Xian Zhu

Chapter 27 Bowen Death

Long Yuan protects the sword and is buried in the sword light, dancing, scattering and gathering with the sword light, all at will! Compared with the real "body is a sword, the sword is a man" peerless sword cultivation is not much worse.

And this is what he got from his injury to the foundation!

It is extremely difficult to differentiate the sword light. What's more rare is that his flying sword has two forms of gathering and scattering. When the countless silver needles disperse, the differentiated sword light seems to have become a flying sword all over the sky.

Not to mention ordinary people, ordinary practitioners see countless flying swords like silver waterfalls. I'm afraid they can only escape this way, but now there is a square scarf in front of them.

In addition to looking very large, this square scarf is nothing special. The black cloth is probably several feet in size. From time to time, there is a lot of black smoke on it, and it looks as if it has no shape, like a black cloud cut into thin slices.


With a break, ten thousand swords arrived, and the square scarf could no longer stop these many flying swords. It could only be pierced by a flying sword and stabbed into a rag full of holes.

But after all the flying swords passed by, it raised a lot of black gas and made up for those holes, and in the blink of an eye, it became intact as before.

At this time, Ouyang Bowen suddenly appeared from behind the black scarf. His pale face was still pale, but his body was still connected to the black scarf magic weapon. He was not scared by the previous blow. Instead, he rolled up the magic weapon again.

Those flying swords rushed through with a sharp force. At this time, as soon as they were exhausted, they could not immediately restore their previous power, and they were entangled by black scarves again. Naturally, they could not escape easily.

Seeing that these flying swords were surrounded, Lu Guiyuan, who had been waiting for a long time, was not polite. He decisively sacrificed the cold light of the sword and cut off. A sword was cut off in the middle of the flying sword waterfall. After a sound of "split", he cut the sword flow out of a blank space. It was really as if he had been broken by Lu Guiyuan's sword, but when Lu Guiyuan After the shape appeared again and stopped silently in mid-air, the sword flow received another place, as if it had never been attacked.

Lu Guiyuan stood there quietly. Although the expression on his face did not change much, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.


While Lu Guiyuan looked at the sword flow, there was another firelight that suddenly burst out from nowhere. At the beginning, it was just a light, and at the next moment, it had rushed straight out and turned into a huge snake. His big mouth opened as hard as he could. As soon as he rushed through, he swallowed the surrounded sword stream into his abdomen.


The snake had no time to twist its body for a while, and a human voice came from its body. After a slight pause, the huge body suddenly exploded and turned into fireworks all over the sky.

is still the previous sword flow, and there is no damage at all. It has appeared in front of Lu Guiyuan again.

Fortunately, the black scarf entangled with it was not broken, which made Han Yuan empty and escape from the vicinity. When he stepped on the black snake and appeared beside Lu Guiyuan again, there was no usual smile on his face. He looked quite serious. His eyes did not look at Lu Guiyuan, and his straight eyes were all flowing with the sword. Up.

"This guy is much more difficult to deal with than I thought. It seems that he can't be achieved by ordinary magic alone..."


Han Yuan only said half of his words. Naturally, Lu Guiyuan would not interrupt him at this time. He just saw Han Yuan hesitate a little and listened to him continue to say, "I have a way to use the previous rocket again, but even if I can shoot him, the situation is not optimistic. I'm afraid I still have to fight, let alone first. He has seen my method before. He should be on guard, and it is not easy for him to be tricked.

"Do you need me to contain him?"

"...that's right!"

It is always extremely simple to speak in a smart world. Although Han Yuan did not make a clear request, after listening to him, Lu Guiyuan could already think of Han Yuan's plan.

Although this request is a little excessive and is more suspected of letting Lu Guiyuan die, somehow, Lu Guiyuan did not think that the other party was going to harm him at all. Perhaps he refused to admit that he actually had an inexplicable trust in Han Yuan.

It's true that Lu Guiyuan regards Han Yuan as his opponent, and Han Yuan is afraid that he also knows his thoughts, but the "opponent" relationship between them is obviously a little different from ordinary. Just saying that he trusts this, the two seem to be extremely good friends.

Hearing Han Yuan's clear request, Lu Guiyuan did not hesitate much. After a little conditioning, he suddenly went to the air of the sword, and the sword was straight, and there was no trace of hesitation at all.

It still looks like before, as if he still wants the sword to interfere with Longyuan. Only Han Yuan knows that this time he went desperately. Looking at Lu Guiyuan's indomitable momentum, Han Yuan also had a different feeling in his heart, as if the blood all over his body was boiling. This feeling is Han Yuan has never done it before.

As an extraordinary person, Han Yuan has done a better job than most people in many places. Even if he is not very old, most of the time, he likes to show an extremely old appearance, for nothing else, just to make others dare not despise himself, and can always maintain a normal heart and try not to External interference affects one's judgment.

There are not many people who really know Han Yuan, and there are only two and a half in total... Of course, maybe Lu Guiyuan will be added along the way.

Although it is not good to keep calm and calm, at some times, if you are too calm, you have to judge everything with reason, and life will indeed be much more boring.

Although Han Yuan understood this truth a long time ago, compared with Lu Guiyuan at this time, he also wanted to sigh that he was inferior. As he is now, his indomitable momentum will never be achieved only by one determination and one fighting spirit. The most important thing is to have a firm belief.

A belief that with a sword in hand, nothing in the world can be cut!

What Han Yuan could think of, Lu Guiyuan may not have thought of, but even if he knew that he might die, Han Yuan did not feel a trace of wavering in him, as if his own life did not belong to him.

"This is the real sword cultivation. It seems that this guy has also made great progress along the way. Presumably Xiaoming will have some nerves when he sees him again next time." Han Yuan looked at Lu Guiyuan's back and couldn't help thinking to himself.

Since Lu Guiyuan has rushed up so decisively, Han Yuan had no reason to be lazy and gently knocked the black snake with his foot. It seemed to have received some instructions, holding Han Yuan to fly steadily. Although the speed was slower for Lu Guiyuan, it did not really fall much.

A sword is in the air!

Many people actually have a misunderstanding, that is, they think that the formula must be shouted out to be effective, but in fact, it is not always true.

In addition to some real spells and words, many spells actually do not need to be shouted out. Most of the reasons for shouting them out are just for momentum and deeper meaning, just to strengthen their minds and better perform spells.

It seems that Lu Guiyuan is already an extremely confident person at this time. There is really no need to rely on any formula. What he really needs to do is to cut it with a sword and aboveboardly. There is no need to say so much!

Compared with the sword flow of Longyuan, Lu Guiyuan's sword light always looks a little "weak". It doesn't mean that Lu Guiyuan is not as good as Longyuan in one of the swords, just because there is a clear gap in the quality and quantity of true qi, and this gap is still completely different in general. The way to make up for it.

However, at this moment, Lu Guiyuan's sword light suddenly soared. At this time, it seems that it can no longer be called "light", and it is more considerate to say "Rainbow". If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, I'm afraid it would be extremely difficult to imagine that there would be a light of a flying sword that could defeat the flow of many flying swords.

Different from the previous slash, this time Lu Guiyuan actually chose to chase directly to the end of the sword flow and hit it directly. Even if he was still trapped in the periphery of the sword flow, he didn't care about it. He only tore a huge crack on it and collided with the sword flow very directly.

Ouyang Bowen didn't have time to scold Lu Guiyuan, and he has seen two similar cold light bump into each other. How can he have the heart to see which one wins or loses? Without care about his magic weapon, he suddenly turned around and fled!

Ouyang Bowen dares to swear to God that what he hates most now is not anyone next to him, but his parents. He hates that they can't grow a few more legs for themselves...

Ouyang Bowen has never been so embarrassed, and he has never run so fast! When he thought it was beyond his limit, his stagnant cultivation at this moment seemed to have changed.

The two cold light collided with each other. He actually let the black scarf magic weapon be torn to pieces by the scattered fine cold light, and did not look back. A black and purple-like pearl hung on his head, sprinkled a Taoist light to protect his body, and he was already driving the black smoke to escape.

Although his movements were not slow, he underestimated the powerful blow of these two extremely powerful swordsmen.

If he himself is not in this "eye of the storm", it is not bad. With his ability, it is not difficult to escape. The problem is that he is too close.

Originally, he thought that Lu Guiyuan's sword was unintentionally, or because he didn't have time to remind himself, so he broke his magic weapon and cut it.

When the first cold light hit him, Ouyang Bowen suddenly realized that he was actually in Lu Guiyuan's sword calculation. It turned out that from the beginning, Han Yuan and Lu Guiyuan never thought of letting him go!

The scattered cold light hit him, and each of them was far from Yuwei. It seemed that each blow was the full blow of a complete flying sword, including not only Lu Guiyuan, but also Long Yuan.

Obviously, Long Yuan will not let Ouyang Bowen escape easily and will never let him watch the scene without danger.

If only the sword light emanates from these two people's sword fighting, although Ouyang Bowen is shocked, it should be dangerous. Long Yuan is naturally very clear about this. Only Lu Guiyuan knows that as long as he and Long Yuan block him a little, he will never have a chance to see tomorrow's sun alive.


A very familiar voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the three people at the same time, but the meaning was completely different.

The red light crossed the sky, so bright that people dared not look directly. When they got close, they felt that there was still amazing heat on it.

It's too close to find out that it's too late.

"It turned out to be a flame..."

When the light became louder in his eyes, Ouyang Bowen came up with such an idea, which was also the last thought in his short life. At the next moment, he felt a sudden relaxation.

You don't have to look up. Ouyang Bowen can already know that his magic elixir has been destroyed by this rocket, just as he is thinking: Why doesn't the other party shoot directly into his body?

The next moment, countless cold light suddenly appeared in front of him, and there was no chance to look down. His sore body was like a rag pocket, slowly falling from the air...