Xian Zhu

Chapter 42 is actually weak

The wind is cold on the cliff of "Fish intestine Valley", but it is not as cold as the heart of the ancient blood demon at this time, if it still has a heart now.

"...Who are you? How can it be? How can we know so much about our existence? These should never be known by today's practitioners. Is it possible that you are the descendant of the power in ancient times? Han Yuan saw through his depth. When the ancient servant blood demon opened his mouth again, he was no longer as loud as before, and he could obviously hear some lack of confidence.

How does Han Yuan have the intention to play a "question and answer game" with it? After listening to his words, he just opened his mouth and exposed two rows of white teeth, giving it a bright smile, although the two rows of teeth flashed with cold light.

The next moment, Han Yuan's footsteps had stepped heavily on the ground and rushed to the ancient blood demon on the opposite cliff.

Compared with many spells in the "Fire Strategy", Han Yuan's strongest means are still those close combat skills. After all, those skills are all taken from the "Ancestor Witch Golden Body Secret", and the ancestral witch pattern on the "Ancestral Witch Golden Body Secret" has also been successfully "lighted" by him. It has such a good advantage, if you don't understand If you have to make good use of it, Han Yuan will scold himself for being stupid!

With Han Yuan's current cultivation, although he also understands the general magic and powerful escape method, and this method of physical practice is his own strength, it can only use one at the same time. If these means are mixed together, it is not necessary to talk about whether the true qi is enough, but only whether they can dissolve smoothly. It's easy to say that if you are not careful and go crazy, you will have a lot of fun! When using Han Yuanshi's "Ancestor Witch Gold Body Secret" as a means, try not to get involved in other spells, so as to avoid other things going wrong.

watched Han Yuan rush to himself, and the ancient blood demon on the other cliff was well prepared, but Han Yuan suddenly disappeared in front of him.

It fought with Han Yuan, and it didn't take a while to fight repeatedly. Of course, the ancient blood demon was not strange to some of Han Yuan's methods.

Seeing that Han Yuan suddenly disappeared, it was just a little pause, and suddenly stepped on the ground. I was stimulated by its strength, and all the earth and stones around it bounced from the ground, just surrounded it, like some kind of guard.

With such defense, the ancient servant blood demon did not stop moving. His hands crossed, and the two silver rings on his wrists had touched each other, making a crisp sound like a copper bell, and a circle of colored white waves spread all over.


With the power of Han Yuan's ancestor Wudijiang, the speed he has at this moment can't keep up with. The earth and stones on the ground have only stopped him for a moment, and they have been smashed by him with his shoulder. When he saw the white waves attacking him, he did not retreat, but his body moved and disappeared again. The blood demon thought of sending a black light to attack Han Yuan in mid-air with a silver ring, which was easily flashed by Han Yuan, who had been prepared for a long time.

A sudden flower in front of him, the ancient servant blood demon knew that he had no choice but to raise the true spirit to the ultimate body protection. The next moment, he felt that his body seemed to have been hit by the "falling demon pestle" and "turning the sky seal" and was bombarded out. After being hit and flying, no matter how much he controlled his body, he could no longer stop. Knowing that his body was hitting some obstacles one after another, he easily smashed them one by one. The ancient servant blood demon could only wait patiently. When the force subsided, he would stop his body and retreat.

Although the ancient servant blood demon thinks well, it obviously does not really know Han Yuan. For Han Yuan, "bouting the water dog" is what he has always been most willing to do. In his own words, "bullying is that you can't fight back"!

The ancient servant blood demon relaxed his mind and did not care about his body shape. Naturally, his true qi was not as solid as before. The only thing that could play a guard role was the huge body cast by his gold and iron. This body is indeed very good for protection alone, but unfortunately, this is relatively speaking, in Hanyuan. In his eyes, no matter how strong the things are, they can't compare with their own bodies. The word "golden body" in the "golden body formula" is not called in vain.

Flying and retreating, the ancient servant's blood demon felt that his body suddenly sank. Before he could see what was going on, the next moment a long-lost feeling appeared in its consciousness. After a while, it remembered that the feeling was called "pain".

Looking up, Han Yuan didn't know when he stepped on it, and his hands were not free. He clenched a thing in each hand. The seemingly familiar thing was just his arms!

How strong Han Yuan's hand is, it is not that people who don't face him can imagine that at this moment, the arm of the ancient servant blood demon was abruptly broken by Han Yuan. It also feels like it is dreaming. It can't believe that its body will be torn into this appearance so easily.

Don't look at that this body is not the real body of the ancient blood demon, but it does not mean that this body is fragile. On the contrary, the statue itself can be regarded as a rare treasure, but the conditions used are not much different from ordinary magic weapons.

The whole statue is almost made of something called "five-yin five-color iron", with the exception of the four silver rings on the wrists and ankles. Although the material seems to be just black, it is not difficult to find from the broken wound on its body. There are also several levels, one for each level. There are five colors in total. I think this "five colors" is the result of this. As for the "five yin", it is not something that can be known.

Like most things in the "human world", as long as they are famous and surnamed, they will not have no origin at all. Of course, this "five yin and five-color iron" is the same. Generally speaking, don't talk about hundreds of steel, thousand wrought iron, that is, the black iron, fire copper and other things that refine divine weapons in the secular world, and there is no comparison with this thing. If you really want to compare it, you can only say that one is gold and the other is sand.

Don't say that this thing is cut, smashed and knocked, but burned with ordinary real fire. At most, it can only melt slightly. As long as the temperature drops slightly, it will solidify immediately, leaving people nowhere to do it. Han Yuan had tried to burn it with the blue and red flame of the "Cding Divine Fire" before, but it had little effect. The biggest damage caused to it was just the cut on the arm of the ancient servant blood demon before, which also shook Han Yuan's palm.

"There is no indestructible spear in the world, and naturally there will be no shield without opportunity. Your body looks very strong, but in the final analysis, it is just a dead object. Coupled with your excessive pursuit of hardness, this material, which should be both soft and hard, makes it easier to fold. Maybe it can prevent many means, but it can't prevent the simplest and roughest means. You want to break down these parts of your body one by one. For me, it's really easy.


Being trampled down by Han Yuan's feet, the ancient servant blood demon was trying to struggle, but he lost his arms. Its limited ability suddenly lost more than half of it. Even if it can really break away from Han Yuan's feet, what can it do? Isn't it the same?

figured out some things that were not difficult, and the ancient servant blood demon also became extremely honest, but honestly listened to Han Yuan's words there. It did not try to refute it. Instead, it became more and more convinced that it was difficult for him to fight against a strange boy who was not old.

Han Yuan is very satisfied with this guy's performance. If the ancient servant blood demon really wants to play anything, Han Yuan must have a headache.

If everything is as good as he said, the problem is that what he said is only half true and half false. Although what the other party said is extremely unbearable, it seems that he doesn't care much about the other party's true spirit and cultivation, in fact, Han Yuan is still without scrupulous. It's like saying that the other party's true qi can't last long, and it's not easy for him to maintain his current state. Don't see that his current cultivation has not changed, but the true qi in his body is no longer the same as usual, but has become the kind of recent power.

Because of such a qualitative change, Han Yuan can be evenly matched with the other party and use this power to temporarily suppress the other party as it is now, but this kind of thing can't be faked. What is the realm and how much true qi can be used is almost balanced. Even if Han Yuan is a little special, there is no example in this regard. Outside. At most, it is just more available means than others, which can transform the true qi into the power of the witch clan.

It's not long. Han Yuan borrowed this power to burst out. No matter what kind of spells and moves he used, he could play far beyond his current cultivation. But if after a long time, the true qi in his body was not enough to support him to use the power of the witch clan, he would be instantly beaten back to his original shape, and even worse. He will lose all his strength in a short time, just like the previous pursuit of Long Yuan.

At that time, at Han Yuan's side, at least there was a Lu Guiyuan who could help, but now he can't, and everything can only be done by himself. If it hadn't been for that time when he had tried his best, Han Yuan would have worked hard to practice again, making the true qi in his body go further, and now he would have been unable to support it.

"How long can you stay in this body without that man's flesh and blood? With all the flesh and blood of that man, can you stay here all the time, and there is no need to dissipate between heaven and earth?

Although the ancient servant blood demon is curious about Han Yuan's ability to know so many things, it is no longer as difficult to accept as at the beginning. Now he thinks that a person with such a great ability as Han Yuan should be so different.

Therefore, after listening to Han Yuan's question, it just paused and replied honestly, "Without that man's flesh and blood, I can stay for a few days at most, and I will become weaker and weaker. And if you get all the man's flesh and blood, and the most important thing is to get his heart, I really don't have to disappear. This wisp of regret can stay in this body all the time. Although it may only stay at the current level in strength, it can use some ancient spells that can't be used now.

To say that people are really forced out, it is really hard to imagine with this wisp of wisdom. At this moment, it will suddenly enlighten and think of telling Han Yuan its "use" and telling Han Yuan that it still has its useful value.

But the fact is that at a time of life-and-death decisions, any living person who knows how to think may do something amazing.