
Chapter 303 The Fool of the Second

The prince who has made up his mind to do so does not spend too much attention on this matter. Seizing the opportunity is an important thing, but if the most critical thing in front of him is smashed for such uncertain news, then even if the strong man is pulled in by himself, it will be because of himself Go inside if you are disappointed by your performance.

Only those who keep this momentum and upward are qualified to be followers. No one wants their boss to be a scum and everyone likes good things. It is better to be a pawn beside General Changsheng than to be a staff officer beside another general who has never won a battle, if that person has a pursuit in his heart. If there is no pursuit, then you won't care about those things, but who loves that kind of person?

This is a contradiction~~ Even bad people want to have great talents to assist themselves, but such great talents often don't like the ideas of those bad guys and are not happy to be used by those bastards, but bad guys really want the help of those people. This is the sadness of the world. The sadness that can't escape.

In words of love: "He doesn't love the person who loves him, and the person he loves doesn't love him."

These chaotic thoughts quickly flashed in his mind, and the prince devoted himself to accepting the work of the Green Doma planet. Although there was such a big joke during the attack, the well-sighted people knew that there was an internal response in the prince's plan, but they didn't know why the accident finally happened. , which led to such a ridiculous drama. Although it was a farce, when it was discovered, almost all the people on the ship, especially those middle gods, almost spit out their hearts. It was not disgusting, but scared, although they knew that the green Doma planet of those "rural" people should even be self-destruct. It's not very clear, but even if the opportunity is only one in ten thousand, it will definitely be fatal for these people.

Moreover, in the universe, many truths are unreasonable for the existence of gods, which is also a punishment for being a god. For example, for a person, it only happens one in ten thousand compared with him. If it is put on a god, although the probability is also It should be one in ten thousand, but as long as he is a god, even if he has the power and objects of the god around him, then the probability of one thousand flying will become one thousandth, and the most horrible one is even one tenth. It is said that there are also those sad things that are not destined to be born that day, or that they have no luck after becoming a god, and 100% of the bad things that are completely unreasonable happen.

However, if it's just like this, the most horrible thing is that his luck is so bad that he dies all day long, but he always dies, and always saves his life at the last moment. But he stayed, but other people's lives were lost!

That kind of person is also known as the son of doom. If that person knows that guy is the son of bad luck, the best way is to escape far away, then find a place where there is no one to wash his bad luck, and then go back to his hometown after a decade or a hundred years, otherwise he may choke to death by drinking water one day.

Don't hold the idea of using the son of doom to destroy your enemies, unless you are determined to hurt 10,000 and destroy 800 enemies. That's right, it's ten thousand to eight hundred!

It's so unreasonable.

Except for a few gods, in fact, all gods are a little prone to bad luck, but under their strength, this kind of bad luck is generally not too bad.

This is also the constraint of some law in the universe. The more powerful the existence, the easier it is to fall. Although it sounds incredible, it is true. Therefore, when the prince found himself so close to a planet with the highest alarm, almost half of the middle gods almost thought that this place was his last burial place.

Fortunately, this place is really a small place. There is no knowledge, and no enemy intervenes to deliberately frame it. Otherwise, such a death drama is really speechless.

Finally, the shock ended in a farce, but even as a middle god, he still couldn't calm his heart

Come on, this shock is enough for them to jump in their hearts when they see the planet in their lifetime. If they die for other reasons, such as a battle or a failed study, even if they die, their reputation is better, but if it is because of a commander's ridiculous mistakes and their own subordinates However, he died in such a quiet place without stopping him. If he is not known, it will be fine. If he is known, he will be ashamed to come back to life and die again!

When completely accepting the planet, the prince entered the secret room several times. Although it was enough to isolate the secret room detected by the upper god at that time, these people knew very well where the prince and his inner man quarreled, because every time the prince came out, his face was very bad. Many middle gods are guessing whether other princes came in and reported a letter to the Green Doma planet in advance?

Then the last time the prince came out, his face was a little better. Is there a turning point? Isn't it the princes' infighting? The middle gods are stronger than this prince, but since they are subordinates, they can't do whatever they want because they are better than their masters. This is not the outer universe. The gods are just a powerful force in this universe. What is really in the control system is still the nature of human beings. Therefore, although strength is a bargaining chip, it is not the peak one. At the same time, there is also power and power. Because of complex reasons such as resources and population, especially the limited life expectancy of gods, it is impossible for gods to spend millions of years to do it like outside gods. One thing.

From this point of view, if the gods of this universe know the situation of external gods, they will definitely break through this cosmic barrier and enter another immortal universe, at least they can have enough time to do what they want to do.

In this universe, even gods are sometimes confused. Many people become gods for something they are willing to pursue, such as interests, such as certain concepts, such as certain feelings, but after really becoming gods, they find that there are more things waiting for them to be done, or to repay. The debt owed by God is either a lot of things to do. In short, many gods do not have the opportunity to fulfill their original wishes even when they die, just like a person's dream when he was a child. They have always existed in their hearts, but they didn't remember that they were actually so sad until they were about to die.

This universe is still a human universe.

These middle gods just thought about it, and then stopped thinking about this, but turned to do their own work. Such a big planet, although it is technically backward, the resources, scenery and population, etc. are very good. Although these people follow the prince, they also have In their own small circle, if the prince ascends the throne in the future, these people will be the elders of the country. They should always put something first when preparing something for their future family.

Otherwise, if you start late, you can only watch it and don't even want to drink a mouthful of soup. It's okay when there are few people. Once the number of people reaches two, you can't wait until you think about many things. At most, you can think while doing it. If it's not good for yourself, you can let go, but you have to do it anyway.

There may be all kinds of incredible dangers that make you fall into it, but it's a real tragedy than staying where you are forever.

Either move forward or retreat. In many cases, if you don't move forward or even move forward fast enough, you just retreat!

retreat means that there is no hope and will die.

Who wants to be the pig and sheep that are arbitrarily slaughtered at the end? Even gods can't escape such a fate. In this universe, there is a kind of confused goal in pursuit.

What is the supreme? What is a meaningful life? How can we find the true meaning of life? I don't know. No one knows, so they are all doing it.

The warships gradually fell to the ground, and a pair of heavily armed soldiers in sealed space armor took over the management of the city and temporarily implemented military management. After all the adults allocated the territory and resources and sent people, the reception work was completely completed.

The median gods distributed a group of data and resource maps with the prince. As for the five median gods on the original planet, they soon became one of the prince's subordinates, but three of the old median gods expressed their hope to get a way to continue their lives, but for them, in addition to achieving the upper position God really has no other way.

Even if there is, it is the same price as achieving the upper god. Therefore, these three old middle gods retreated and asked their descendants to enter the Royal College of King and obtain corresponding resources, which is exactly what the prince wants, because the talents cultivated in this way are real. You can rest assured.

Since everything has this strange tacit understanding, it went smoothly one by one, and no one mentioned the incident that the prince and his men were frightened when it suddenly came.

As for the local ordinary residents of the Green Doma planet, except for a few radical brain-damaged people, they come out under various strange flags - "Maintaining the sovereignty of Green Doma!", "Resist the invaders!", "Return my land!" ......

I don't see that the top layer has defected, or have long negotiated to join the prince's side. It just looks like a conquered planet, adding some beautiful tidbits to the prince's resume.

Of course, most of the fools who come out to make trouble and parade are middle-two fools. Their enthusiasm is true, but unfortunately they are all used by people. Real conspirators can easily use a few simple slogans to make these unrealistic and hot-blooded teenagers become cheap chips in their hands.

In the face of this kind of middle-year teenager in the countryside, the soldiers from aliens rudely opened the insurance and vented the shock and boredom of their people in outer space and the boredom of long-distance travel.

Blood light splashing.