to use for himself. It's really tragic for a mighty warrior to fight against such an enemy.

But neither Hudani nor the fat pig realized that they were looking for a tragedy.

Finally, everyone will come to his senses, and this is just a blink of an eye. The eyes of these warriors, nobles and slaves are all focused on Shesna.

As for the Mora next to her, it has been ignored. However, the scene was a little cold. Looking at the expressionless but beautiful Shesina, several of her attacked men, except for the warrior who broke his arm, had already frozen into icicles and fell to pieces of ice, which were quiet and could not find words.

Finally, I waited so awkwardly for a while,


The harsh applause sounded with a strange rhythm, giving the listener an irresistible sense of obedience.

The fat pig's eyes were blurred and he suddenly woke up. This was the heir of the city owner, Hudani, who began to take action.

Hudani has been training his hypnotic skills with slaves crazily. Even if he reached the realm of power, he still hasn't given up.

Because he himself knows that in addition to himself, there are also several brothers who are about to become power by relying on some deformities, and there is even a brother with a pedigree who is a regular half-step warrior power.

Because of this urgent stimulation, his mental hypnosis ability has been further improved, that is, there is a very strange power of hypnotic obedience in his words and deeds.

As soon as the fat pig saw Hudani take action, he was immediately anxious. In case the woman was cleaned up by his spiritual attack, what else could he get?

Maybe this Houtani directly took away the woman and left the spiritual power to himself.

Thinking of this, the fat pig immediately decided not to wait and immediately shouted, "Come on! Arrest these two criminals who killed indiscriminately in Dalu City!"

However, another voice stopped before the slaves and men took action: "Stop!"

Hudani, a nobleman with a strange blush in his pale face, shouted:

"All stop! This is a misunderstanding!"

However, the slave was indeed a very loyal existence. The dozens of warrior slaves belonging to the fat pig did not pay attention to Hudani's words and rushed straight to Shesina and Mora.

Some little nobles belonging to fat pigs also began to command their slaves to capture the two people.

Hudani looked cold, but when he saw the nervous look of the fat pig, he immediately understood that the pig was worried about grabbing his prey. However, since it is what the future city owner is like, how dare you send it honestly?

" Stop it--"

A call came from Hudani's mouth. This time, the voice was not particularly powerful, but it was sent out in a very strange rhythm, and with a strange power of jealousy, which made people feel dizzy and tired as soon as they heard it. They wanted to fall asleep and wanted to lie down. At this time, it appeared The words in their ears are the best command guidance, making them feel that obedience is the best choice.

Except for a few people, most people are affected by this power. Those who attacked half of the slaves and others were all dull-eyed, looking down, and stopped their hands.

Of course, there are a few people who are brave and a little firm, but they still can't get rid of control. They are just slightly confused and look at themselves doubtfully. Although they know something is wrong, they don't know what's going on.

Those nobles who still stay awake with treasures or extraordinary and strange abilities are all shocked at this time, and they have heard of this ability for a long time.

However, when I heard about it, there was always a huge difference from what I saw with my own eyes. At this time, I was shocked and cautious when I saw such an ability.

Several close nobles looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes. Maybe it was time to prepare to intervene in the war of the heirs of the city's mansion.

A city owner who controls people's hearts will obviously not be the "good city owner" expected by the nobles.

However, at this time, Hudani did not notice these. Maybe he had been with those hypnotized slaves for a long time, and a inertial idea had formed in his mind that other people's IQ and minds were extremely weak prey, which was not worthy of his serious treatment at all.

Even some people who are also capable, such as fat pigs, can be controlled at will through hypnosis in his opinion. It is this idea that made him unscrupulously begin to use this ability that should only appear in the dark in front of the public today.

Therefore, he did not expect that his future would be distorted in another direction by his behavior.

At this time, when he saw that everyone listened to his words, Dudani only felt extremely happy and his thoughts were extremely clear. This change of mind brought by self-confidence actually made him feel that his ability seemed to have increased more.

Spiritual power is like this. In many cases, its essence is a person's will, but it is because of some special factors that this will can be directly concretized into actual forces outside the body, which makes the world have the name of spiritual power.

But in fact, he doesn't have those mysteries. However, this is an extreme mystery, and even those who master spiritual power are not very clear about the true nature of their power.

Because of this, people who study spiritual power do not know how to improve themselves. Only when they inadvertently trigger this growth will they find some ways to summarize the law.

For example, at this time, the Hudani suddenly found that in public places, he could use his power to control others to increase his ability.

In an instant, he began to doubt whether he could quickly increase his strength, but he didn't know that he actually had the effect of making his will more firm because of his ideas.

Many people who exercise their mental strength are often rejected, which is also related to this. They find the appearance of strength, but they don't know his essence, so they take the wrong means and lead to unpredictable results.

Maybe this Duhani is still thinking about finding opportunities to continue to control others in public in the future, but he doesn't know that his behavior will only accelerate his own death.

However, at this time, the proud Hudani was completely buried by the increased pleasure of this power. At this time, he looked at Xuesina, a woman who was perfect like an elf queen, standing there, left behind and independent, like a fairy, and thought that if this woman was completely controlled by herself, and then... ...

The changing ugliness unconsciously shows up, which is disgusting.

But at this time, Hudani, a person whose brain is in an abnormal state, did not know this at all. Looking at Xuesina turning her face to one side, he felt even more that such a cold and arrogant woman appeared in Dalu City, which was simply the greatest blessing from God.

Coughed twice, Hudani sorted out his clothes and was ready to come over, and then found his body ugly. After being depressed, he suddenly felt that maybe his special capital would be the key to quickly impress this woman.

Just like what a woman from a different world once said:

"The fastest way to a woman's heart is AC."

With such an idea, Hudani did not feel that he was ugly and came over undisguisedly and said to Shesna, "Miss as beautiful as a valley lily, I..."

.........It's suddenly difficult to write character language. Is it because I have said too little recently? ............