
Chapter 271 The donkey starved to death in the forage

After this sound, countless ancient music sounds sounded. These vocals were so wonderful and magical that every living creature's heart gave birth to a feeling of great joy, great freedom, great freedom and great relief, as if all the confusing questions of the heart were answered at this moment, and all the troubles The annoyance dissipated at this time, and the darkness and viciousness in my heart disappeared, leaving only the holy ethereal and clarity.

All the evil, vicious and violent things in the hearts of all the elves filled with the dark space in this dark battle are as clean as pebbles washed by water countless times.

Listening to this music, there is even an impulse that has been completely purified and wants to rise up and leave the body to enter the kingdom of God and become a people of God.

However, it is ridiculous that the dark demon king was the most affected. Under this sacred and strange plane, he even stopped his attack.

Most of the damage to his body full of holy redemption was blocked by the dark altar, but this kind of redemption, salvation and forgiveness caused a huge earthquake in his heart that was no less than a dozen earthquake!

That kind of direct accountability and examination reminded him of the accountability and reprimands he had already lost in his memory, as if he had returned to his childhood to receive the teachings of his family and teachers.

A child saw an adult, a student saw a teacher, and an apprentice saw his master's feelings constantly impacting his heart and will. Although the dark power on his body was hardly reduced at all, the piercing murderous and evil spirit somehow calmed down.

However, suddenly, the eyes in the dark suddenly burst out a frightening cold light, penetrating straight into the air like an arrow, looming into the whole plane, closing the change of the whole plane and the power of the universe into his heart, and a terrible idea appeared in his mind.

Now he actually has nothing to do with the human species, but the things and habits in his memory make him maintain the appearance of human beings. Now his arms are constantly shaking, which can obviously make a god excited by such a thing, which is absolutely enough to shock the universe.

This is not a message to the blocked plane, but a scene of rising to become a god!

The dark demon king's heart beat violently, which is a fact that he would never have thought of.

Since there is hope of becoming a god, why wait until now? It's so hard that even if you are careful of some robbers, this remote elf plane is enough to make him dodge!

And why does this person have the divine power of the middle god, but it doesn't seem to be a god?

The most important thing is, why does a human being who doesn't look surprised have such a horrible scene of becoming a god?

Just sending a divine message to the void universe is enough to produce such a vision. What kind of miracle should it be when the information is checked and the divine material is released?

So strong, when you become a god, you should have the perfect throne material, right?

Suddenly, the dark demon king's eyes burst into surprise and crazy eyes. Ordinary gods will not rob the material of those ordinary reserve gods to construct the throne, but that's only the general situation. Some talents are extremely outstanding, and they are born with the supreme power of destiny to protect, their throne materials. The most perfect, even the upper gods will be moved!

What is the concept of the upper god?

Compared with his lower god, the upper god is the difference between stars and satellites.

If the star does not converge its light and heat, then the satellite will be in danger of turning into ashes even if it is close!

"No matter how cunning you are, there is still some miscalculation after all. When your throne materials come out of the universe, I only need to grab a piece at will, which is enough to completely change the current situation. A ten-thousand-year experience of God can never be understood by you naive geniuses."

Such a thing was decided in an instant. The Dark Demon King even stopped his movements, sneered and brewed greater power, waiting for the most critical moment to deal a fatal blow to this evil human being.

The dark altar suddenly shook!

The time is wrong!!!

Something was suddenly found in my mind, and the dark altar made great achievements again, but this time it was a step late.

Whether it is to stop Mora or the White Tiger, there must be one of them who can have a fatal impact on his plan. Time is a hurdle!

I was unconsciously tricked by a human and became the donkey who hesitated to starve to death between two piles of grass!

The dark magic that broke out all over the sky even dispelted part of the vision of Mora becoming a god.

When the essence is finally found and the two are compared, the answer to the difficult donkey's question is immediately found by the Dark Demon King - starting from the white tiger first is the optimal choice.


With no time to curse and resentment, the dark demon king made the most correct decision.


The supreme killing spirit contained in the surging white light instantly drowned the dark demon king. The restrained and domineering, the contradictory and harmonious power seemed to have washed away the flood of the embankment, and the powerful dark demon king, who almost played the whole plane in the palm of his hand, did not even have a regretful idea. Turn into a gray fog and dissipate invisible!

A trivial dust among gods, a legend in human beings, the legend of the lich soul mage disappeared from history in a more miserable way than the most miserable way at this moment!

It exceeded the speed of time in an instant, and even achieved the magical horror effect of "inversion of cause and effect" to a certain extent! The so-called "causal inversion" is the existing result, and then there is a reason.

Normally, a person is not hungry when he is full, but if the cause and effect are reversed, he or she will not start eating until he feels hungry.

In battle, this is an invincible skill that can no longer be understood by thinking! Because the result of the inversion of cause and effect is: I started to attack when you died!

The result of the attack is reflected one step ahead of my action!

This is the law above the law, which exists beyond the law.

At the moment when the awakening ceremony of the White Tiger was completed, there was such power.

Of course, that is not the power that belongs to the White Tiger, but the power of the anger of Elun, the first generation creator deep in the memory of the White Tiger! The existence of the Supreme is the only existence above the law.

As for the most powerful gods in the world, they are just servants of the law. Although they can use the law as slaves, they are still nothing without the law.

However, the law was created by the supremes.

Man and God are two different essences.

God and the Supreme are also a different kind of existence.

It is difficult to understand each other's thoughts, because it is not a vision and realm, and you can't see such a scenery.