
Chapter 266 Dark Tolerance Space

The feelings in the queen's eyes are extremely complicated. She glanced at Mora, but she didn't say anything or mention it, as if all the secrets in the sea had not been seen through.

But how can it be hidden in front of the supreme divine power?

From a small elf to today's queen's position, although the simplicity and cleanliness of the elves make them have almost nothing shameful to do.

However, any creature has complex thoughts that they don't want to face. At some moments, even elves will feel unable to withstand some complex fiery or dark feelings.

It's not that there is no real simple and clean creature in the world, but the race named after the element has completely disappeared from all planes.

This universe cannot tolerate the purest things, because the universe itself is a chaotic doping.

Although the elves claim to be the purest and cleanest creatures in the universe today, that does not mean that they are really pure.

But, once those dark shadows appear in the lives of elves, they will completely block them down and store them in the depths of their hearts.

In the spiritual world of elves, there is a magical place where there are dark and bad ideas of elves.

However, the storage space has specifications. Generally speaking, it is automatically expanded according to the growth cycle of the elves, but if the dark ideas of the elves exceed the standard for a certain period of time, the dark storage space will overflow. This dark demon invasion is due to too many elves. Dark space is not enough to hold those dark thoughts, which leads to the discovery of the tragedy of the elf world by the dark demon god.

As for the elf queen, as a queen, she will naturally be exposed to more things than ordinary elves. In fact, there is no lack of dark thinking. However, during the training and inheritance of the queen, it especially increased the queen's dark thought tolerance space, so there is no trouble.

This is also an important reason why all generations of elf kings are great.

However, although there is no expression in behavior, it does not mean that others can be psychologically allowed to know the darkness. However, all this can be done in the face of the power of the supreme.

The elf queen's lips trembled a few times, and finally said nothing.

It is unlikely for that human to tell his secret, but he will look down on me in his heart.

It's contempt.

It's so sad!

The extremely irritable queen immediately did not hesitate to send all the dark mood involved in this moment into the dark thought tolerance space, but thinking about the deal with Mora.

The so-called equivalent exchange has experienced the constraints of the contract. The Elf King is sure that this event can inevitably be solved, but since it is an equivalent exchange, she doesn't know what price her elf world will pay in this event.

Without the support of this human from the main world, it is certain that this elf world is really in danger of the whole world falling.

Among other things, if this human does not take action, when the "disk" time at this time passes, we must see that the dark demon king suddenly bursts out hundreds of power to kill all the elves who besieged him, and then sacrifices them. For your own strength.

Relying on that extremely strong power, but her elf queen does not control the body of the ancients at all. At this time, she has been under great pressure to encourage the glory of the supreme, and even her life has been reduced by half!

When she thought of this, the Elf Queen suddenly found something wrong. Since today, in order to protect the awakening of the white tiger, she did not hesitate to consume vitality in exchange for the power of Eluen's brilliance. However, her body has been in a very weak state. However, when she feels it again, she finds this I don't know when the sense of weakness disappeared!

Elune is on top! Is it Elune's divine glory with the will of the supreme ancients?

Or has the sleeping existence come back and has not abandoned the elf world!?

The surprised queen immediately felt her body carefully, and a moment had not yet passed. At this time, she still has a long time left.

The queen felt it carefully, but in the end, her face changed!

It is a very high-end force that has left traces in her body, because she is shrouded in Elun's divine grace at this time, so that power may even be above Elune's divine grace, but as far as she knows, there is only one power.

The complex eyes swept over Mora, who also stayed at this moment. If it hadn't been for the fact that her body had no extra power to do something, she would have asked angrily: Why did Mora come to improve her physical fitness regardless of her will?

Since it is an equivalent exchange, the Elf Queen prefers that she can find less place in Mora. Otherwise, the more she owes, the greater the price she will pay in the future.

This is the reason why the Elf Queen is angry.

Maybe there are other reasons.

You have read my deepest secret and the secret that you don't want to face. Is it like such a physical compensation?

This is a complex resentment, which was locked into a dark and tolerant space by the queen as soon as she appeared.

The dark demon king, who is unrestricted, must have the power to destroy the elf altar and then destroy the white tiger that is not a god, or take a step back, even if the white tiger becomes a god, there is no divine form. The formation of the god requires time to accumulate, and there is no other way to go.

And the elves suffered heavy losses. Once the dark monarch invaded the body and mind of the white tiger, he could even deceive Elune's physical instinct in the deep sleep.

Compared with the bloodline of her elf king family, Elune must be closer to the white tiger she bred. Once this dark demon king is mastered by the supreme lifeline of the elf world, everything will stop.

Therefore, even if this human being proposes an "equivalent exchange" at this time with incomparable preferential treatment, the best situation of this exchange is to adapt the immediate extinction of the elf world into a world that will not appear in front of the world for ten thousand years, and must be deeply hidden in the universe and restore strength.

However, one thing about this elf queen is clear that tens of thousands of years is horrible for gods. Because every hundred years, one or two low-level gods can be born in the total plane of the universe. For most gods, those without a grid are pseudo-god).