
Chapter 213 Eating is also a kind of practice

The white tiger's head did not expect this situation at all. He shouted and wanted to do it again. Oh no, it was too late.

The beautiful white hair suddenly turned into a gray muddy sauce. With a sad voice, the white tiger rushed out of the mud under the pond and looked at the wet look of the white tiger who cherished his image and looked up to the sky with grief.

Looking at the funny white tiger, Susina and Mora were attracted some attention by her. Looking at Susina's frown, Mora smiled and said, "I just want to tell you that there is no need to rush, but that person's power will not bother me."


Sena looked at Mora puzzledly. After a long time, she understood the meaning of Mora's words, and then looked at Mora in shock:

"Isn't it! You have..."

Mora shook her head, and Susina was immediately puzzled, panicked and worried, staring at Mora nervously. If she hadn't been a little worried about the reputation between the master and servant, she was afraid that she had already come forward and grabbed Mora's hand and forced him to ask him to speak quickly.

Mora gave Shesna a comforting look and then explained:

"My power is different from ordinary energy people, even the gods you know. So you don't have to use everything outside to speculate about my strength. You just need to know that I won't let you down.

"The reason why I want to stay is that I want to study this fragrance. It can cause harm to the gods in the middle position, which is a very useful thing for me. As for your enemy, just let him live for a while.

Shesina looked at Mora in shock. From Mora's words, she still couldn't judge Mora's strength, but she could know the gap between her and Mora from Mora's enemy position.

One is the lowest god who has not yet obtained the status (under the lower god, it belongs to the spirit. It is only a matter of time to become a god, but it is still different from the real god),

One is at least a median god. Although Mora did not explain more, Shesna can still judge that it is at least a median god, or even higher.

Because in that place, Xuesina once felt that horrible celestial atmosphere. Compared with that power, the mage's celestial spell is like a child pouring a glass of water and a rainstorm in the sky, which is really unreasonable.

Because she has never really faced the terrible power of the middle god, Shesna has no way of knowing what kind of enemy it is. However, the wisdom belonging to the mage made her believe that it must be the power beyond the middle god.

Maybe, your troubles are not worth hanging on all day long. Since you have given everything to him, maybe you should think about how to improve your strength so that you can barely be left behind by him. As for fighting side by side with him, you'd better think about it in your dream. Shesina smiled speechlessly. Find a large piece of ice, which is hollow in the center and full of water.

The white tiger looked at Susina with his eyes. Xuesina smiled and put the ice water in front of the white tiger. The white tiger got in excitedly, and then rushed out with an "woo" sound.

If the temperature of this water is natural, then there will be nothing, but this is the magic work of Shesina, an ice and snow power mage, in which many things are a small range of violations of the physical laws of the main world.

For example, in the main world, the temperature of the ice-water mixture is zero, but under the deliberate control of the mage, it may reach dozens of degrees below zero. The white tiger jumped directly. If she hadn't become the beast king of the powerful king, she would not have to go in and come out.

The white tiger paced and pitifully rubbed Mora, who was standing on the hillside thinking. Mora glanced at her with the corners of his eyes, and then picked up the necks of almost three big white tigers and threw them back.


The white tiger shouted, but suddenly found that the location was the cold ice pool that almost froze his little fart. As soon as he fell into the water, he fled out in a hurry. Then he looked at Mora angrily with water stains and roared in a low voice




This white tiger is like a little white cat bullied by its owner. At the energy level, such a tiger is just a big cat for Mora.

As soon as the wind blew, the hair on his body became colder and colder, and then the inflexible white tiger beast king found that he didn't know when the water in the pool was already tempting hot. When he fell in just now, the water was already hot.

The IQ is not high, but the EQ is not low. The white tiger rushed in shyly, twisted his head and did not look in the direction of Mora. Xuesina looked at this scene, and her worries were suddenly replaced by the harmony of this moment.

When the white tiger saw more than a dozen delicious fish on the ground, his eyes suddenly lit up.

That's the fish in the pond. Just now, it was tossed by the white tiger, and the pond was gone. These fish were all shocked to death, but they were still very delicious.

Shesina first released her carriage from the hairpin, then took out the cooking tools from the carriage and decided to make a fish soup. The time was already at noon. Although it was past the meal, they had already reached the point where there was no effect of not eating for a few days.

However, when food enters from the mouth, chews in the teeth, passes through the throat, slides down the esophagus, and digests in the stomach..., it is a very inspirational feeling.

Eating and drinking, digesting, materializing into another energy-natured substance, and finally transforming it into energy and becoming the driving force of all changes and evolution such as human action thinking, which is a very wonderful feeling.

Moreover, this function of the human body is also one of the most wonderful creation systems.

A deep understanding of him can promote people to have a deeper understanding of creation and discovery, so as to improve their understanding of the world. Do you think eating is a simple job? No! It contains the principles of heaven and earth, and only the wisest people will understand the mystery of it.

Sena once discussed this issue with Mora during the previous carriage time and learned such a statement from Mora.

Since then, Susina has also insisted on eating every day, and then observing and feeling the changes of food in the body, unlike some other power mages, who can't wait to spend all the events on research work.

Many great mages often replenish their body energy only once in a few months, often describing their withered and ragged clothes. Many negative factors about the mage's image are because of this.

But Shesna found that she was so quiet and discovered those natural truths from her body, and the improvement of mood, knowledge and realm gained from it was no worse than those who were buried in the laboratory all day long.

This surprised her, but since then, she has never despised her diet.

What God has given, its existence must be reasonable. That is the way of life given by the original creator. With the wisdom of the creator, it is impossible not to know the extent that human evolution can achieve.

If eating is a very ineffective and meaningless thing, then he can simplify the way of eating in the human body at the beginning.

After all, from eating, to absorption to excretion, it is a big project. The time and energy required during this period, especially the struggle to find food to make food for food, is almost unchanged from the era when ancient gods lived with people.

If at the beginning, the creator gave mankind a body that could use sunlight to survive, then human beings would inevitably be another future. However, if human beings have no desire to live for food or do not need to run around to eat, will the future be better or worse than the present?

While making fish soup, Shesina thought about these things in her heart. Gradually, her thoughts evolved infinitely, and countless deductions unconsciously formed in her mind and then diverged.

Every thinking means a deep exercise of the brain, and thinking about that kind of thing itself is part of the origin of the world. Thinking about him and studying him has the same effect as studying the origin of the world.

can not only improve people's wisdom, but also increase people's affinity with the world, so that people can play a better home advantage in the world.

As the philosopher said: we can go as far as we think.

Compared with ordinary warriors, the main strength of mages is not strength, but their wisdom, because mages without brains can become warlocks at most. If you want to become a capable or even higher mage, you must have a very thoughtful and thoughtful mind.

(A warrior is not as good as a mage. If there is a warrior who is particularly good at using his brain, then his power will never be under the same mental power. To put it bluntly, the core force of the world is actually wisdom. Whoever has high wisdom, the more his power can exert incredible power.)

The fish gives off a particularly strong aroma in the pot,


The white tiger rolled lazily in the constantly steaming water, and then opened his mouth slightly to flatter the direction of Shesna, where there was a not-sized pot.

The huge tiger has a pleasant expression. Although it is not as cute as the tiger, it is also funny and happy.

It's just a pity that Susina, who was immersed in cooking and thinking, did not notice the tiger's mind. That tiger love is shown to the air.

White Tiger's IQ is not high, but it is not too low. With such a small pot, I'm afraid that Shesina and Mora let go to eat, and even they themselves are not enough.

.............................It's really annoying. There are only two days to save the manuscript, but how much did you write today? Did you force me to run naked twice to find inspiration? ..............................