
Chapter 360 Dog-shaped Man

April 24.

Lal is a fourth-level planet with 23 median gods. It is only a medium-down planet in the whole universe, but it is the only one giant in this star domain.

There are endless exchanges between various races in the bustling streets, and even many special streets have a large number of human-like non-human creatures making transactions, or simply visiting scenic spots or former residences of celebrities.

If some residents from the lowest planet come to travel here, he'd better find a very experienced guide and spend 26 hours a day with him, otherwise it will be easy to be thrown into the small dark room of the temporary office of the international affairs dispute settlement office by the planet police because of various mistakes. .

A human from a low-level planet once pointed to a dog-like creature on their planet and joked on the planet. One of them even talked about the problem of dog meat. As a result, after dozens of blinks, their group was surrounded by the top combat team on the planet Lal planet!

After countless troubles and all kinds of cruel and unbearable interrogations, these people have spent countless interpersonal relationships and finances to finally know how unlucky they are - the dog-like creature whose eyes are slightly hesitated by them is actually on another high-level planet. Although the vassals of a certain high-level race are vassals, they are far superior to the life level of human beings on those low-level planets in the universe.

What does it feel like to imagine a human traveling to a country composed of a beast and being discussed as a dish by the people of that country?

On the one, I was greatly frightened, and on the other, I was deeply hurt emotionally!

And the worst thing is that after those people were still the officials and nobles on their low-level planet, because of this matter, the representative of the dog-like high-level race strongly demanded that the dog slaughter industry on that planet must be abolished and the survival status of dog creatures on that planet be raised to the same as that of human beings on that planet. The level.

This is simply unreasonable for that low-level planet!

In the beginning, some people from animal protection associations on that planet celebrated because of this! Although this is not their credit, they are so excited to raise their tails to this extent when they see that they can raise their status of this animal to this level.

Even many of them are planning to offend some high-level beings like other animals, such as cats, black monkeys, pigs and so on, so that all the animals on the planet can all have the same status as those dogs.

That will be an all-round victory for the animal world and a full victory for the Animal Protectors Association!

Unfortunately, their plan suffered a major blow when they only imagined it.

The dog-shaped high-level creature not only improved the biological status of the low-level planet, but also used their family power (it was just a small family power for them, but for the low-level planet, it was enough to kill the death!) and used the dog's wisdom of the whole planet. The level of wisdom has all been raised to the same level as human beings.

Fortunately, these people still have a little conscience and have not raised the wisdom of those dogs to the level of human beings.

In this way, the people of the animal association are happy again. Is there a dog-like creature that can communicate? Is there a more ideal pet than this?

Pets? Pet your sister! This time, those animals and dogs have completely shown human beings, especially those of the Animal Protection Association, what will happen if dogs have wisdom, especially human wisdom.

Although many people from the Animal Protection Association swear that animals, especially dogs, are very friendly to human beings. They are friends of human beings and absolutely trustworthy! So you don't have to worry about anything.

There is nothing wrong with this, but the wisdom given to these dogs by dog-shaped people is not the wisdom developed by dogs themselves, but the wisdom of human beings directly copied!

What is human wisdom?

Look at where the highest scientific and technological achievements of mankind are applied, and you will know what human wisdom is for.

These dogs with human wisdom are no longer dogs to some extent, but a group of human beings in dog skin, and they are also the kind of human beings with deep desire!

An obvious example is that the wisdom that has promoted the development of human civilization is based on various desires.

Because I want to fly, I have kites and planes.

Then after flying into the sky, I wanted to throw the unpleasantness to the ground, that is, the bomber.

Because I want to eat well, I have all kinds of food seasonings.

Then I came up with the idea of selling delicious food to make money, and the profit eventually became unscrupulous, such as food safety issues, which are not allowed to be mentioned.

Because I want to have fun, I have a computer.

Then use the computer to do all kinds of bad things that will not be caught from a long distance. There was once a saying on the Internet: "No one knows that there is a dog opposite the Internet!"

Now this has become a fact, and this fact has seriously damaged all kinds of balances in the world.

Those dog creatures with human wisdom have compressed the human living space to the other side of the planet in just over a decade. If it weren't for the existence of humans on other high-level planets that would never allow a human planet to be extinct by a dog creature, it would be really difficult for this planet to be later. Say.

But life is still hard.

Although dogs only have a ten-year lifespan, they can have uninterrupted childbirth. They don't have any concept of family planning, which almost brought disaster to the whole planet. Fortunately, although these dogs have human wisdom, they are not like humans who can circle and fork anytime and anywhere for 26 hours a day. Even if they have the desire brought by wisdom and wisdom, they still need to wait until that season to have the impulse to wipe their sweat. In addition, even if they are injected with each The hormone only deepens that feeling, but it does not produce those corresponding things.

As for the so-called * technology, because in this world full of gods, although this kind of behavior has been studied in almost every god research institute, if anyone dares to make it on the surface, then wait for the people of the whole universe to fight.

And under the secret arrangement of some advanced human life, these dog people have not obtained this technology.

Hundreds of years later, the planet finally disappeared from the planet because of dog people's own problems, and human beings once again completely mastered the planet. As for the future, it is not what others care about.

But there is no doubt that all low-level planets have great restrictions on the citizens to go to those high-level planets, and this restriction will never change because of their own identity, status and power. If someone thinks that their father is just or others believe it or not, then wait for the crime of betraying race to be taken care of.

No one will be willing to take their own planetary civilization and life as a game experiment for some bigwigs on those high-level planets - because it is said that the reason why those dog-headed people were able to successfully raise the wisdom and biological status of those dogs to a standard for human beings on that low-level human planet, in fact It's just because of their master's idea - to see what will happen if an inhuman creature is suddenly raised to the level of human beings.

At this time, Mora was standing on the most prosperous street on the planet, watching the scene of people coming and going. Countless people passed by, with all kinds of expressions and various lives.

Although there are various other creatures on this planet, they are still dominated by humans. Even if there are some strange-looking creatures, whether their status is higher or lower than those ordinary humans, their ultimate master is still human beings, but a group of people called gods Class.

Although there are a large number of gods in the fourth-level world, in general, there were not many in a certain city. About every person with divine power is a state of state or a local official. The lower god is the leader level of each country; as for the middle god, he is the real ruler behind the dozen major powers with the most voice on the planet.

It can be seen that although the gods are a little rampant in this universe, they are still the kind of existence at the top of the food chain. Although there are also the main god kingdoms in those upper gods, the gods are a little flooded, but in the ordinary world, they are really worthy of their god titles.

Countless carriages and horses have come and gone, but after so long, there is still no existence of a god. At most, some special objects with divine power have been carried through the streets. If it weren't for a special person like Mora, others would not have known that there were people around them. Something special.

For example, some casual clothes hidden in the middle of the city streets disguised as passers-by, although they do not have that kind of great magic device, they are accompanied by some special weapons that have been supported by divine power. There are also those who have special identities who cannot have divine power because of their own bodies and qualifications, but their identity and talents make them important figures of some gods and leave the mark of gods on them, which is also another part of the owners of divine power.

The international status of these countries is also determined by the number of these middle gods and the time of their existence. The more the number and the younger the age, the higher the status of the country.

PS: [Let me tell you something. Zongheng just launched a special chat and complains about "Zheng Chat". It's quite interesting. I've already settled in~ Come and follow me~~


PS: In the past two days, I want to compete with the number of fans of the "popular king". Please pay attention to ++++!!]

The last ps: The above content is from the editors, and I don't even understand it!

Cough, ps again: Seeing so many people complaining about the Animal Protectors Association, this time I finally vomited, cool!