Xian Zhu

Chapter 19 despise

"Tibetan Sutra Pavilion? Is it Uncle Zou's disciple?" Although Han Yuan answered happily and could not hear any problems, Zhang Jiao and the others were still doubtful.

The "Tibetan Sutra Pavilion" managed by Zou Wei is not only in the Three Immortals Mountain, but it can naturally be regarded as a place to include disciples, but the actual situation is not as ordinary people think. It can only be said that this place is really a little special. This is the only place in the whole Sanxian Mountain, and it never receives disciples.

Before Han Yuan, the whole four-story tower of the "Tibetan Sutra Pavilion" was under the control of Zou Wei. Usually, if the disciples were not accompanied by various stews, they could not go up the second floor.

Although it is not very clear why it is so strict, there are also rumors that the place actually takes care of the most important three-door Taoism in Sanxian Mountain, which is left by the three ancestors of Sanxian Mountain, but there is only such a rumor, but in fact, few people believe it.

Because if such an important Taoist law is really hidden there, he really doesn't pay much attention to the care there. No matter how powerful Zou Inverse is, after all, he is just a person. In case there is really any variable, I'm afraid it will be difficult to keep it there alone.

In addition to Dong Xuanzhen and Zou Wei himself, I'm afraid that the four gatekeepers in the sect may not really be clear. As disciples in the sect, Zhang Jiao and others speculate too much and it is useless. The reason why they think of these is because of Han Yuan in front of them.

Although he heard Zhang Jiao's words, Han Yuan did not think that the other party was asking himself. Looking at Zhang Jiao's appearance, he seemed to ask several people around him. Han Yuan was too lazy to care about anything with him. Even if he had seen that the other party was afraid that the other party was above the top and did not pay attention to himself at all. Han Yuan just smiled and didn't do it again. Too many words.

Dogs look down on people, and Han Yuan has always been rare. If anyone, Han Yuan has to argue with them, he feels that he really has a little self-inflated identity. It's like a dog can bite people, which can be regarded as a dog's nature. But if people have to bite the dog in revenge, it is really indescribable.

"Hey, boy." Seeing that Han Yuan did not speak, he was just "giggling". Zhang Jiao and the other two had initially characterized Han Yuan as "good to bully" and thought about it for a while. When they looked at Han Yuan again, their tone had changed.

"You should not dare to tell lies. It must be really the inner disciple of my Three Immortals Mountain. As for whether it is a disciple of Uncle Zou, you can naturally know after going out here. However, even if you said, you are really a new inner disciple of my Three Immortals Mountain, why did you come here?" As an important place of practice in the door, how can an ordinary disciple like you come in? You didn't sneak in by yourself, did you?"

If you want to say, it's really "there must be a teacher, there must be an apprentice". Even if you have never seen the fire scattered people, it is not difficult for Han Yuan to imagine what the so-called "ground gate" steweur should be like. Fortunately, Han Yuan still doesn't know Zhang Jiao's identity, otherwise I'm afraid he will look good-looking this guy as soon as he sees it.

Although people can't have a general knowledge of such things as dogs, if they blindly tolerate it, it is inevitable that they will not get used to some bad habits. Whether it is a dog or a person like a dog, it is inevitable. There is an old saying that dogs can't change eating shit!

Although Han Yuan still does not know Zhang Jiao's identity, Zou Wei also briefly told him before he came in. Now there is an elite disciple in each of the four schools of Sanxian Mountain, who is the most cultivated inner disciples in the four schools of Tiandi Xuanhuang. After these four people finish this experience, they will be sent to We went down the mountain to practice.

Although Zou's words are not fully explained, Han Yuan can also hear that as long as he has experienced it, if there is no accident, he should have a chance to go down the mountain like them.

Han Yuan can not care about other things. Fubo's life and death, as well as the enemies who killed his parents, he still want to know. If he doesn't go down the mountain, how high his cultivation can be in the door?

"This dog-like guy is not a disciple of the fire, is he?" Although Han Yuan was thinking secretly, the expression on his face remained the same. Instead, he smiled more brightly and said, "As my brother said, I didn't have a chance to come here, but he was punished because he violated the rules. For figures like seniors and seniors, of course, this is just a place of experience, but for me, it is more dangerous than the Jedi in such a place. If I can't find a senior brother or sister, I don't know what to do next.

After listening to Han Yuan's words, Zhang Jiao has shown a look of "I know" and said, "Well, it's no wonder that you know that you have made all the French robes in the door like this. You must not be a person who knows the rules. It is not uncommon for people like you to break the rules. If you are really a disciple of Uncle Zou, afraid It's to let my master talk to him more, and don't let anyone talk to his own door.

"Yes, the senior brother's lesson is extremely good. I don't know which uncle the senior brother is?" After listening to Zhang Jiao's words, Han Yuan grinned, revealing his teeth so white that they seemed to be reflective.

"Well, a new disciple like you should not let you know my name. It's okay to tell you that you are pitiful. You can hear it clearly. Don't ask me again. I'm not interested in talking nonsense with you! My name is Zhang Jiao, and my mentor is the 'dimen' stewul, and the fire disperses people!"

"...Oh~ I've met Brother Zhang!" After listening to Zhang Jiao's words, Han Yuan lowered his head slightly, as if he was polite to Zhang Jiao, but in fact, it was the flashing cold light in his hidden eyes. Even An Yuhan and Lu Guiyuan, who had not been silent, could not see it.

Only Lu Guiyuan was sensitive and felt a little chill in an instant, but the feeling was just fleeting. Without waiting for him to delve, he had lost everything, like an illusion.

Unlike Zhang Jiao, as soon as Han Yuan appeared, Lu Guiyuan had noticed that he was a little strange. Although An Yuhan's expression on his face was not obvious, when she spoke to Zhang Jiao, her eyes had not left Han Yuan. It could be seen that she should also be a little different from the other three disciples.

After being rescued by Lu Guiyuan, although it was much safer, it was also because of such a young master that the two disciples of Zhang Jiao and "Tianmen" and "Xuanmen" were extremely depressed. They just stood beside Lu Guiyuan as if they were short, so they met a "not as themselves" The new disciples in the family behaved like this. Of course, if they are really a person with a slightly better heart, it will not be so.

Seeing that Han Yuan dared not say anything and "forced to pretend to have a smiling face", Zhang Jiao finally felt a little comfortable. Although he also knew that the other party might be scolding him in his heart, as long as Han Yuan did not dare to contradict him face to face, he felt very satisfied.

Of course, Han Yuan's smiling face will not be forced. There is only one time in the world that he can force himself to do something! And he once swore that the only time it must be the only time in his life!

I really understand the meaning of Han Yuan's smile. Originally, there were only two people. As soon as Fubo left, I was afraid that there would be only one Wang Ren in the future. If Wang Ren was here now, how far would he hide as when he was still outside the outside door?

The disciples of Sanxian Mountain like Zhang Jiao don't know Han Yuan, let alone Lu Guiyuan, who is far away from Xiaoyao Jianzong. However, Han Yuan is really just a new disciple of Sanxian Mountain. He is the first one who won't believe it. Not because of anything else, but because of the sudden appearance of Han Yuan, he can only detect it when the other party comes very close. But this is by no ordinary disciple can do it.

Although he has some different thoughts, he will not show it at this time. After all, although they are both righteous sects, they are still two families. Since they have recognized Han Yuan's identity first, it means that Han Yuan is a person from Sanxian Mountain. What's the reason for him to be a Xiaoyao Jianzong?

"Brother, did you find this place only with this 'spiritual introduction'?" Seeing that Zhang Jiao and others seemed to want to say something else, but without waiting for them to speak, An Yuhan suddenly asked.

After listening to her words, several people looked at the paper crane that was still flying in the air. Although they had found the people according to the breath, Han Yuan clearly had no intention of taking the paper crane back. Because it had not broken the true connection, the paper crane seemed to fly forward and didn't know where it wanted to go.

"Ha ha, let my senior sister laugh. Because I have just started, I don't have time to learn advanced techniques. I can only learn these skills by myself, and I can't do it in this dangerous place. I just thought of such a way, but I haven't think that I can succeed with a try."


The more polite Han Yuan said, the more they looked down on him, especially when they heard that Han Yuan admitted that he really used the "spiritual introduction" to find his own side, and even felt that they had lost in front of Lu Guiyuan. Like such a small skill, they almost never remembered it. If they really want to contact the same door, compared with this " Spiritual introduction" is a profound spell, and they will not be able to do it.

Unlike Zhang Jiao and the other three, only when An Yuhan listened to Han Yuan's answer could he see that Han Yuan was extraordinary like Lu Guiyuan.

"Spiritual Introduction" is a small skill, but it is not true that ordinary people can really think of using it and use it in a place with boundary covering such as "no return road". At least An Yuhan admits that his use of magic can never reach such a subtle level.

"Ha, Brother Han, I finally caught up with you! You are really boring. I called you behind me like this, and you still run so fast. If it hadn't been for my foot strength, I would have been thrown away by you!" Before a few people could say anything more, another voice sounded and looked up. At this time, on the sand dunes that Han Yuan had walked out before, there was another person standing, but he was carrying the scorching sun and didn't see it very clearly.

"Who are you!" Before others could speak, Zhang Jiao had drawn a ring of fire around him and looked like a big enemy, because this time he also thought that if this man could appear so silently in front of everyone, he must be extraordinary. If he is an enemy but not a friend, he is afraid that it will be a fierce battle immediately.

Although Zhang Jiao's reaction was not slow, he missed the expression on Lu Guiyuan's face. If he had seen that Han Yuan's face was only a little deep before, now he had completely turned into ink, and it could be seen that he was quite restless at this moment.

When Lu Guiyuan turned around to look, he could only see the figure of the person, but he could confirm the identity of the other party.

"Zen Master Xiaoming!"