
Chapter 292 The words of the Omo people

Later, it's not that I didn't think of the idea of adding magical power to technology, but the final result is that the result of the combination of magical power in technology collapses faster, or that some concepts of science and technology are completely absorbed and disappear. In short, there is no way to let the two forces coexist at the same time.

Is there anything different this time?

Mora also looked at the void mirror, which is a magical cosmic vision automatically generated after the law feels his will. It is a scene that already exists in the universe, so there is no need to consume Mora's divine power, which is also because the three people did not notice the change of power in Mora's body. How can we find traces of human resources for those "natural" formations?

In this void, dozens of huge ring warships are converging in the nothingness. In that nihilistic space, there is an illusory green planet and two gray glowing bodies. There are thousands of shuttle-shaped warships near dozens of ring warships. These warships have no portholes and are as a rice grain. It is also difficult to tell whether the two paragraphs are at the beginning or the end, because it seems that the two paragraphs are almost the same.

But in fact, it is true. The two ends of this rice-grained shuttle-type warship are actually part of the head and tail, and any section can ejected back-pushing energy. In combat, this kind of back-pushing part can be turned into the muzzle of energy-jet attack. It is a very cheap attack warship, because the shape is too Like rice, its role in the universe is similar to that of rice -- it doesn't look very eye-catching, but it plays a lot, so it is also called a rice ship.

Once the number of rice ships reaches more than 100, the cluster combat role he has played will definitely make his enemies cry miserably or have no chance to cry.

As for the dozens of ring warships in the middle, the attack power of that kind of warship is also extremely huge. Their attack method is to decompose into small rings, and then form a larger ring warship, directly set on the planet like a belt, and then create huge magnetic and electric fields and other This kind of energy field, advanced and even the divine power field, makes all the large attack weapons on the ground of the planet paralyzed and unusable. Then other attack warships can easily disintegrate the decent counterattack force on the ground, and finally send ground troops to plunder and* the planet.

After a looting, the best situation is that the planet returns to the primitive Stone Age -- this is an ordinary large pirate; the worst thing is that nothing can be left, because the core of the planet will be taken out to create a super energy core. The core of a planet can at least create the energy source of the middle god, and the particularly developed one can even create several upper god-level energy cores, greatly improving the power of the planet.

However, generally speaking, planets with that kind of star core are guarded by a large number of middle gods, and it is impossible to get it so easily.

This remote planet is still rich in resources, but because the star domain is really remote, it can't be connected with the whole universe (through the news from the void galaxy, Mora was surprised to find that this universe doesn't seem to know that they are just a huge galaxy, not at all. It is the universe they thought, but strangely, the "membrane" that Mora passed through seems to have magical power. Any one in this galaxy will unconsciously walk back in a circle after arriving at this place without knowing it. They will always think that they are walking in a straight line, and no one else can find it. At this point, they will only see the person in the circle go further and further until it disappears. Therefore, after so many years, no one has found the existence of this "membrane"!) For information exchange, many applications of technology and energy can't keep up, so that this resource-rich planet can give birth to only five less powerful middle gods on a planet that exists at the upper god level, one of which is still old and old to the time of a thousand years of death.

There are not many lower gods, only a few dozen. Fortunately, the application of power at the level of ordinary gods is not a big secret, and it has spread like ordinary advanced textbooks in the whole universe. Therefore, using the rich resources of this planet, this planet actually has thousands of ordinary god power users and real possessions.

Those who have truly reached the level of gods with their own strength are basically enjoying the establishment of their own countries on the ground and studying how to achieve the middle gods.

As for those gods who can exert their strength by relying on divine armor, they have to become all kinds of "kuli" work that need to be done at the god level, such as some large-scale mountain and river transformation projects on the ground. If human beings do not know how many years and resources it will take, and directly use those ordinary gods of divine armor, it can be completed in almost a few days. Cheng. There are also accidental fires in some areas, or large-scale epidemics. In short, the leaders of various fire department departments on the ground are held by these gods. They are also worthy of the title of their gods. Unlike countries in the outer universe, the higher they are, the more they give everything to their hands. I just care how to climb up.

There are also some responsible for patrolling the starry sky of the universe. Although the planet is relatively remote, who knows which pirate or the prince of which powerful country will use this as a target as soon as his brain is hot? However, in recent hundreds of years, no other decent travelers have passed through this area, so the number of star universe patrol warriors has become less and less. Most of them have returned to work on the ground, and only dozens of people are still patrolling in several directions of the planet.


The reason why the three armored warriors changed their faces at the first time was that they judged by the planets surrounded by the warships and the two gray glowing stars near him, that is, the home star they guarded - Green Doma Planet.

From the perspective of the void, these huge warships and rice ships should have reached the point where people on the planet can find them, but it seems that the stars that have been removed tens of thousands of light-years away are twinkling, and there is no change at all.

"The void future crosses the transmission technology!"

One of the male god armor warriors was shocked and said, "That's the technology that the planet of the upper god has! Folding countless spaces in the void and crossing the distance of ten thousand years of light in an instant is equivalent to returning to the place that will be known in the next 10,000 years. There is no way to install a device on our divine armor to detect the future transmission fluctuations of this void, only on the ground.

"Bastard!" The goddess warrior suddenly screamed: "What are you talking about now? Why don't you call the police quickly!!!"

"Yes!" The two armor warriors immediately began to press on the armor in a hurry. After the magic power on the armor ran rapidly, a red button that glowed like blood was exposed, and then the three armor warriors pressed it at the same time.

Just press it and immediately let go.

The rest has nothing to do with them for the time being, because in the face of such a huge fleet, the resistance of the weak Green Doma planet is as weak and pitiful as a little girl.

However, in any case, we also have to do some face work, which means that we are also dignified and resistant. The reason why we accept our fate so quickly is not that we are not strong, but that the enemy's ability is too strong.

Seeing that Mora was staring at the red button on the three of them with great interest, the goddess warrior hesitated for a moment and then explained to Mora, "This is the highest alarm. His warning level is inversely proportional to the time of pressing the button. The longer it takes, the less dangerous it is. If you only press it once. It shows that the danger is big enough to threaten the safety of the whole heart planet. This is also a way to prevent soldiers from being unable to get time to issue accurate warnings in extremely dangerous situations.

Because it is not clear about Mora's identity, language and origin, the goddess warrior used a device in the armor to turn his words into a thought radio wave. This way of communication is also most cosmic creatures (a creature that can exist in the vacuum universe and walk across space beyond the speed of light). It is commonly known as cosmic creatures, and those that can't be done are called ground creatures) are used, thus avoiding the trouble of language learning.

Besides, the language of some cosmic races involves their racial mysteries. For example, there is a particularly famous Ormo tribe, whose entire civilization is carried by language and words. From birth, the Omo people have the simplest strokes or strokes of a word, and then use the simplest words to continuously develop more complex words until they become gods.

It is said that the upper god of the Omo is a big word "god". Of course, it is the writing of the Omo. That magical writing is only understood by the Omo people. Other cosmic races can't be used even if they understand it. Those words have various magical effects on the Omo people.

The Omo characters have different writing order and pronunciation, as well as the force of writing and the size of the pronunciation are expressed in different meanings. One word can completely cover everything of the Omo. Some of their words can make wind, rain, fire, transport objects and transform materials. Shape can also affect energy to create a variety of living environments suitable for them. In short, the magic cannot be told in words.

It is said that the Omo people are a race born after a magical word written by an incredible power in the universe and a great opportunity... In short, the madness of the world can't see the end with people's imagination.

But that's what's interesting, isn't it?