
Chapter 395 ah yeah

Of course, he is impossible!

As a result, after fifteen breaths, a roar came from upstairs: "Vlad, you are looking for death!"

The news appeared at the fastest, even synchronized speed, at the highest elders of the college thousands of miles away, and they instantly decided to get this woman at all costs! Whether that channel exists or not, it is such a beautiful woman, not to mention that temperament, also determines that they are completely worth getting her at all costs. Such a woman is often the most perfect gift for some special people.

Even people at the king level, although they are divorced from the category of human beings, they actually still have human desires and ideas, but the form of life has changed.

On the contrary, these strong people aggravate the desire to belong to human beings and release them because of their own changes. That's the desire that has been suffoed for hundreds of years before the king of achievement!

However, after the life form of the king himself changed, the law of heaven and earth has more restrictions on them. Although they can do whatever they want, they can't easily do it with some of the forces they want.

For example, princesses, queens, princesses and so on, these women can never be passive, otherwise they will be angry, and the kings of the world will also have higher-level people to deal with them.

In addition to the king of the world, there are also higher-level people who are still this virtue.

One thing has not been widely spread because it involves gods - those gods cultivated by human beings have never disappeared, and those strong people who believe in them are almost the vents of their future slaves and personal desires. There have always been many believers who have been born gods who have sat down to become gods, but none of those believers who believe in human gods have ever succeeded in becoming gods!

They can't even leave their original faith, otherwise they will be greatly hit and hunted down. The gods even don't hesitate to lower their style to maintain their gods' dignity. It seems that they care more about these than those authentic gods.

This is also the reason why human gods are more despised in the kingdom of God. They are inherently bad.

And those born gods are actually almost equivalent to the original world of Jiang Yu. They have extraordinary abilities and are very powerful, but because they are too powerful, they ignore cultivation.

And those human gods are cultivated by human monks. These people are full of deceit and build their own thrones with the help of those gods, but they think about how to destroy and seize those gods and divine realms, and replace them. Many human gods even want to enslave those innate gods.

And Jiang Yu's prediction is related to this. Human gods will unite to launch a war against those innate gods and completely change the composition of human gods in the kingdom.

Turn the kingdom of God into a world of human beings!

And the idea that belongs to the ancestor of the old demon in Jiang Yu's heart is also set at that time. There will be a congenital god to fall, and Jiang Yu will take chestnuts from the fire at that time to get a divine status. On the one hand, it is for my own cultivation, but on the other hand, it is for Xisiya.

Even if this woman achieves a god, it will be worrying, so Jiang Yu intends to transcend all this by herself and let Sia succeed in this way.

Although it has crossed four or five incredible realms, Jiang Ji, who has experienced the birth and destruction of a universe, has great confidence in this. His world has developed to the peak, and the understanding of any technology and law has reached the most perfect level, and everything in the world is still at the origin. Therefore, As long as it is operated properly, it is not impossible for Jiang Yu to do so.

Those elders judge such a woman in an instant. I'm afraid that even gods will be moved. Therefore, as long as they can operate and dedicate this woman to a god, they will definitely get great wealth.

This is also their order to die and absolutely not allow injury to the woman! Raphael roared angrily. He had also predicted this result, so after desperately repelling Vlad, he wanted to shoot himself first. As a result, he didn't expect Vlad to be "burned" and spread the matter all at once.

Raphael was full of anger and couldn't wait to kill Vlad immediately, but when both sides tried their best, even if he killed Vlad, he would be seriously injured.

At present, instead of fighting with him, it's better to take that woman first. Even if you can't eat it, it's good to occupy your mouth fiercely! Thinking viciously in his heart, Raphael immediately rushed upstairs with his sword.

Suddenly, the center of gravity of the body was immediately lost! A great danger suddenly rose in his heart, and Raphael immediately burst out all the fighting spirit and formed a fighting spirit shield to protect his whole body - this move was a waste of fighting spirit.

But he can protect his whole body, because at this time, he has no way to judge which direction the attack is from.


The sound sounded into a string, which scared Raphael into a cold sweat, and his back was soaked in an instant!

Although the strength of the attack is at the ordinary level, it is so dense. If you are careless just now, you must have won the bid at this time - a powerful mage, and the level is probably also analogy to the existence of the peak of silver, the intermediate mage, also known as the silver mage.

Unlike other local masters, all the mages in this place have the talent for battle inspiration for spells like Warcraft. There are almost no fluctuations before each spell is launched, and the launch speed of spells is extremely fast! General mages need to condense the magic elements in advance, and then combine those elements through their own spell positions to dump them in the launch, but the monsters completely exist in their bodies! That Warcraft crystal core is something that stores mana elements.

After learning such a technique, the mages here also engraved some special runes on their bodies, and some even embedded some Warcraft crystals in their bodies, so that they can store a large number of spell elements in their bodies at any time like Warcraft.

Raphael faced such a mage this time. This kind of mage is even known as a "killer" elsewhere - generally speaking, the mage is basically dead after being approached by the fighter. For the mage, ten meters away from the naked eye is his combat field.

However, this kind of mage from this town, whether it is a long attack or a near attack, is powerful and makes the fighters desperate.

However, it is not without cost for them to do so. These mages will no longer have the hope of promotion to the golden mage, that is, the senior mage!

Difference from fighters, when mages are promoted to golden mages, their magic power can build a mage field similar to the king of the world but not as powerful as the king of the world but stronger than the warrior field.

Any celestial-level attack and protection can easily occur there. Any golden fighter, except for those special fields or strong cultivation and practicing the advanced top fighter method, is basically suppressed and has no resistance.

However, as has been said, mages are all wise men, and their rational judgment on various things makes many fighters have to admit that they do have far more muscles than brains.

The mage concluded through speculation and judgment that even very talented people, whether they are silver warriors or silver mages, can really seize the opportunity to break through the silver realm and become a gold strong man. The number ratio is about 1,000 to 1, and even many people even step into the gold field with half a foot. It took more than ten years to enter the gold field!

Instead of hoping for a gold field that is not so likely, it is better to take some measures to directly make yourself the most powerful group of people under gold in your short life. Although you have lost that hope of progress, who can be sure that you are one thousandth The lucky one?

The mages are rational and decisive, but the fighters are difficult to make a choice.

Of course, this is also related to their origin. In fact, although there are relatively few people with the talent of mages, it is definitely not as few as above, but because the resources needed to learn mages far exceed the resources of fighters. Unless they are merchants or nobles, ordinary people do not have this financial resources at all.

The profession of mage has a large investment and a small income in the early stage, while the fighter has a small investment and a large income in the early stage. It is only in the later stage that the strength of the mage's investment is reflected.

Then when you reach the realm of the king of the world, the two sides will be equal.

But what is very embarrassing is that the mages in the early stage of Silver are still fragile, and the mages begin to be invincible in the later stage.

The mages walking on the earth generally do not come out until the silver period, which also causes people to misunderstand the mages that they have always been more powerful than fighters. In fact, this is a wrong misunderstanding.

However, those things have nothing to do with the current battle. Raphael lasted for a long time and finally insisted on stopping the method when the fighting spirit was about to collapse.

"Hima! Are you trying to start a war between the two colleges?!" Raphael saw the person clearly and immediately wanted to go up and tear the other party. At that time, he robbed the beautiful woman from Vlad's hand. As a result, before he could enjoy it, he was taken away by another more powerful nobleman!

That person is Hu Ma!

A nobleman of another empire has the same family rank, but his wealth is dozens of times higher than that of his family, because he finally smashed into the world of mage by smashing money, but he became a fighter because the talent of mage is not outstanding!