
Chapter 389 Divine War

Even if Celia can outline the law through the field, she still knows little about the essence and understanding of the law.

It's like a person can get a gun and barely use it, but he knows nothing about his specific principles. However, Jiang Wei is almost equivalent to being as exaggerated as a gun designer, but he is in the child's body and can't be reached. Once he comes into contact with it, he immediately bursts out with terrible power.

The starting point of Jiang Wei's new condensing method for himself this time is very high and needs the help of Sia. He will look for a large number of earth Xuanshi. No matter what the quality is, of course, a higher quality is naturally better. The quality is not too high, because the earth's Xuanxie can be constantly washed in the golden field, making the quality of these Xuanxies perfect, and the final effect is even better than those natural Xuanxies, because those natural Xuanxies, no matter what they exist, must have a trace of impurities in them.

For those who have experienced these things for the first time, those impurities or the effect of exercising people's skills may even be an opportunity to cause some unknown change. However, for Jiang Yan, his greatest opportunity is this rebirth. In addition, he is not eager for anything else. I just hope that the pursuit of my life will not be as bumpy and tragic as in my previous life.

Now he only wants everything to be in control, because he has already experienced those things that should have been used to train his mind and hone his character. Although this life is different from the previous life, the feeling in his soul is not fake. It is two people and one person. In any case, he is not It may be separated, because the cause and effect may be cut off, but it can't be cut off. If it is broken, it is no longer me.

This time, according to the current divine position (da dao) distribution in the world, Jiang Yan designed a new condensing method for himself, based on the two most perfect, potential and powerful Xuanxha, and then built a four-elephant gossip sixty-four to 108 Xuanxuan system on it! Once this system is completed, even the strong in the gold field will drink hatred here!

Because from the beginning of gossip, Jiang Yan's evil spirit began to condense the prototype of the world projection. This thing is similar and different from those in the world's gold fields. It is a special forehead domain unique to Jiang Yan. Once it exerts its power, it is almost a horrible effect of heaven and earth. After all, with Jiang Yan's understanding of the law, When you fight, you are like a weapon master with a rifle and a rookie with a sniper. Although the weapon is very important, the person who uses it is the key to winning.

From Jiang's experience, although the world is in the era of birth, those treasures of heaven and earth have not been completely disappeared, and similar items have not been sensed, which makes him very confused, because in any case, these things should appear, even if they have been mastered. However, at present, it seems that there is no landing at all.

However, this world is a completely different fairy world. If these things don't appear, they don't seem to be too rare. Besides, the energy of the world has reached a very ridiculous level. At this time, Xiia and Jiang Bei have already left the scope of Zolan City, and the elements in the air are rich. The degree has been exaggerated to a small world that is almost equal to the small sect of the fairy world!

Even Jiang Yan is sure that such abundant energy, even if he only uses true qi, can still calm down those silver warriors. Of course, they are not allowed to besiege this time, otherwise the same "qi" will be released. After all, his internal gas is a precision product, although the effect is magical. But it can't stand the blow.

Just as although a notebook is worth more than a stone in Shanghai, if it is violently against the two, it must be a notebook that will die miserably, even if it is military.

There are no Hongmeng treasures similar to the fairy world in this world, but the energy is so abundant that Jiang Yu doubts in his heart whether the world has not formed those things, but all turned into energy?

So, there must be a place where the energy is particularly advanced. Jiang Yan took a deep breath and then built a rooftop observation point from Xisiya's golden field to see the land.

In the far south, a divine light shines immortal; in the far north, the dark and quiet abyss is eternally quiet. After only observing these two most powerful places, Jiang Wei's heart is churning. If it hadn't been for Celia holding him and let him fly freely, he would have been afraid he would have been from the air. It fell down.

Sixia looked at him nervously and quickly cut off the connection between the fields:

"What's wrong with you?!"

Jiang Yu looked at the west and the east. He hasn't looked in those two directions, but he has a feeling that those two places should be more horrible than the south and the north. There is an extremely horrible existence lurking in these two directions. In addition, there are some other extremely powerful existences lurking between these four directions. In the world, there is a very strange balance between each other, and it seems that they are waiting for some opportunity.

Or they are all accumulating strength to meet a chaotic future.

Jiang Yu's heart moved.

Sixia suddenly felt that there was an extremely high-end mysterious and noble will in her golden field, which essentially exceeded her understanding of gods!

This power appeared in an instant and disappeared in an instant. If it weren't for the golden field belonging to Celia, she could hardly notice the speed of this will, because at that moment, time seemed to have stopped.

Just when Celia was surprised, Jiang Yu sent her a comforting idea:

"It's my talent - prophetic talent." It is really troublesome to explain all kinds of things in the previous life, and it may involve something, so Jiang Yu explained it directly with talent. There is indeed a natural talent in this world, but it is based on the knowledge and cognition of parents, such as the dragon family or some special blood races.

Sixia is relieved. Since it is blood or something, it is not an unacceptable thing. Although she doesn't understand it yet, even the gods don't fully understand the world, so, well.

Xixiya is relieved, but Jiang Wei's heart is full of new trends: just now, it is the ultimate performance of his understanding of the law from the recovery of consciousness that appeared in this world to now. Through Xiya's golden field, he has achieved the greatest effect and finally achieved a little fairyland. Chinese people really count as a means of fairy families.

If there is no Xisiah's golden field, then she wants to give full play to that ability in the future, unless she becomes a refiner herself.

At that moment, Jiang Yan saw the trajectory of fate and found a change in the future. It is very strange and even strange in this world. The power of fate has no shield at all. As long as a person has extremely powerful power, he can easily find his and the fate trajectory of others!

Of course, this is also related to the form of fate in this world. There is almost no irrevocable fate in these fates. As long as the strength reaches a certain level, it will have the effect of modifying your own fate. Even if you don't want to, the line of fate will naturally deviate from the original direction. Good or bad.

This seems to be very abnormal, because fate itself is too easy to change. It seems that it is no longer a real fate, but just a surface phenomenon, but Jiang Yu has determined this for safety in the past ten years. This is the fate of the world. There is no deeper hidden fate, any People can see their own fate when they are strong to a certain level, and modify their fate when they are stronger. Even if you don't take the initiative to do it, your strength will gradually modify the original trajectory.

Unless that person does nothing. Otherwise, as long as you work hard and do something, there will be changes.

This also seems to be a very good world, unlike the former fairy world. Although it seems that immortals are flying all over the sky and practitioners are everywhere. Once anyone sets foot on cultivation, they are people who live and die forever and are separated from each other, but those fates are almost born and difficult to change.

Even if Jiang Wei was trained and worked hard, he finally became a Taoist in his life, but he still couldn't be detached, and finally ended up in that disaster.

However, everything is possible in this world.

However, such a world is not without a place. In the world of immortality, once Taoism, it is basically immortality, until the great disaster of heaven and earth. However, in this world, unless it is detached from everything, even if it reaches the realm of the main god of "Tao", it will still be destroyed by people. It is absolutely impossible to have no life safety.

After all, in this world, even the deepest law of fate is unstable, and how can we talk about anything that is not bad?

Jiang Yan, who has already experienced the feeling of being powerless, loves this new world, because after the last disaster in the world, he finally understood the truth. If he is not detached, he will be a piece of dirt after all.

The discovery just now made him know that all the gods in the world are secretly accumulating power, because in the near future, there will be an extremely terrible divine war, which is the second divine battle since ancient gods. The highest participant this time even has the participation of the main god, and Jiang Wei The continent in which it is located will also be affected to a certain extent. After all, the gods who fight, their believers and belongings also have to fight endlessly.