
Chapter 363

A better thing is like a forensic doctor. Although he is a doctor, he has to deal with those things.

Although it is not popular, it is absolutely not as bad as said in various media, but the scope of work is naturally such a thing that is not conducive to people. Who can do it?

But these people are not completely brainless. They have said that those who can enter this government office are either * deep and not afraid of offending people, or cunning drillers who are eager to deal with all kinds of people from all kinds of planes, and those who have special strength and want to get a good salary. Occupation. Either way, he is not a fool who casually gives his behavior to Meng Lang.

Although the target of the people here is clearly Mora, none of them have come forward to ask questions, and even many of them are mobilizing the devices in their armor and using the reconnaissance equipment there to observe and monitor this person. This is a cosmic convention, and no one is willing to casually look at a god. Secretly uncertain characters, you know that the eyes in this universe are really an extremely magical force. For example, those who are just legendary in low-level planes, "If you stare at you, you will die..." are absolutely real in this universe.

If your eyes make others unhappy and look back at yourself, will you still live?

So an almost incredible scene appeared on a low-level planet. A special policeman who couldn't avoid it suddenly saw Mora's eyes sweeping over and smiled very politely. It doesn't look like it's just a kind passer-by who comes to arrest people.

On the other side, the two questioning special police officers have made confessions, which is no different from the previous aliens. This is the fifth similar incident of this star year. Although it is the police of those aliens every time, in fact, they want to find some low-level human beings to vent the shame or inferiority caused by their humble identity.

Although the heart is very shameless, since the other party completely follows the norms of the law, and every time they chooses some extremely ordinary human beings, their identity is under the law, and there are no people beyond the scope of the law, so these special police have not completely regarded this kind of thing. What is the trouble to report to the relevant departments at a higher level?

Since the alien has been dealt with, let's study and ask the person who was innocently involved. If there is no problem with his identity, pull him away to intimidate him. Anyway, it is enough to compensate these low-status people by casually from the activity funds in the hall afterwards. The other party thought quite disdainfully.


The woman's clothing under the crown instantly crossed the distance of millions of light years. Although she did not use any space shuttle skills, the final speed far exceeded those gods transmitted by space, and even a god happened to be on her forward route. The result is naturally self-evident - but I don't know Whether that person was directly crushed by the pressure of the Lord God or was smashed into a frame by the main god-level body of the crown. Or the two happen at the same time.

Looking at the star field in front of her, the woman's clothing under the crown has completely lost any traces and breath about that person at this time. Even she can't find any trace of that person's existence from the main line of fate.

After a slight hesitation, the woman decided in her heart, "In this case, it's better to return to the kingdom of the Lord God. It is much more convenient than me to use the resources and manpower there."

This is her helplessness. Although she has the main god-level body, immortal life and the mysterious divine power of the main god, she is not clear about most of the application of the divine power. Even the five pseudo-goals in the kingdom of the main god are stronger than her, because for so many years In the meantime, they continue to excavate the records of the ancient Lord God from various relics, from which they have studied the application methods of the divine power at the level of the Lord God.

With a decision in mind, the women's clothes under the crown no longer hesitate, but this time they are in a hurry at all.

Slowly mobilize a trace of the main divine power in the body and apply it according to the original crossing space - use the divine power communication law to form a temporary channel. When people pass, this channel will disappear. As for the destination of the channel, it all depends on the strength of the divine power and the user's control over the law.

The first attempt to use this power with the power of the Lord God, the female server under the crown was immediately surprised by the change in the middle.

In the past, although she was a superior god, she was only more controlled than those other gods in front of the law, and there was no essential change. But after becoming the Lord God, it is completely different.

Under the Lord God, they are all creatures under the law. But at the level of the Lord God, they have become above the law. Even if there is no law, they can exert invincible power. Moreover, the ancient main gods were almost an idea in applying the law and the outer universe, using the law as a tool. But at this time, the women's clothes under the crown still cooperated with the laws in a way of communication according to the previous ideas, and actually gave full play to the results she had never imagined.

Use divine power to communicate the law, and then use coordinates to build a channel. However, she just finished communicating and didn't enter any coordinates, so she got a kind of information from the law. At this time, as long as her divine power has not dried up, she can reach anywhere.

The women's server originally planned to first go to the area near the kingdom of the main god of the channel, and then find a way to enter, but at this time, with such a choice, she immediately did not hesitate to set the coordinates directly in her bedroom. A gorgeous door of space that could hardly be described in words appeared in front of her, which was the best praise of the law for her attitude of cooperating with the law as the main god.

In the distant kingdom of the Lord God, the residential area at the core is full of high-level upper gods, and the most central is the residence of the Lord God. The residence of the crowned woman is only a light year away from the residence of the Lord God. However, at this time, because it has been upgraded to the main god, under the deliberate operation of the female server under the crown, the laws of her space are completely safe and have not caused any changes in the laws outside, and even the monitoring device of another institution set by the small piece of the extremely secret main god in her room has not been touched.

The glory flashed, and the female costume under the crown appeared in the room where she had been away for about half a year.

Her territory is a small world that looks like a small planet. The surface of the world is covered by the jungle and there are no buildings. Her house and some halls for meeting guests and business places to deal with things are in the core of this small planet.

However, those things belong to the kingdom of the Lord God, which is a standard suite. Only this quiet and warm room belongs to her area, but she didn't expect that there was also the surveillance of the Lord God in this room! If she hadn't achieved the Lord God and didn't know about this matter, she was about to destroy the device. Suddenly, she heard a business outside the door. Her heart suddenly hid her body and disappeared in the space of this house, becoming an existence between entity and nothingness. Neither human beings nor gods could exist. A non-existent "existence" detected.

The most basic thing that can appear in the kingdom of the main god are gods, because the kingdom of the main god has the cheap technology to produce low-level divine power devices, so even those servants and maidservants who are responsible for the daily life services of each upper god or even the lower god all have divine power. .

The two women who pushed the door and entered were the two most loyal captains under her. However, at this time, as soon as they saw these two people come in, the woman's face immediately became very bad, because no matter which upper god or middle god, there is a space in their living area that is completely their own. In that space, anyone enters when they don't get a promise, so The owner of the space has a complete reason to kill the intruder.

And the cabin under the crowned women's clothes is her private space. Even the most loyal people under her subordinates will not let them in. This should be extremely clear to these two subordinates. However, looking at their appearance, there is no expression of fear, which is purely as natural as entering an ordinary hotel.

The female server under the crown suddenly remembered that after she became the main god, she gave up the upper god device in her body and completely destroyed it. Then he should be regarded as a "death" person in the kingdom of the Lord God. But even so, these two men should not enter their own secret room, and they still take it for granted.

The fingers of the woman's clothes under the crown tightened, and suddenly remembered that her whereabouts had been discovered by the annoying confusion. At that time, I only thought it was a magical means obtained by that person from a certain relic. Now I think it, it should be because my men have been completely infiltrated.

I just didn't expect that the two most loyal people had betrayed me. Thinking of the painstaking efforts I poured into these two people, I couldn't help but wonder what benefits the confusion gave them could make them betray themselves.

My heart moved. The divine power of the Lord God began to penetrate this space. Automatically play back some of what happened in this room. Countless images were replayed from the space where she was, allowing her to see a disgusting scene.

ps: I almost went to bed, but suddenly remembered that today's hasn't been uploaded yet, which scared me to death...