
Chapter 259 New World Preface

However, he immediately found that although this attack did not receive the results he expected, the white tiger was not welcomed back. Although he wasted a large part of his "saccums", no other gods appeared for a long time, which made him feel relieved. Come on.

Tong Jean is a law in the universe: once the secret is known, although it will not be kept secret for a long time, if the secret after being known is not revealed at the first time, then there will be a long time for the first person to know the secret to take appropriate action in the shortest time. As long as the perfection is made, even if the secret is leaked and known, the benefits are basically completely obtained by the first person. Others just come to eat some dust.

After discovering that no other gods intervened, the dark lone walker was immediately relieved, and his head was not so chaotic and crazy.

For things like the body of the Supreme, whether it is the lowest-level god without a personality or the existence of the main god level, they will not calmly deal with this news. As soon as they know such news, they will rush over crazily.

Since there are still no other gods involved after this cross-level transmission, it shows that these elves have not stayed in the main world for too long, leaving no more clues and traces. Maybe he found the white tiger as soon as he landed and hurried back.

The dark monarch who thought of this fact was immediately relieved. Although the time was not enough, as long as it was not exposed at the first time, he would have a chance.

What's more, from a lich mage who can't find the meaning of life to the god who achieved the dark lower level of the altar of resurrection, and found the remains of the body of this elf world and the supreme ancient man in the world from the journey of this lower god, this dark god is still very self-serving of his protagonist template. Letter.

Since you are the protagonist of a certain region of the universe, your luck and fate must be extremely invincible. He is bound to be like countless invincible protagonists. By the time the gods who finally sensed the secret rushed over like cats that smelled the smell of Tao, they had already achieved the power of the supreme and transcended the universe.

The incomparable comfort in my heart ** my own light, oh no, it's a dark future. Then the dark god decided to speed up the erosion of his dark power on the hearts of the elves and the attack of the material dark power on the elves world, and strived to win the final victory within one blow, and then this time was tragic.

Because he lost too much power when attacking space barriers, the dark monarch's control of the world became very weak. He did not find that the white tiger had returned to the world at the first time, and the strength of the white tiger had reached the point that it could be accepted to be inherited as a god-level mythical beast.

After the dark monarch curled up in the dark altar to summon his dark power in the void, he finally expanded his spiritual consciousness and sensed the breath belonging to the white tiger!

At the beginning, the white tiger led a group of elves who were "ordinary" in his eyes. When his strength was still at his peak, he suppressed himself with the help of the divine glory of the ancient Elune, causing great damage to this dark altar. If the dark altar had not suddenly burst out with the power he had not mastered at that time, I'm afraid he would have slept like the existence in the altar at the beginning.

But it is obvious that even if it is asleep, a dark altar that falls on the elf world will inevitably be thrown into the sleeping place of the ancient Elun at the top of the tree of the three worlds, so that the terrible ancient man's divine power will crush itself and the altar.

That's really the most frustrating ending. It is also because of this that the dark monarch is so ** to the breath of the white tiger, even to the point where he can perceive it by feeling.

This is also the reason why he gave up at the last moment when he attacked the space barrier where Mora and they were located. He was sure that there was no breath of a white tiger in it, so there was no need to waste the last power. It was the best choice to stay and make the last blow.

He believes in himself that he can be sure that the white tiger is not there. Of course, he does not expect that there is still space in this world to store living things. Such treasures belong to the realm of the upper god who can create the world and even the main god. If there is really such existence in these people, he It's lucky to be able to leave some scum.

So he later guessed whether the white tiger had already secretly lurked back, or whether the white tiger's soul had left at the beginning, and she had been staying in this elf world to avoid her own investigation.

When he felt the breath of the white tiger again, he couldn't help but feel a little fear in the heart of the dark monarch. The strength of the white tiger itself is not super, but belongs to the existence that can kill a large area with one finger. However, the white tiger itself is a magical existence directly conceived by the tree of the world, and the fit with the tree of the world can almost reach three or four percent. You know, that is the body of the ancients. It is the first generation of strong people in the era of the birth of the universe. Creators, a single idea can easily give birth to a perfect The unimaginable existence of the illusory world.

Now that the breath of the white tiger is felt again, the dark god can't settle down immediately.

In addition to worrying that the white tiger will have a deeper fit with the tree of the world because of the last experience, this dark god is also worried that in case the white tiger still can't defeat itself, will it burst out more breath belonging to the supreme after meeting the power of the supreme? If that breath attracts those The main gods or upper gods who always release their divine thoughts in the universe to find their prey, even if they are a middle god, this dark monarch wants Orwell.

However, just as the dark god was about to release his thoughts to spy on the news, the breath belonging to the ancient Elune instantly filled the elf world. The essential pressure of life made the dark monarch hiding in the dark altar unable to help howl sadly.

If it weren't for the guard of this dark altar, I'm afraid that he would crush this kind of pressure into nothingness at the first time.

The power that shocked the panicked soul constantly hit the mind of the dark monarch, but with the mysterious power of the dark altar under the pressure of this supreme, he became more and more settled down.