
Chapter 250 Resurrection Altar

..................What a miserable chapter title, 250! If only it were 520............

Many of the elves leaning at the front of the altar, those who recently tried their best to stop the awakening ceremony of the white tiger on the altar, in addition to the dozens of elves judged by Teda Hill, the tree of the world, who must die, there are also many ignorant and fearless elite elf guards without family attributes. All of them were pierced through the body by this light, but no elf dared to make a sound.

This is the punishment of guilt and the price of impulse.

However, the anger of the white tiger and the elf altar is not restrained by the pain of these elves.

Betrayers, even ignorant followers, cannot be easily forgiven. Otherwise, if people think that the dignity of the king is so worthless, all elves will learn to be rude, arrogant and disrespectful in the future.

Soon, a large number of elves twitched and fell to the ground. The white eyes and twisted and twitching faces made the beauty of the elves more miserable.

But the awakening consciousness of the altar and the white tiger obviously does not care about the pain of these elves.

It's like that although the king valued the lives of his people, he would never have any psychological pressure because of the pain of the punishment suffered by those small people who offended his majesty.

Several elves who were not so powerful moaned because of the unbearable pain, and then a special beam of light shot out of the altar in an instant, and the most direct effect was on these guys who made a sound.

The pain increased dozens of times in an instant, making the bodies of these elves fly like electric shock, and then fell straight to the ground.

If it hadn't been for the slight movement in their chests, other elves would have almost thought that these elves had returned to the arms of the ancient Elune.

The light of the altar is getting more and more prosperous.

However, at the last moment, the white tiger's consciousness finally extinguished its fire, and the light was no longer dazzling, completely evolving all kinds of past forces, memories, experiences and instincts.

The power inherited gradually finds its place in the body of the white tiger, and the light becomes brighter and brighter. It can even be seen in the whole elf world.

In some distant place, the resurrection altar in the Dark Legion.

A mysterious and powerful consciousness saw the bright light in the direction of the elf from his "eyes" outside, and a trace of doubt appeared in his consciousness, and then the huge divine consciousness and will began to quietly condense.

He does not belong to the world of elves. For all non-world existences, the greatest allowable force is the power. If it is a hostile force, then this restriction will be more obvious.

However, the resurrection altar of this dark troupe is a treasure brought by this dark god from an extremely mysterious and horrible place in the universe. His actual mystery and function have not even been found more than 100,000 years of researched by this dark god.

However, thinking that this thing was only an ordinary altar artifact found on the periphery of the horrible land, the dark god's desire for power became more and more intense.

As a god, if there is no goal to move forward, it is easy to become a death at this time. Even if they have exceeded the constraints of the law, they are still in this world. No one knows when the universe began, except the Supreme, and no one knows what the universe looked like before the beginning, but one thing is certain that countless deductions and evidence even include tens of thousands of changes

(quantity change can cause qualitative change, so it is impossible to fully follow normal logical thinking during deduction. Sometimes it is even necessary to add some illogical factors that you think are impossible to the deduction, and then speculate the results based on such results.

Of course, this deduction may have nothing to do with facts, so the rationality and accuracy of what is added to the deduction can only rely solely on fate and personal character. Some people are high, and some people are low. This is an uncertain theorem in the legend.

Countless deductions have proved one thing, and the universe also has the limit of life.

Although this limit may exceed the so-called eternal life of the gods, the gods who can still roll in their hearts are unwilling to place the so-called eternal life in the void. They are willing to study and discover the facts of the universe by themselves.

That, the fact that time is difficult to reach.

And almost no gods can touch the category of time.

Such thinking is carried out simultaneously with the idea of preparing to attack in the consciousness of the dark resurrection altar, which is the power of the gods. They will never be distracted by anything, because if necessary, they will think about thousands of things at the same time without being affected.

Otherwise, what way can they accept the faith of countless believers and respond to their prayers and miracles?

Although this altar from a horrible place still has a great mystery that cannot be mastered by this dark god, his only power is enough to stir up the storm in this hidden elf world he accidentally discovered.

It is very important that when his consciousness is hidden in this altar, the will of the main world of the elf world cannot find him.

However, if he wants to appear outside this altar, he will be rejected and attacked by the forces of the world, and even cause the joint attack of the three world trees.

Although he could not detect the breath of the ancient Elune, the divine power equivalent to the body of the supreme man was enough to make his soul die. This demise will be fatal and irrecoverable, and even the altar will take tens of millions of years.

However, that time was too dangerous, because he became the owner of this altar by killing a serious injury waiting for recovery.

However, from the direction of the elf, she has felt the existence of something enough to threaten and even destroy herself. This feeling comes from the foreboding of the altar. The will of the Dark Legion is very clear. In the more than 100,000 years of having this resurrection altar, this altar has never disappointed itself or given itself wrong information.

Since such power really exists and is still growing, then you must act.

But unfortunately, in order to prevent the return of the white tiger, it consumed a lot of the dark army from its nest, and it will take a long time for the next batch of forces to come.

So, before this period comes, you must take a risk.