Xian Zhu

Chapter 35 Array Fawei

"How's it going, Lu Xianshi? Is there still no way to break through this magic array?

"...For the time being, we can only see that this array should be an ancient array, which is very different from the way of array in today's world. It is almost impossible to see the context of this array and break through it with force." Hearing Chen Liu ask himself again, Lu Guiyuan had to tell him the truth in order to prepare him early.

Chen Liu knew that things were very bad, but he didn't expect it to be so bad. After listening to Lu Guiyuan's words, he felt that he didn't know what to do for a while, and he was also stunned there.

Lu Guiyuan's magic formula changed, drew the light of the sword, and cut off another fog. Seeing Chen Liu's appearance, he couldn't help saying, "Let them all be closer. Don't act without authorization. Just stay by my side honestly. I can protect you well before I really run out."

"But what should you do when you are really exhausted?" Chen Liu still couldn't help asking.

"Now I hope we can use energy to pass the array of people..." Lu Guiyuan still hasn't said half a sentence, but half of what he didn't say is: It also depends on whether Han Yuan's boy can make time to save him.

Speaking of which, it's really hard to blame Chen Liu and others for not being careful. Whether they are protected by Han Yuan or not, under Chen Liu's order, the march of the army is still as usual. Fenglin and Fenggu are the most basic to pay attention to when marching. Every time they go to some places where the situation is unclear, Chen Liu will first send a sent a sentry to explore carefully, without a trace of slacking.

As the last dangerous place to go to the capital of Zhao, this "Yuchang Valley" naturally requires more repeated exploration. Because of this, Lian Mo has to launch a formation in advance and trap Chen Liu all of them in the valley. If they could go deeper into the valley and launch a formation, at that time, the countless boulders on the cliffs on both sides would be enough to bury all the army of the State of Chen here.

Although the array is as white fog as normal, there will be a column-like fog rushing around the army from time to time. If you are accidentally rubbed by a little fog, it will immediately absorb the blood in the body, and the fog will also turn into other monsters.

At the beginning, there was a lack of precautions, but everyone had the loss of eating this fog. When Lu Guiyuan cut off these fog monsters, he would stabilize the situation a little.

"Be careful!"

In the moment when Lu Guiyuan talked with Chen Liu, there was such a flying fog, and unlike the appearance of only one road before, this time it actually flew out of several roads together. Although Lu Guiyuan reminded him earlier, he did not slow down the flying sword in his hand, but two of them still missed under his sword and attacked the defenseless Chen Guo general behind him. Shi, the change appeared again. More than a dozen foggy people turned into mummies in the blink of an eye, with only a few red fog twisting, and finally turned into several monsters.

"Prepared!" Seeing that Lu Guiyuan had flown up, Chen Liu's reaction was not slow, and he immediately issued an order.

If the opponent is an ordinary soldier like himself, Chen Guo will naturally have nothing to fear, that no matter how big the strength gap between the enemy and us is, it will not be a completely untouchable existence, but now it can't work. In the face of these "fairy" and "magic arrays", these ordinary soldiers can not kneel It's not easy to tremble on the ground.

In the past, as long as Chen Liu's general order was issued, it was guaranteed to be carried out immediately, but it does not mean that these people can also do so under the current situation.

After Chen Liu's order was passed, not only the soldiers below, but also his generals reacted for a long time. Some of them were scared and stayed there by the monsters. The order could not be transmitted to everyone in the army in time, and chaos was inevitable. When Lu Guiyuan cut several demons under his sword and looked back, his face was also gloomy. Come down.

It's just that in the blink of an eye, the army that was originally protected by himself has been completely scattered, and many of them have been turned into monsters by fog. Those normal Chen soldiers are entangled with them, and it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. Some are only beast roars and fighting, and those fog has not stopped. Continuing to appear, Lu Guiyuan keenly felt that the speed of flying fog appeared faster than before...

Outside the mysterious blood cloud ecstasy array.

I don't know when he picked up the copper bell and black wooden sword on the table, and stepped on the authentic Tian Gang of Xuanmen. The bell was crisp, the sword dance was very slow, and there were some meaningless spells in his mouth. Yan Fei did not dare to get too close at this time and stood a little far away.

Even Momu's sword dance is not in a hurry, but as soon as each sword comes out, there must be a black light drawn out, hitting the incense burner, so that the smoke in the furnace is much more anxious, and there is no way to see the statue behind.

Although there is a lot of smoke, there is no real waste. At most, they can only fly to the head of the statue, and there is no way to rise. They are all trapped in that place and begin to roll upside down. It seems that the position is sucked in by the statue.

Just looking at Lian Mo's practice, it is not difficult to guess that the changes in the following array should be for this reason.

As Yan Fei knows, this "Xuanyin Blood Cloud ecstasy Array" is not a high and deep array in the ancient magic array, otherwise it will not fall into the hands of Zichen Demon Lord, let alone be handed over to himself to learn.

Compared with today's array, the biggest advantage of this array is not in its power, but that its power is strange enough. The method of arraying in the altar is extremely convenient, but there must be advantages and disadvantages in everything, and there will be no exceptions to this array.

Although there are very few requirements for the conditions of array, one thing is necessary, that is, the cultivation of the array must be high, and the higher the better.

This is not surprising. Such a formation was originally cultivated by those powerful "gas refiners" a long time ago. It is true that they practiced true qi and practiced Taoism like today's practitioners, but if they only compare their cultivation, the "gas refiners" at that time must be better than the current one. The practitioners are much stronger.

Such an array comes from them, and the requirements and standards for users are naturally the same. Needless to say, it can be imagined that it should be very difficult to control the operation of this array alone with Lian Mo's cultivation.

At this time, Lian Mo's feet were not chaotic, and the objects in his hands were still calm, but his face had turned dark red, as if he had held his breath. From time to time, bean-sized sweat had slipped from his face and hit the earth and stone.

Seeing that Lian Mo was so hard, Yan Fei did not say to help, but said, "Strong harder!" This array will never be as powerful as this. Use all your strength! We don't have so much time to spend here with these people. If my master comes, not only am I in trouble, but I'm afraid you can't escape.

"..." Lian Mo did not agree, but silently accelerated his movements by a few minutes.

"Fmoke away!"

After all, the sword dance will not last. The induction is only a large array of this degree. It is impossible to solve the people inside in a short time. Even Mo suddenly threw the copper bell out. The black wooden sword pointed straight to it, and a black light hit it and smashed the copper bell. As his words fell, all the smoke tomb was one of them. Empty, look at the three large and small incense burners. There is no smoke coming out, and the incense has burned out.

Dancing the sword with one hand and drawing with the emptiness with the other hand, all the steel bell gold powder that will fall in the future have been pulled by its strength, connecting into a straight line in the void, like a dragon snake, the whole straight line keeps moving, and in a short time has been drawn into a strange rune.

"With the mysterious spirit, the taste of the five colors, and the wishes of the people, I hope you can listen to my prayers, use my strength to break the enemy and destroy the spirit. I am willing to give you flesh and blood, and sacrifice your power!"

After a few broken thoughts, the black wooden sword has danced again and again. Seeing that the other hand is stretched out and raised and fell down, the tail finger has been broken by the wooden sword.

The broken finger did not fall, as if it still had its own will. It flew to the golden rune in an instant. Before touching it, it suddenly exploded into a blood fog, and then wrapped the rune, threw a strong light from the statue on the French platform, and was putting the rune in the blood fog mask, waiting to be sucked into by it. In the middle, a black fog shot out from behind its head and rushed into the array. At this time, it was clear that it actually had two sides on one head.

At this time, the smoke dispersed and you can see that the statue is indeed a person, but there are few clothes on the body. There are only things that look like animal skin below, but there is no clothes on the legs, feet and upper body. Only a string of big Buddha beads are hung around the neck. If you look closely, you can see that the carving is actually a baby skull. .

A pair of feet is strangely large, with a bright silver ring hanging on each wrist, which can distinguish real gold and iron objects, not as much as his body, but a clay sculpture.

The ratio of the head to the body can be regarded as normal, but compared with his burly body shape, it is still bigger than ordinary people. His hair is messy and not very long. It is just over the ear. On the one hand, there is a calm face to Lian Mo, but there is a face with the same appearance behind his head, but with an angry expression. The previous black The fog blew out of the mouth of this face.

After hearing Mo's words clearly and looking at the appearance of the statue, it is not difficult to guess that this statue should be some unknown evil god and demon. Maybe this array came from him.

As soon as the black fog fell into the array, there was no change at the beginning, as if it had been swallowed by many thick white fogs. After a while, it could be seen that the color of the fog was slowly getting heavier. Later, it could be seen that the fog had turned gray and white, and then it was black and pure black, which stopped changing.

"With my cultivation, I can only inspire this 'Xuanyin Blood Cloud ecstasy Array' to this extent." After taking out a yellow paper charm wrapped in his hand to stop the blood, Lian Mo said to Yan Fei.

Yan Fei was only looking at the fog changes. After listening to Lian Mo's words, he casually answered, "That's enough, that's enough!" No matter how powerful the boy is, he is just a heartbeat cultivation. Even I can't compare with his cultivation. At present, the big array has been fully launched, and he must be unable to stop it! We are ready to collect the bodies. I hope we can't save their heads because the array is too powerful, right? Their heads are still of great use to me."

Listening to Yan Fei's words, Mo was silent and only looked down, with a strange look in his eyes. When he went to take a closer look, he had become the original appearance, so that people could not see if he still had any rational ideas in his heart.


At that moment filled with black fog, Han Yuan finally stopped looking at the hot spring and looked at another different place. He could not see that the direction was the place where Lu Guiyuan and the others were trapped!