
Chapter 307 Distorted Physical Rules

As soon as they left the Green Doma planet, two huge and magnificent ring warships suddenly turned into two small meteors under the universe.

Compared with the universe, human beings are always small. Whether it is space or time, the universe outside is better. Those gods basically have immortal life. Although they cannot be detached, they can at least be tied in time and the universe. Unfortunately, they are no longer human beings.

If it is human, it is impossible to become great in the universe. Although there will be all kinds of civilizations, brilliant cultures, unparalleled creativity and ideas, time alone is enough to make people become dust.

In this universe, the divine power is only a strange energy. Human beings can withstand the core of divine power by adjusting their psychological quality and state (realm) and then modifying the body, and then become the so-called god, but a real person appears in the universe and exhausts the core energy materials, and finally There is no way to survive the destruction of time.

The ring warship is rushing in the universe, and the local median god is a total of nine middle gods. The ring warship is moving at a speed close to the speed of light, because this time the target distance is really unexpected. If it enters the superluminal space, the warship will inevitably miss that place (buffering distance) It is far beyond this distance. If you don't enter the superluminal space, you have to go through a long journey, which will take about several hours.

This time is nothing for real gods. They don't even need a blink of time. Unfortunately, the gods in this universe are actually human roles. Except for the core of divine power, they are essentially human beings.

If you push yourself and others, these people will naturally worry that the mysterious existence will be dissatisfied with these people because of such a time. They didn't expect that there was a time-like existence in this universe.

On the other side, the three armored warriors looked at the empty mirror that appeared in front of them with incomparable shock. Although I saw it at the first meeting, I was still extremely shocked to see it again.

The void is an extremely rare natural scene that naturally exists in the universe. There is no reason to form a fantasy round hole in space, from which scenes hundreds or more light years away are transmitted instantly. It is a bit like a mirage on the ground, but why is there such thing in the universe? No one has found this kind of miracle so far.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that not many people study him. Most of the research efforts on life in this universe focus on how to prolong life. Even the second research project is how to improve psychological quality and endurance (divine realm) is also done to improve life.

Other things are not so hot.

Although this survival situation is very abnormal, all people with divine power clearly feel that the omnipotent feeling after possessing divine power is so real, and the real feeling makes them unable to let go of this **.

However, the seemingly thin barrier is so strong that even the main god has no way to change it. Not to mention those ordinary gods, but all of them have the same feeling. They all feel that as long as they work harder, they can break through the essence of human beings and become real gods and immortal. Because of this, all the work involving life research in this universe is so hot that few people do research on other things.

Even if there is, it is just some ordinary people who are interested but do not hope to succeed in research. Such a person, even in space, is difficult, not to mention research.

However, those who have the opportunity are just interested and really make them devote their energy to studying those magical cosmic scenes, but they have no intention.

Even if these three armor warriors have not yet obtained the real core of the divine power, they still feel the omnipotent feeling from the divine power. This feeling is so wonderful and seductive. Everyone firmly believes in the bottom of their hearts that they are the weird one who breaks the universe. The only candidate of the restriction will inevitably become the great existence of invincibility.

However, no one will say this feeling, and no one will let him know that he thinks so. Because all people firmly believe that this is a supreme feeling that belongs to themselves, and they are the existence of the invincible god who will inevitably become the real god.

The realm of the void is reflecting the operation of the two ring warships. Through the realm of the void, the huge and magnificent warships are felt. The huge and rapid action in the universe is like a rampaging beast.

And the glory of the middle god emanates from the ring warship, which can be felt through the realm of void even from such a long distance.

This is because there are many ordinary gods and human-level existences on the ring warships. In this situation of approaching the speed of light but not the speed of light, their bodies will withstand great compliance. Not to mention work, it is hard work to keep their lives safe.

So these middle gods disperse their divine power and cover the periphery of the whole ring warship, so that the physical and magic effects inside him can be reflected -- making the speed and position of the ring warship change in the universe, but the cosmic reaction force is transferred out, making The people inside can't feel the uncomfortable force at all.

This is the greatness and magic of divine power.

According to human physics research, the force and reaction force exist at the same time, and the direction is equal in the opposite size, but the advanced existence in the divine power can completely distort this law, or deceive the past, so that the reaction force is not in the same straight line or completely unequal in size.

In a sense, superluminal flight is also a manifestation of the world law belonging to divine power. In the current universe, flying beyond the speed of light must involve divine power, otherwise the speed of spacecraft or warships can't reach the speed of space beyond the speed of light.

And even ordinary people can safely exist in the space beyond the speed of light, because in that state of existence, any normal human world law is in a distorted state and cannot work properly, such as the action and reaction force. Theoretically, they exist at the same time, big Small equal, in the opposite direction, but in the state of superluminal speed, the action occurs, but the reaction force cannot keep up with the speed beyond the speed of light, so there is no way to react on those human bodies, so they can't feel the power that is enough to collapse the steel body in an instant.

Of course, once you retreat from the superluminal flight, it will be different. At that time, all the delayed reaction forces will all react instantly. At this time, a super divine force is needed to distort this law and wait until people leave completely. Then let the reaction force gather in the superluminal space in the void to explode.

This method is also the reason why many spacecraft in the universe can escape as long as they enter the superluminal space after encountering pirates, because unless the pirate's ship can withstand the reaction force of the chaotic explosion and other chaotic forces, it may not be able to catch any prey. Burt everything in the universe.