
Chapter 327 If people are not diligent, God's punishment

God gives people a chance, but that person doesn't work hard, so everything will be to blame. If a person with ten times more difficulties can succeed, then what's the reason for a healthy and clear-headed person to fail? Nothing will put people on a dead end. If you have to say it, it is also that people have not developed their own potential.

If you don't force yourself, you will never know how lazy and rotten you are.


In such a dangerous universe, even the upper god may not be completely relieved. On the contrary, the more powerful the superior is, the more he cherishes his life and everything he has. The upper gods rarely float in the universe. Except for this need, a big reason is that they don't want to become the tutorials of other gods because of ridiculousness. Such things are really ridiculous and pathetic.

Just like no high-ranking official wants to be a warning example for other officials.

However, the person in front of him is not afraid and cautious at all, just like a person in his own home.

In the face of this situation, the biggest feeling in the prince's heart is not envy, but doubt. He is puzzled, what kind of things or what else a person has to be naturally comfortable and relaxed as in his own home in the dangerous and unpredictable prediction?

That's definitely not only the strength of strength, which the prince is extremely sure of. In this world, strength is almost everything to rely on. However, the prince who deeply understands the relationship between people knows very well that there is nothing to have strength alone. Only those guys who are confused and confused will do it for The strength of the desperate choice of one's own goals.

Strong strength means your own safety at most. If you want to achieve something, strength alone is not enough. What's more, in the universe, no matter how strong the strength is, there is no way to ensure your safety - before time is conquered by human beings, everyone is a defeated man in the universe.

So, what kind of support does this mysterious existence have?

The prince is full of questions here, but the middle god on the other side is completely free of the prince's troublesome thoughts. All their attention is focused on the ancient castle city that has been seen by the ordinary staff on the ship.

Giant buildings, huge and powerful statues, neat and magnificent architectural communities, heavy colors and vicissitudes, endless time, history, time and space, ancient vicissitudes and other breaths and feelings are coming. In a moment, all people seem to have seen the prosperity and prosperity of the ancient city, among which Every creature is an extremely respected hero. They live a king-like life in this city, looking at the secular world outside through the wide and bright windows of buildings, and their hearts are full of disdain and boredom.

Any great existence will cause a huge shock in the mortal world, and every hero is a legendary epic myth.

With the shortening of the distance, more and more details of the city have been discovered by everyone. Although the overall city looks magnificent, the details are equally perfect and amazing.

Those carved fine lines and flower marks naturally fit the principles of the universe. With just a glance, these middle gods are deeply attracted. Any of the rune words and engraved images is worthy of their countless time to study. Everyone knows that as long as they can successfully study Any one of the points of success can bring infinite benefits and changes in strength.

What is the most powerful power in this universe?

is not energy, nor matter, nor is it a virtual spiritual relationship, but a law, also known as the road. However, the road is unpredictable, unsighted, audible or tasteable. The stupidest way is to calm the heart and then feel the true meaning of that law.

This is also the best way, but this method has a great problem. Once the heart really calms down and is completely immersed in the traces of the void of the universe, people themselves can't pay attention to the passage of time. If the traces of that road happen to be around them out of life. In the state of leaping, then this person will easily find the location of this road, and then use a little time to completely understand him.

But unfortunately, if you can't meet it, it is likely that hundreds or even thousands of years will be spent on it, and in the end, you won't get anything. When you open your eyes and find that your life has come to an end, and you have achieved nothing.

So unless there are some special cosmic time and space, those areas where the laws are particularly active will choose to do so. Few people in other areas dare to take such risks. However, that active area has long been occupied by those powers, and how can they wait for those wandering people to get a piece of the pie.

For those ordinary gods, there is only one opportunity that they can rely on, that is, those objects and traces that naturally fit the road.

This world is so wonderful that some things themselves have great spirituality and will naturally conform to certain laws and avenues in the universe. They will be realized through practical things on their own bodies, and express those illusory and abstract things with real world objects and traces.

For example, these various flower marks engraved in this city and some scratch-like traces that look like children's unintentionally, they are the supreme treasures that naturally fit the road, which is incomparable by all the middle gods, because from these traces they clearly feel the mystery. The unparalleled supreme breath and the infinite depth of the invisible truth in the vast universe.

If it hadn't been for the violent fluctuation of the law of space at this time, the castle city was constantly spinning and fluttering almost every moment, and almost gave these middle gods enough time to observe, and they would have been completely addicted to it.

The prince looked at these middle gods and sighed helplessly. Although the middle gods were noble, they could only be regarded as very good prominent elites for a star. Such a person is naturally a respectable big man in a small place, but the extent of the country can only be regarded as an ordinary talent reserve, one or two missing, and I don't care.

However, even so, the prince tried his best to select a lot of middle gods, but judging from the performance of the middle gods in front of him, it is too unrealistic to expect them to support themselves to the throne. As soon as he sees this level of **, it begins to be exposed. Those shortcomings and vulgarities in their nature.

But I don't think about how can I compare with this mysterious venerable adult. Looking at all the actions of this mysterious adult, he is the biggest opportunity and fate encountered by these people at present. What kind of relic is it?

Even if he is really precious, it is still not said that everything depends on this mysterious Venerable Lord. If it succeeds, those things will belong to you. When do you want to see them?

Oh, no!

The prince suddenly thought that there was a group of things called flies in this universe, with their disgusting existence. I'm afraid that this relic will become very tragic at the beginning of the story when the strength is insufficient. The only way is to speed up before the inspectors of the main kingdom come. Everything that can be grasped.

However, I'm afraid this mysterious adult will surprise those inspectors, and the prince suddenly sneered. But he didn't care about the gaffe of those middle-ranking generals. It would be better without the annoyance of those people. He had to catch this mysterious Venerable Lord, who was the only biggest killer in his future.

Although, it may not belong to you at all, it is all your own wishful thinking and delusion.

However, if there is a chance to do it, such a person will be condemned by God if he gives up because of all kinds of ridiculous concerns without doing anything.

In the history of the universe, how many great successes are not like this? When everyone says that there is no hope and inevitable failure, those immortal madmen try to persevere, and then they are the great men, legends, myths and role models in history books.

Those who dare to think and do are the protagonists of this universe.

Others, no matter what aura, are honest and dust-eating lives.