
Chapter 329 Prisoner of Time

Soon, all the median gods and all the staff on the ring warship eliminated the signs and evidence that could show their identity. As for memory, no one can solve this point, because in the universe, although it is very common for strong gods to check other people's memories at will, it is a very taboo thing in law and human feelings. Once there is evidence that a god discovers people arbitrarily. Class memory, then this god will be sentenced to time prison. Time prisoners are a very tragic person in this universe. From the perspective of time, their lightest year is the heaviest hour.

This is definitely not wrong. For the time cell, the longer the span, the better, and the shorter the miserable it is. This sounds strange. How can anyone like the longer the imprisonment? In fact, the length of this time does not refer to the overall time, but to the time when the imprisoned person can experience changes.

For example, if a god commits a serious criminal law, he will be sentenced to time imprisonment. He is often given two times based on his crimes. One year, January. Or a year, one day. And the crime is serious, a year, an hour. Basically, unless the crime reaches a certain limit, the total sentence imposed by a god is one year.

But this year is definitely not so easy. The god who has been sentenced for a year and a month will live a free life in an area under a certain power setting, but he can't leave, otherwise he will be killed.

Is it complete freedom in which area? Theoretically yes, except that you can't leave that area. It doesn't matter if he slaughters all the human beings and other creatures in that area. Because. A month later, everything will return to its original state, exactly the same as when he first entered the world. There is no change at all, and even all people's words and actions, including facial expression. If this god is bold enough, he will try to record the memories of these living beings again, and he will be surprised to find that all this is with him. We were exactly the same a month ago, and even the traces of a bug crawling by have not changed.

The first month of such a day will naturally be as funny and perfect as the magical fairy tale world. But after twelve times in a row, the spirit of the god will begin to collapse. Not all people will forget the story from the beginning again as simply and naively as children. The more mature the life is, the deeper the memory will be about themselves, about others, about, about, and hatred.

Twelve consecutive months of the same life, and even in the end, even the other party will have any kind of expression at any time, which is really driving people crazy.

Some people may suspect that since he is a prisoner of time, any change in him will affect that world, just like the legendary butterfly effect. For example, if he ate a steamed bun on the first day of this month and a deep-fried dough stick on the first day of the second month, it will have a significant impact on the world he is in. But the fact is that it is so simple there. If it is a real world, such a butterfly law may be launched, but since it is in a world set by a mighty man, there must be no way to escape from this kind of thing. Even in this month, the god killed all the people in an instant, and the next second everything will go on as he experienced in the first month.

As for killing all the people on the first day of the first month, he will experience twelve scenes of facing countless dead bodies alone in the following December.

Maybe for gods, such things are not a deadly punishment, but the gods in this universe are essentially human beings, but psychopaths can only support themselves to become gods and live in the universe.

But in that virtual area of life, in addition to experiencing those horrible repetitive lives, you also have to endure all the amplified sufferings of negative feelings and emotions. If a god wants to kill all the people, then, well, he will choose to become a madman in the greatest pain and the anger of killing. The murderer is also crazy when he kills. When he doesn't kill, he is actually an extremely confused or lonely person. The world is not Who is special?

The best choice is to coexist peacefully at the beginning, and then at least the previous period can be a little easier. As for the latter, even if you can't stand it, it's almost the end, and it's always enough to end all this before going crazy, but there is one exception.

Not everyone is punished for one year and one month, and some heinous people are punished for one hour a year. That is to say, he has to live a time span of one hour during the length of the year. No matter what he does, every hour, he will repeat what he has experienced in an hour.

Eat for an hour in a row!

A continuous hour of insomnia!

Talk for an hour in a row!

Fight for an hour in a row!

Watch the Pearl for an hour in a row!

Squatting in the toilet for an hour!

One flight in a row!

for a continuous hour.................


What kind of day is this? As long as the god does not choose a good choice in the first hour, he will continue to repeat such days in the next hour.

It is useless for him to change through divine power, and it is useless for him to destroy his memory. At the beginning again, all these things will force him to do such things directly until the end of the year.

In this process, people will go crazy, but when they go crazy, their memory and reason will be strangely kept awake until the end of the year. Even if the god has completely gone crazy, his heart will still repeat that kind of life over and over again, whichever hour of uninterrupted life will be repeated. Don't think that users can escape from sleeping. Even if they sleep, there is no way to escape such punishment.

Because there is always a process from waking up to fainting, even if you take the way of sleeping, you will still go crazy in sleep!

So, what if you find a girl to have fun for an hour, and then spend all the hours of the year in such a fun time?

What's terrible is that if this is really the case, then you have to have a psychological quality that can never be tough in your next life.

As soon as the time comes, everything will start from scratch.

Hu, a flirty girl, suddenly disappeared, and then waited for the man to bring her in and start over. Perhaps tragically, the man happened to face the end of an hour at a certain ** time. This memory will not stay in a paperless life, but will stay in his memory and keep repeating.

The first time may still be very happy, but from the second time, every word of the girl will even shout out Asian father or Com Ang's failure, or this guy will continue to repeat and enjoy it for a year.................

