
Chapter 187 Strength is not combat effectiveness

Many things brought about by the smashing of bones are not simple bone failure. The ribs of the chest are gone, causing those skin and muscles to be compressed to the internal organs, and the muscle blood vessels are in a mess in the body.

The most deadly thing is that the broken nasal bone makes his breathing extremely difficult. When his body struggles, the strength used by the muscles lacks the support of the bones. The blood vessels burst, the muscles are chaotic, and death comes and there is no way to feel the time of death. Knowing that he is hopeless, he still struggles with a glimmer of hope. .

This unspeakable pain tormented his heart and made him want to die and survive. The chaotic and contradictory thoughts and the mental storm that broke out at the end of life made his whole body feel a sense of evolution at this time.

This feeling is extremely strong, and the most real feeling between death and survival makes him burst into the greatest last glow of life.

This glow does not change because he is good or evil in his life, and even the gods can't stop this glow.

Therefore, the magic mark that Mora hit in his body was hidden in the glory at the last moment of his life and became a pathetic chess piece in calculation.

But others don't see this. They just think that they can successfully defeat this man as long as they can do it faster.

One flew out...

Two fly out...

Three fly out...


After hitting dozens of warriors in one breath, the remaining ordinary slaves and ordinary Lahska Mora were not interested in wasting their marks on them, so they directly hit the ground with one shot.

The transformed divine power burst out from the ground, and all of them, including those standing on the periphery, felt a shock of fear.

This force was so powerful that after feeling him, those powerful people all changed their faces.

Even if the real power comes, they are confident that they have the opportunity to save their lives, but at this time, it is their true power that makes them clearly realize one thing that this power can easily destroy themselves.

The reason why he is still alive is that the owner of power has not killed for some reason.

All the people whose brains are not broken and feel this power immediately began to prepare to leave this place, and even some strong people are ready to leave Dalu City immediately and come back after a while.

Several powerful nobles suddenly left their positions, but made the little nobles behind them overjoyed. Did the thousand-year-old leaks finally come to them?

Hundreds of small nobles immediately rushed forward. Naturally, before the small nobles who blocked the road of the great nobles could get closer, they were smashed out. When the nobles behind saw this, they immediately dodged to both sides.

However, there were many nobles and rich people who saw the opportunity to rush forward. Coupled with their guards and slaves, it was a riot of crying for a while.

Taking advantage of this effort, Shesina, who was completely connected with Mora, also knew Mora's intention to smash the divine power into the ground. In addition to shaking away those annoying flies, it was also to trigger the root cause of the world's chaos in advance, making the devil's power defective, which could help her stay. The mark is not so easy to be found, which can also make the future play a greater role.

If it is another god, there is nothing he can do, but the mark left by Mora is an ordinary divine power transformed by the supreme divine power. On the surface, it is an ordinary divine power, but the essence is still unalterable.

As the highest existence of the gods, this devil can't find out of this mark anyway.

Roughly aware of Mora's plan, Shesna immediately triggered the spell that had been prepared in the staff for a long time. This spell is also the most suitable for the current situation,

"Ice Still"

This is a spell that can only be developed by the power mage. Her meaning is the highest meaning of ice and snow spell, and it is the secret of the power ice and snow mage to become a god - absolute stillness.

Even after becoming a god, there is a direction to advance. It is said that time can be stationary, but that's just speculation, because there is no ice and snow mage to achieve gods.

However, accidents are always everywhere, and gods can't avoid accidents. After Shesina's spell was issued, she turned out to be weak. The power of her whole body and the laws that have been mastered in spiritual power have been extracted in large quantities and become the driving force of this spell.

Shesna, who used this power-level spell for the first time, did not expect this situation at all. The spell was only halfway through, and the huge consumption made her feel faint.

When the sky turns, the blood surges, the whole body is weak, and the strength is lost, the mind can't even raise the idea of stopping and regret, and there is always a feeling that everything is built back to the origin.

This is the counterattack of magic. The only moment of consciousness, Shesna thought, and then her consciousness was about to sink to death. This situation is a little beyond Mora's calculation, but it has not caused much impact.

Although Shesina has made great achievements and deepened her understanding of the rules with the help of Mora, she has always been growing up in the laboratory mage tower of Negra Mage College. Without that profound theory and practice, she is always uncertain about her own strength.

Although the spell "Ice Still" she chose this time is the most suitable spell for the current situation, it is far beyond her mana support.

Several times when she output spells, Mora replenished her insufficient energy, but this time she and Mora did not react because the energy was extracted too fast.

Fortunately, this matter has not been completely beyond Mora's control, but the time is slightly tense and can't immediately restore Shesina's body back to normal.

Moura's hand is close to Shesna's back, and the camouflaged divine power continues to output into Shesna's body to become the supporting force of "ice stillness".

The essence of divine power is a qualitative change compared with mana, but the mystery of "ice stillness" is also related to the realm of gods. Therefore, with the support of divine power, it is not only successfully stimulated, but also seems that the power exerted is not ordinary.

In the mage data theory that studies the mystery of ice and snow, there is a famous "freezing point" theory. It is said that it is the lowest temperature that ice can reach. At that temperature, all substances will stop and become a real "still".

However, although the deduction process of this theory is very correct, it conflicts with several other very famous theories.

One of the logical conflicts that cannot be bypassed is that since everything is static at the "freezing point", how do people or gods or other beings control it at this point?

It is impossible not to control, but if it can be controlled, it conflicts with the concept of "stationary", because control must be moving.

In addition, there is a theory that also has a huge conflict with this theory - "kinematics". This theory holds that all beings in the world are in motion, and stillness is just a relative concept, and there is no real stillness.

The so-called stillness is relative, and everything in the world is changing; motion is absolute and static is relative. This "relative" can also be understood as that stillness actually does not exist.

This is a powerful and strange theory. It has no truthful evidence to prove his accuracy, but countless applied facts make it an indestructible axiom theory.

However, it is very puzzling that the theory of "freezing point stillness" and "movement theory" are actually derived from the same philosophical deduction method.

There are no mistakes in their process, but the results are difficult to accept, because their results always seem to be able to find examples to prove that they are wrong, but the correct process and countless practical examples prove the correctness of the theory. This is extremely confusing.

However, this may be the fun of studying the world. A large number of mages devote themselves to this great cause. Their combat effectiveness and realm may not be enough to make people afraid, but their theoretical achievements can be immortalized with the Dharma gods.

For many academic mages, if they can't make themselves immortal Dharma gods, then they must make a certain research and a contribution that can become immortal as Dharma gods.

For example, Master Jason, the magic material tutor of the Nigra Magic Academy, has been listed in the "Damharma God" and has become the object of envy and hatred of countless mages for his great contributions to deepening the research of spell materials and promoting the development of the mage group.

Sena has been carrying hatred and has always been eager for strong power, but in fact she is on a wrong path.

In Nigra, she learned unparalleled magic knowledge and gained great magic power. She also has great achievements in the realm. She is already the best among mages at her age, even in Nigra.

However, Shesna herself did not realize at all that having strength does not mean having combat effectiveness. If she is a warrior, she can still try the so-called ten times, but as a mage, she must know what it is and why. Only by thoroughly mastering the power can she be called a strong man.

But Nigra's mages are basically academic, and the process of familiarizing themselves with power is often not battle, but research. This way cannot be said to be bad, because research is a relatively systematic process that can more perfectly develop forces that are not familiar with.

However, compared with those wild road mages, the power obtained in this way lacks a kind of spirituality, the spirituality developed by inspiration and intuition.

Moreover, once they adapt to this mage Tari's way of studying spells and approach the wilderness, even if the power progresses, it is difficult for these academic mages to convert them into offensive combat forces.

⊙_⊙b sweat............... I stayed up all night and read an apocalyptic novel until four or five o'clock, so today's state is very bad. Although something has been pulled out, even the file can't stand it. Hit me to death with a ticket...............⊙_⊙b sweat