
Chapter 221 The Meaning of the Soul 2

However, this is a ecstasy thing for gods. For our declining mage warrior era, it is equivalent to facing the torture tools of gods. What gods will be afraid of will act on us who are relatively weak ant-like human beings, which is basically directly The soul has been decomposed.

Sesna is shocked,

"If that day..."

"If we are a little later that day, I will be seriously injured and unconscious, and you will die directly, because our level is still far from the lowest gods of this era."

"Maybe there is one thing you don't know that human beings in ancient times have fallen to the point where they are almost inferior to beasts, but the gods are actually far less powerful than in the early era. Time has not brought supreme wisdom and power to those gods, and many times they lack the stimulation of strong enough opponents for a long time. Power is unconsciously regressing, so this ancient and early fragrance is very harmful to today's so-called middle-level gods. As for those low-level gods, they are even in danger of falling.

Thinking that she was so close to this fragrance that day, Shesna seemed to jump out in fear. However, she suddenly thought of a question: "But how can such a powerful force be controlled by that human?"

Mora explained: "Maybe it's because the world has changed. I found that this fragrance no longer has the spirituality of ancient times, so as long as you master some of its mysteries, you can control it."

"The nobleman used the means of decomposing this aroma to control the aroma."

Speaking of this, Mora suddenly smiled coldly: "He must have tried it before, otherwise he will know that this fragrance is extremely unstable, and a little mistake will break out uncontrollably. At that time, even he himself will not be lost!"

Xesina breathed a sigh of relief again. Although the matter had already passed, it was not clear what kind of danger there was at that time. Now she knows what she has experienced.

It's like smearing the person who walked through the cliff and didn't know how thrilling and lucky he was to survive until the next morning.

"However, I was lucky to see the mystery of this fragrance from that little split," Mora suddenly said. He raised two fingers, and two strange energies lingered at his fingertips.

"The aroma itself is actually not a great thing. What is really valuable is the combination and decomposition of the power sequence and the mastery of that power. Even the middle gods in today's world, we have the certainty to return to the shen."

Xina looked at Mora in a daze. In fact, she is not very clear what kind of existence the middle god is, but many mages have had in-depth exchanges and transactions with gods. The middle god, in the kingdom, is the god king, mastering countless angels and thousands of ordinary gods and gods equivalent to the cutting-edge power of human beings. In the evil country of the abyss, that is, the demon king. A moving idea can destroy a small world, and a full blow can penetrate the existence of the main world.

However, Mora said that if he mastered that kind of power, he could die with that kind of existence?!

"A little doubtful, isn't it?" Mora looked at Shesina's dementia and asked with a smile.

Sena shook her head quickly, but soon thought that her mind was not hidden in front of him at all, so she didn't have to deny it, so she stared at Mora's explanation with wide eyes.

"I know that in the past, just moving some ideas would alarm those high-end beings, just like that time we were there, right?"

Sena nodded, which was also something she had always been puzzled about. In this world, it is said that as long as you meditate on the name of a powerful god in your heart for more than a certain number of times in a certain period of time, you will be noticed by the gods.

However, from yesterday to now, Mora has talked about many taboos, but nothing has changed, as if there are no gods in their place.

Mora smiled and said, "Because yesterday I learned some new laws from the combination of fragrance, which can change my soul state. You should know that a person will be perceived if he recites the name of a god a certain number of times at the same time, but if it is a god or other existence, even if The name of a god similar to himself countless times in a second will not be known by any existence.

"And I happen to know that the soul of some existence will never be detected by God. That is the existence of another system. I changed part of my soul structure, which means that from now on, I am no longer under the control of those gods.

Looking at Shesna's confused appearance, Mora finally gave the biggest shocking news:

"Actually, after I fully master the fragrance, I am likely to have the ability to completely transform the soul. At that time, as long as you directly transform your soul, you can directly cross all the stages of cultivation and change the soul. As long as I am strong enough, I can even make you directly become a god!"


Sena recovered from the shock: "You are not a human from the beginning."


Sena looked at this seemingly lazy-looking master: "I dare to say that you must not be those gods or things, because although they are the split bodies of gods, they are essentially just a strange human being. That's still human, and you have never been."

Moura suddenly shot a terrible light from her eyes, and Shesna was shocked by this power:

"Although it is the soul that determines the essence, that essence is the material nature. It is his mind that determines the meaning of an object. Matter carries the soul, and the soul carries thoughts. Shesna, you should know that the existence of all matter or soul ultimately belongs to the existence of thought. Without thoughts, there is no meaning of existence.

"In fact, whether it is power or other things, including the glory of those so-called gods, are ultimately just some simple existences. Only thinking and thought are the most real existence. Without thought, even if the power is strong, it has no meaning.

"Gods have never been the object of our fear. Only the wise man who can think is the existence we really need to face with our hearts. God is just a kind of power to the extreme and master a certain law. How many times have I stimulated you, I just hope you Don't simply become a follower of power, and don't become a maid who serves me without a sense of existence. I hope you are a person with self-existent thinking. You have to have your own things.

"Maybe one day I can directly give you strength and laws to make you a real god, but I can't give you thoughts, because it is a sign and meaning of existence. What must you have to finally stand on my right? That day, I will give you to become God."


When Mora and Shesna came out of the carriage, it was almost noon, which showed that the dialogue had a great impact on both of them.

However, as soon as they came out, Shesna and Mora were shocked.

The animal carcasses and a large fish history on the ground made Mora and Shesna mistakenly think that they had come to the slaughterhouse. However, unlike the general scene, these dead animals carry an extremely oppressive momentum and evil spirit, which makes anything that is a little intelligent dare not approach too close.

Well, that is to say, no fly bugs or anything like flying around these dead bodies, otherwise Mora will definitely take care of a culprit.

The culprit is jumping down the hillside, the huge tiger's head is rising, and another sad body falls in front of the carriage. Then Bai Hu saw two people with bad faces standing next to the carriage.


The big white cat rushed over happily and came to the front of him from the hillside. Then just as Mora was about to ask the reason, the big white cat picked up the iron pot that Shesina left outside to cook fish soup for the big white cat yesterday.

Mora saw that the cat was not going to eat raw food in the future.

"Take her?" Shesina wondered.

The white tiger suddenly pricked up his ears and stared at Xuesina angrily. This woman actually wanted to keep her. If it hadn't been for the noodles of yesterday's pot of fish soup, you would have known the power of Sister Baihu!

Mora looked at all kinds of strange beast corpses on the ground and newly calculated how much effort it would take to cook for the big white cat if she had to eat every day. He immediately hesitated, or leave her here?

White Tiger's IQ is not high, but its emotional intelligence is not low. The former depends on time and the latter depends on talent. Mora's face clearly showed that he was about to give up, and the white tiger was suddenly anxious.

The white cat rushed to Mora's side and kept rubbing it with its soft hair, with its head on top of Mora's chest. About three adult-sized white tigers are coquettish and flattered by a human who is not burly. If it weren't for Mora itself, it would be beyond human physique and ability, at least like a panda running around by this white tiger.

In terms of physical strength, Mora and Shesna are not as good as a white tiger. It is the same power. If you don't use your power, your own power will eventually look at everything in heaven.

The number of beasts has decreased sharply from the Middle Ages to the ancient times, because the number of humans erupted like a flood on the ground at that time.

However, unfortunately, although many species of beasts have become extinct due to the sharp decline in number, their own power has been greatly developed. Compared with the continuous regression and degradation of human beings, many beasts are born with the power of human warriors.

The greater the number of human beings, the population constitutes cities and countries, when life becomes the main theme of human beings. Power is still an important part, but it is no longer the main body. Human beings spend more time on enjoyment and possession.

For example, in ancient times, the era when every human being could be called a hero is gone forever. Human beings living on the earth oppressed each other. During that time, the gods no longer appeared on the ground, and human beings exerted their ability to play and humiliate themselves to the extreme.

Some wise people once said that human beings may be intermediate between gods and demons, because gods and demons represent the two extremes of human beings. This view would have almost become a fact if it hadn't been for the exchange of demons and gods for a period of time.

There are also some wise people who believe that the degradation and weakness of human power are caused by a certain law between the main worlds caused by a large population. Because it is obvious that too many people are as powerful as Taikoo, the world will soon collapse.

In order to ensure the balance and stability of the world, the main world affects the fertility of human beings and the conception of offspring, so that more talent abilities of human descendants become hidden, so that they cannot affect the main body of the world.

The reason why the gods are far away from this world is also believed to be caused by the exclusion of the main world.

This view seems to be accurate, but because people really can't find which law will have such a function, and eventually it will lead to an unsolved result.

Only beasts, because of the sharp decline in number, are the beginning of the disaster of extinction. Naturally, they have not reduced their strength. Even in order to ensure the integrity and sequence of the biological chain, they have given these beasts a stronger body and strength.

However, in order to prevent these beasts from fighting back against human beings due to excessive power growth, which will lead to the exacerbation of extinction, the main world has weakened the IQ of these beasts to a certain extent.

Mora was thinking about whether to take this big white cat with him, and the white tiger kept rubbing around him. There will be an answer soon.


A arrow shot on Susina and Mora's carriage. When the arrow landed on the carriage, there was a sound and a loud noise.


Bai Yu of the arrow tail did not tremble at all and went straight into the solid carriage, even a moment faster than the spell defense, because it was not until the arrow completely stopped there that the spell defense array began to launch, and all the power was concentrated on the arrow to wear it out.

However, it is surprising that the arrow was not destroyed immediately, and a mysterious force lingered around it, making the power used to destroy it constantly offset with the repaired power.

If such a force is injected into the human body, it is obvious that it is a tragic consequence. Without deliberate precautions, this arrow definitely has the power of a powerful person who seriously injures in an instant.

The person who launched this arrow is at least a senior power, and may even be the person who has seen the "light".

There are many differences in the latter part of the power, which is generally called high-end, but there are also many kinds of high-end. Some can defeat and kill an ordinary power, which is also the first sign of getting rid of ordinary power, because ordinary power can be called immortal. They may be defeated, but they can't kill them, even if they die together.

The second level of high-end is that it can kill many ordinary and capable people, and the number is set at more than three. Because no one has made a detailed division of this, generally speaking, there are three.

Up is a person who has a deep understanding of the law and insight into the essence of the world. Such people no longer have the meaning of fighting in the meaning of their lives (compared with ordinary power, these guys are not ambiguous at all when it is really necessary). The center of their lives revolves around the essence of the world and the origin of the main world, hoping to see more things, thus Find your place inside and climb further up.

Next is the person who has seen the "dlight". The so-called dawn refers to the hope of becoming a god.

The power of human beings reaches the limit within a certain limit, and the powerful understands the law to an unincreasing extent, and then suddenly one day they see the possibility of advancement because of some inspiration.

is just "possible".

However, this "possible" refers to the possibility of becoming a god.

It is the highest evolution that completely gets rid of the original body and meaning of existence. Entering that realm means that from then on, all the meaning of life will undergo great changes that can't be predicted by itself.

Of course, that's a good change.

Seeing the dawn is those who have hope to go further. Because there is hope to go further, these people may still be no different from those who have reached the peak in power, but the will in the nature of power brought by that mentality is enough to make people of the same power miserable.

It is a kind of will close to the demigod.

When the dawn is completely grasped and enters that realm, this person can become a "demigod".

That is a kind of existence between power and gods. The essence of his life has changed, but he has not raised his throne.

Leave your original "position" - the position of people, which is a huge change; but this change does not necessarily mean that you can find a better position - "God's Seat".

It's like a person getting up from a seat in a room, leaving the room and entering a more luxurious room.

But that room is too luxurious and vast. It's not easy to find a seat in that room.

Because many positions have been occupied. Although the vast house guarantees that there must be a seat for people to sit down, no one can find their own place in a short time after entering through that door.

The person who finds the position and continues to do it is the real rise of the "god throne". At that time, it was the most complete existence that was completely different from human beings.

As for the position and strength after the gods, that is the matter between the gods. Human beings generally do not study that.

Looking at the arrogant arrow shot between herself and Shesna, Mora's face gradually darkened. He is never willing to show his pride and dignity, but he will never let anyone trample on his dignity.

So for Schumacher, he didn't give him any chance to defend himself or let him know who killed him. He slapped him directly. But later, because it was Xuesina's hand, he didn't have a chance to show his dignity.

However, now someone has sent it to the door again.

Who is such an archery skill?