
Chapter 367 Forbidden Land One

However, this kind of tree produced from Mount Luoda is an extremely valuable material, which can transmit almost any power in the world,

Whether it is the mana of the mages, the fighting spirit of the fighters, and even the divine power of the temple can be easily transmitted through this weapon or ceremonial weapon made of tree material.

No matter what the attribute of that power is, this divine wood material of Roda Mountain can be perfectly transmitted, because this kind of divine wood has all kinds of magical legends and stories in this world. Although there are many such trees on Loroda Mountain, in addition to some dead branches and leaves that have greatly reduced their functions after natural aging, it is more difficult to cut a branch from a living tree than to launch a battle.

Whether it is a mighty warrior or a humble slave, they must abide by the law of recovery with a full blow, otherwise no one can get any bark! The most helpless thing is that even if you cut a branch or the trunk of a tree, you can only cut off two-thirds of your strength. Next, everyone competes with each other for the speed of recovery. Don't think that if someone helps you do that, you will be kicked out by a mysterious force of Mount Roda. As for flying out and falling to that spatial coordinate, you can't be sure.

It is said that the Pope was kicked out and fell into the boudoir of a horrible woman. As a result, all the names of the life became unpreserving, cough...

For these reasons, these divine trees are extremely difficult to appear in the outside world, and coupled with the nonsense of some bards who like to talk nonsense, fabricate and spread the nonsense, this kind of divine trees has become one of the necessary synthetic materials of many legendary magic. Without this material, it makes people feel that the artifact seems to be a low-level existence, not the ultimate killer that should be held by the hero to finally defeat all darkness.

If these nonsense bards knew that all the wooden furniture in the house were made of this divine wood, they would probably be surprised to lose their chin - on the one hand, this is because, as the most amazing battle talent in the temple, Glina's battle speed is simple. It is so exaggerated that the bloody resurrection in place; another reason is that most of the people who made mistakes in the temple were sent by her to cut the divine wood, and it seems that all the divine trees were taken home by her to make furniture.

Hearing that he was going to go to Mount Loroda, Ratati immediately left all his thoughts and honeymoon plans behind. What kind of person his mother is? He has already known it clearly with his miserable life of more than ten years.

In fact, perhaps because of the oppression of more than ten years of life, he immediately became a chained eagle as soon as he left the temple. His lawless "nonsense" provoked such a "good thing" and tied up the rest of his life.

Although the old woman said harshly, the love and care in the words were heard by both young people. Celia herself didn't expect to be pregnant. If she hadn't been pregnant in those days this month, she didn't know if there was a god in her belly. Moreover, although her power has gradually deviated from the evil and dark route of moon worship over the years, there are always some places that will cause slight damage to the human body, so she has always been very careful to constantly adjust the attributes of these forces to make them gradually become neutral. However, in this way, she has also been very careful not to let these forces pass through the most important parts of her female body, in order to keep her offspring free from the little dark power, so as not to become a trap and obstacle in his life in the future.

Latati looked at his mother helplessly. According to the agreement between them, when Sia was pregnant after her honeymoon, she was sent to that place to settle down, but she didn't expect that she would win the bid in such a hurry except for one shot that day! This is simply too much!

Although he was reluctant, he still said honestly to his mother, "I have already bought a manor in Zolan City, Liuguang Province. Milan Taro Zoran is the city owner in that city. At that time, there should be no problem if he takes care of Celia."

"Zoran City?" The old woman frowned and seemed to think about what it was and what she remembered, so she nodded and said, "That place is really good. There are almost no powerful energy. With the strength of your previous generation of moon worship, even if something happens for a while, it is enough to drag the rescuers.

The last sentence was said to Sisiah, and Sisiah quickly nodded and said yes.

However, the old woman seemed to be a little uneasy, so she said to one of the group of bad friends of the groom who were sitting behind with various small movements at this time: "Dillahuo, you go to the shielded border 50 kilometers behind Zoran City to build a temple, and you will be my grandson in the future. Godfather, take good care of their mother and daughter, otherwise, your life will stay on Mount Loroda!"

The divine horse was shot while lying down. That's probably it.

The dumbfounded Dillafire Al-years never thought that he would suddenly win such a big prize. Although the people in the temple, especially the priests, all hope that they can be sent out to build a temple or take over a temple in their lifetime. But for those who defend Shenyao, it is simply a disaster - it is as difficult as letting a pig-killing person teach! What to teach? Teach children how to kill pigs? Or kill the pig and let the children learn how to cook it?

Except for this unlucky guy who was shot, those other bastards, who were secretly called the black sheep in the temple, were all silent for fear of being remembered by this horrible old woman.

Just now, because the guy did a lot of small actions, two guys saw him looking at the groom and several other people, as if they were thinking about something bad. Unfortunately, he was also seen by the harsh old lady, so he was remembered by the old lady again. As a result, He was sent to that place.

These people who have always had some talent but are far more interested in creating a career. Originally, they would not have known such a place in the north of the center of the empire, but they need to place their little Xixi in a safe place. People immediately went back to mobilize the intelligence officers of their own family and finally found a suitable place - the city of Zoran.