
Chapter 215 God and Man, Man and Beast

More than a dozen beasts looked strange and ugly on the ground. The hair of the beast was pierced by the blood ice edges under the body, but no blood flowed out, and they were frozen.

At the moment when the beast was hit by the weed, the cold power filled the whole body like hot oil that suddenly ignited. Then he fell to the ground and continued to be penetrated by the raised weeds.

There were also some beasts who were about to get a piece of the pie from the hillside and immediately fled as quickly as they could. From beginning to end, Shesina surrounded the pot table and didn't pay attention to these guys.

Mora suddenly raised a finger, and a little ordinary energy was emitted from his finger and landed on the side of the top of the hillside. A loud noise from the land,


Then countless mud and rocks were about to roll down the hillside over there and chased straight after the beasts, hurting many animals that were a little slower.

Sena looked up at Mora and didn't know why he took action for these trivial things. Mora also looked over and looked at her,

"Sometimes, it is extremely difficult for us to understand those existences higher than us from the bottom up. It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand the world of those energetic people, and powerful beings like us, although they are all people who have the hope to come into contact with the world of gods, most of them are just an empty dreams. The existence of gods is always difficult for us to understand. The gap between this far exceeds the gap that we could not understand in today's adult world when we were young.

"However, I found a fact that many gods exist and do not understand the human world. High-end people understand the hardship of the low-end, which is not much easier than the low-end to understand the high-end. Therefore, there are many so-called sons of gods in this world. They are all used by gods to lower part of their personality and become personalities to understand human beings.

"We can also learn such means. However, it is not to understand the gods in turn, but to understand the beasts that are lower than us in this way. The wisdom of beasts is far lower than that of human beings, and their existence is not like that of human beings to gods.

"But many important things are still similar. If we can learn to understand low-end methods from the high end by mastering this similarity, it will be much easier for us to understand the high end of God from the low end of people.

"I remember a joke: 'Never argue with a fool, because he will bring your IQ to the same level as him, and then use his rich experience to defeat you.'"

"Isn't it funny?" Mora looked at the joke and smiled and said gently, "But in fact, this joke contains very profound wisdom, which is even related to the means of human beings to achieve gods."

When Shesina heard Mora's words, she suddenly restrained her smile and even reduced the flame of the fish still stewed in the pot. She listened carefully to Mora's words.

"If a person really wants to clean up a fool, then he must reduce his wisdom to the level of that fool, but instead of competing with that fool, he uses his former high-end wisdom to guide the stupid brain to break through the fool's defense and get the fool. Submit.

"Sounds silly, doesn't it? For a fool, many people like to make them obedient directly with fear and shock, just like some gods use fear and plague to scare human beings. Such a method is often more useful than other soft gods.

But there are still some gods who do not hesitate to lower part of their personality, become personality, and then be with people, understand everything about people, and then patiently solve people's problems, give people help, and then gain human faith and support.

"Such behavior is very cumbersome and extremely troublesome. Even gods with infinite life will feel big, and many times the loopholes of desire that human beings cannot fill will make this work of gods a tragic ending.

"However, one thing that cannot be ignored is that once the followers of the gods who have formed a good relationship with human beings become his most devout believers, the purity of the power of faith he has gained is almost hundreds of times that of the gods who use fear to govern their human beings!

"And those most pious souls will become the best candidates for the god to shape angels after death, while those gods who only confuse people with fear and ** can only separate their own divine power to shape angels.

"Everything shows that the existence of high-end understanding low-end is definitely not a boring thing. Since even gods do this, shouldn't we learn more as human beings who are lower than gods?

"Especially you and I, Shesna, if you really want to follow me, then your lowest achievement must be a middle god. Otherwise, even if I am willing to take you away, you will have to leave one day, because my enemies are beyond my imagination.

"As for why I just killed those animals that have been scared away, hehe, Shesna, you should try to understand their heads from the perspective of the thinking of those animals. Don't understand them completely from their perspective with your personal feelings, so that you can really know them. What kind of existence is, and you will know why I shocked these beasts.

"And when you master this means of lowering your position to think, one day you will learn to improve your ability to think about gods. After learning this method, you can follow my footsteps in the footsteps of becoming a god."

Sina didn't expect that she was a puzzled expression and would get so many words from Mora. It seems that since she followed Mora, this is the longest paragraph he said. Moreover, the information revealed in this passage clearly shows that the owner she follows is a person with a goal of the throne. !

Xessina was speechless for a long time, and even the fish soup in the pot was a little careless.

Moura came over and looked at Susina's careless movements. Suddenly said something that shocked Shesna:

"To this day, the biggest reason for your status in my heart is still your body and your service. As for feelings, I don't know if it's because of the fate that I was born doomed. I don't seem to have many normal feelings that belong to human beings. You have to make sure that you have a role in following me, otherwise, maybe when you wake up one morning, there will be only a cold pillow to accompany you.

The soup in Shesna's hand suddenly fell to the ground and looked at Mora in a daze. Her beautiful face was incredible. Tears flowed down like rain. What achievement gods, what power mages, and high-end and low-end interchange understanding turned into a string of tears. Pearl.

Her mind was full of confusion. Shesina didn't know what was wrong with her ears. She was stupid there, looking at Mora with tears in her eyes, but Mora was looking at her with a smile, like a bad little boy looking at the pride when her favorite girl was made to cry by herself. .

...................................... Did you also like to make your favorite girls cry when you were young? It seems that I often make the boy who plays with the girl I like cry.............................