
Chapter 257 Slippery hands are very harmful

..................2 57, love weapons, love no wife, love my wife, love five wives, which one do you like? If you like the last one, just collect it............

Of course, it was also because he was overwhelmed by this huge surprise that was accidentally discovered that he fainted the god level. Besides, this dark lone walker did not take the "formal" channel to become a god, but took away the existence in the dark altar to achieve the god. Although he experienced countless time precipitation, but Compared with the official divine car, there is still a big gap.

First of all, in terms of thorough reason, he still has the original soul mage (I said the undead lich or the soul lich?) Human-like emotions, so as soon as he found this elf world, he was immediately excited and shocked by the reason belonging to the gods.

At that moment, he thought of the decisiveness or arbitraryness when he got the altar of Dark Resurrection. He took the fastest and most extreme means to immediately kill the existence of the god in the altar. If it was one o'clock in the evening, he would be immediately erased by the revived god to launch the power of the altar.

This matter has had a great impact on him, making him wait for a while even if he rationally knows that he should not start so quickly in the face of many things. At least you need to think about what impact this will have on yourself and whether you will have any fatal impact on yourself.

But because the process of becoming a god is because of impulse and arbitrariness, it is always difficult for this dark soloist to control his behavior in an emergency, including this discovery of the elf world.

The ancients of the elf world divided their bodies into many trees in each elf world. It is not a mystery among the gods. However, in the early years, no one knew what the situation was and thought it was just a means taken by the supreme. If someone was against her, she could also recover from other elf planes to kill the person who put herself to sleep.

However, after the gods learned the mystery of the sleeping of the supremes, they began to be dishonest. However, at this time, they found that in addition to the main world, the other 49 worlds of the supremes had been completely hidden!

A few worlds that are not hidden are also worlds without the body of the supreme, and those worlds also have their own high-level gods. Other gods are not easy to tear down to attack them. Unless they are demons, they can attack themselves for unnecessary excuses for non-existence. People to be bullied.

Now this dark lone traveler has found such a spirit*, and is extremely surprised to find that there is no divine breath in it (not every world can become a god. The creatures of this elf world is a godless world. Of course, other elf worlds may have, but, The original action of the ancients was to prevent the connection between the elf planes.), and immediately summoned their own dark army to attack the world. The reason was not too complicated, because the arbitrary old problem of this dark god broke out again.

Since he became his throne, he has not learned to change himself in the realm of his gods at all. Instead, he has made countless excuses for his arbitraryness, such as this time.

Clearly thought in his heart that arbitraryness was wrong, and it was reckless to launch an immediate attack, but when the dark god wanted to give himself more comfort to change this reckless action, the divine power in his heart did counterwork:

What if other gods find this place? There is a law in the universe: once a secret is known by a person, even if the person does not say it, other people will discover the secret in a short time. Therefore, since you have discovered the world, if you don't do it yourself, other gods will soon find this. No matter what you do, you can't change it.

Or, his appearance has aroused the reaction of the body of Elune, an ancient man in this elf world. What if she has more time to prepare for a while?

Or, because of his hesitation, he was picked up by a powerful guy when he almost won in the end, which is the biggest tragedy in heaven.

If you can't seize such an opportunity, then die.

The nature of the divine power is different. All thinking is only finished in a blink of an eye, and then a group of dark lone walkers who concentrated the power of darkness immediately decided to launch a lightning attack!

As he expected, the elves who fell into the dark heart first had civil strife, and then began to fight back together, but later the situation improved slightly and they were immediately hooked out of their desires under the divine thinking of the dark lone walker and were expanded.

So these elves began to take advantage of such war opportunities to make profits for themselves, just like human beings they despise.

Later, even the most dangerous white tiger in the world was killed, which was the closest to the god. Without the white tiger, the resistance of the elves suddenly became much more fragile.

However, because he was overexcited by the victory that was about to arrive, this dark god made another human mistake. Intentionally, the soul of the white tiger was unconsciously projected into the main world. Even when he found out, an elf elite guard had set out to greet him. The white tiger's body has revived.

For him, this was simply a naked slap in the face, so the offensive became more and more aggressive, and he was about to win, and a change happened again.

The elf queen can actually fit part of the body left by the ancient Elun in the world. Although the divine power is only a trace of majesty, it also instantly shrouded the world under the afterglow of Elun's divine grace, so that this dark lone walker has no ability to appear directly in the world and can only keep The earth drives the Dark Legion to attack and consumes the power of the tree of the world.

Fortely, after experiencing the initial worry that the queen had mastered the body of the ancient man to kill herself, the dark lone walker used his dark resurrection altar to find that the queen only resonated with the ancient man Elune in the tree of the world to inspire her to shine a divine light of grace at all. The attack ability is even barely defensive.

It's like a child holding a huge torch to expel the wolves. It looks very powerful, but the child's own physical consumption is not small, not to mention that if a hand is accidentally tired, the torch falls down and burns itself. Or suddenly a wolf in the wolf group rushed to attack the child.

Soon, the dark lone walker found a good way.