
Chapter 254 Divinity and Humanity

In order to survive, as long as there are thoughts and will, they can make many miracles or feats. Therefore, what the gods will do is even more horrible.

In the universe, countless planes are slowly or rapidly moving in the void according to their laws and positions in the void universe. Calm and beautiful, bright stars shine with real or false glory in the void.

The creatures in the plane work like the sunrise and sunset at the beginning of the world.

Or there are people who have desires and ideas in their hearts who are desperate for what they pursue, and some planes are experiencing terrible wars, and the distance between life and death is so close.

There are also those humble creatures, but they have ambitions that cannot be understood by creatures, hoping that one day they can become unique gods on this plane.

Each plane is still running quietly and normally, but those gods who have achieved their gods and can walk in the void universe feel an extremely horrible depression.

This kind of depression directly affects the souls, foreheads, or bodies of the gods. The gods are the unity of soul and body, and they are not separated from each other, so it is difficult to say. But in a word, it's very stressful.

This pressure is more painful for these gods than the progress of their own enemies, because if the opponent is a god, no matter how difficult it is, it is just the same existence.

But if it is time, it comes from the extinction of the universe with its own destruction. Between this invisible horror of life and death, even gods are unbearable.

It's like a man can tolerate his human opponent becoming strong, even if he is powerful and can kill himself in a battle, but if he finds out that his enemy is a god. Then even if that god wants to die in ten years, it will be enough to make this person collapse in a year.

Because it is not a magnitude comparison, it will make people unbearable.

Hope is the greatest support for the existence of a life. If a existence has no hope, then he will either really die or become a fallen demonic creature.

Because the devil does not need hope, the devil needs despair. The more desperate he is, the stronger his strength and will will will be. Whether it is the despair of the enemy or your own despair. The power of demons also comes from this.

This is also an important reason why the void universe may perish, but the demons of the abyss are indifferent.

In fact, there is a situation that has been discovered by some gods but has not been taken seriously. Because of the news that the empty universe will collapse at some point in the future, the strength of the whole kingdom has greatly weakened the power of the bright attributes of the gods because of this news.

Courage, wisdom, fearlessness, progress, conscience, tolerance and other good virtues advocated by these gods will never produce a chaotic atmosphere in the order of today's divine kingdom.

But for their own survival, many gods have begun to plan for themselves. The selfish idea arises in the mind of the god. The more powerful the existence, the more horrible the power generated by degeneration.

is like a human being, a commoner goes crazy and destroys the lives of a piece of land or several people at most; but if the king goes crazy and becomes bad, it will cost tens of thousands of lives and even the happy lives of their descendants.

Although demons can't get this powerful power of will and thinking directly from the gods' bodies from the abyss, the still intact void universe has begun to think that the gods have begun to demonize, and the power belonging to the gods has begun to decrease, but the power that belongs to the demons has begun to decline. It is constantly getting stronger.

Moreover, this darkness of thinking has also left a great hidden danger for the degradation of the gods.

However, the gods themselves have another idea.

The fallen gods have never regretted, because although the rational thinking of the gods is beyond human imagination, it is still similar to human beings in some aspects.

In the face of two choices, one is good and the other is bad. Then of course, choose the good one and give up the bad one. Of course, this is just the simplest way, but in fact, there are always many uncomfortable things in the world.

For example, if you choose the good one, you have to give up something you originally thought was precious, but if you choose the bad one, you don't have these troubles.

However, the final result of choosing a good choice is that it benefits itself as a whole, but it is not perfect in terms of temporary emotional or personal tendencies; if you choose that bad choice, the final result is that you are damaged as a whole, but the relationship can be better for a while.

For example, two young people fight there, first quarreling for some reason, and then pushing up. Of course, according to the choice of ordinary hot-blooded young people, this time will inevitably escalate the conflict, and then fight, and there will even be bloodshed in serious cases.

There are more things behind. The party who suffered losses was upset and felt that it was a big loss, so he was looking for someone to find the scene. Another bloodshed happened, and what was more serious was the event of life and death, and then one family found someone to bring it to the judge.

It is completely possible to eventually develop into the blood feud of two families or the generational hatred of two big families in one country or even the subjugated *.

However, if one of the young people can make concessions in a certain choice at the first moment, although this concession will make you look weak at that time, it is likely to avoid the death of his life and the destruction of a country.

This is the choice.

Either you hurt your feelings or you hurt your life.

Obviously, if the life is gone, what feelings are there?

Living is the first-class victory!

Of course, for human beings, it is emotional participation that makes the choices that outsiders seem to be so simple to become complicated. This is also an important factor in the complexity and change of human society. Those things that are taken for granted often become extremely complicated by the complexity of the human brain.

If it is a god, what does it look like?

All gods are extremely rational beings.

Their reason even makes people collapse, which is a completely emotionless choice. If someone can clearly know the inner thoughts of the gods, he will even be scared by that pure reason.