Xian Zhu

Chapter 51 White Bone Gate

Please collect

The earth and rocks slide down, a burst of smoke and dust, and even the divine consciousness has lost its function.

The blooded old monster's face was even more disdainful, and there was no movement. The two elongated arms became longer again, and the original shape disappeared in the blink of an eye. The look of twisting together was like a rope. Only gently ring and tightening on the peak, the whole peak has been strangled open, and countless earth and stones are countless. When it is scattered, where is the shadow of Xingfan scattered people in it?

"Would you like to go? Where is it so easy? Forbidden!"

The long rope has trembled straight in an instant. It seems to have reached the extreme of its length, but it suddenly lengthened a lot, until it is completely tight, and suddenly pulled it into the original black gas and paved into a dark belt. I don't know where it wants to go all the way. It has been spread to both sides first, and for a while.

"Look where you are going!"

As soon as the world darkened, the eyes of the blood-turned old monster's eyes were not weak, but flashed with a faint green light. The flashing appearance in the dark was like two beating ghost fires. You don't need to ask. At this time, his eyes must have many strange things. Sure enough, as soon as he glanced at them, he had already found something.

As soon as the darkness of heaven and earth closed, it was like a tight black cloth pocket, which collected all the things in it. Seeing that it was really exposed, Xingfan Sanren no longer hid their bodies, and then appeared from the empty space. Before they had time to scold the old man, they panicked and took advantage of the sword light, while the black gas had not been completely tightened. Shi escaped, and when he finally escaped, he turned around and looked back. At this time, the original scattered ground had become extremely flat, as if it had been cut close to the ground with one breath. This can really be called "three feet scraping the ground"!

"You really bully people too much, the old monster! Don't say whether your apprentice was killed by my apprentice. Even so, what's wrong with my righteous person to exorcism and defend the way? Seeing that you are a famous player, I couldn't bear to kill you. At present, you forced me to do this. It really hurts my cultivation foundation. Don't blame me!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you hypocrites are the most mothers-in-law. If you really have the ability, use it quickly. If it's late, there may be no such opportunity. As long as you don't die first today, don't ask me to stop!"

Xingfan scattered people flew in the sky so shaky. Although they didn't really suffer any injury, they were so scared by the old blood monster, and their faces had faded. It didn't look like a stranger at first glance. At first glance, they really looked like a dead man. Although what they said was very powerful, they didn't buy the old blood monster before. How can he listen to his words now? With a gentle pull of the palm, the black gas has rolled up again and turned into a square shape. It suddenly tightened a few times. When you look at it again, it has become only a little more the size of a palm, looking like a square brick.

As before, the black gas has only been condensed, and it has attacked Xingfan Sanren again. It seems ordinary, but as long as you see the power of these previous black gas, Xingfan Sanren will never really regard it as normal. If it is really hit by this thing, not to mention his own mortal fetus, Yuanying is afraid of being smashed. To break it.

Seeing that it was really an endless situation, Xing Fan dared not have any luck in his heart. Seeing that he obviously made a lot of determination, he gritted his teeth and turned out a thing. This thing is also strange. As soon as it appears, it grows in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it is already the size of a person. The black brick hits it. Although it can move it, it can't really break it. After the two collided with each other, it only made a roar and it was already two minutes.

"This is..." The old blood monster did not care about the black bricks and spread into countless black gases. He only turned his eyes to the things in front of Xingfan's people, and his face was finally a little solemn.

Although it is a means to block the blood old monster, Xingfan's face is not very good. It is not difficult to see that he has not been hurt. It looks like it is because of the use of this magic weapon, which makes his true qi in his body have some problems.

"Well, it's true to say that you so-called righteous are 'hypocrites'. You always put demons, exorcisms and so on. As a result, now look at what you are doing? The star owner of the 'virtual sky' is actually carrying magic treasures! If you really want to get rid of demons, you can get rid of yourself now!" After distinguishing the magic weapon of the Xingfan Sanren, the blood old monster showed the previous disdainful look, but he no longer dared to be careless and has protected the black gas around him.

Xingfan still wants to refute, but he is powerless at this time. Although this is not the first time he has used this thing, it does not mean that he has long adapted to the magic spirit on this magic weapon.

In fact, in the world of practitioners, it is well known that people have the distinction between good and evil, as well as magic weapons and skills. However, compared with the division of people, the distinction between magic weapons and skills is much more complicated, and there is no way to generalize them in one sentence.

As a person in the devil's way, there are almost no restrictions on the use of magic weapons, but they can't touch those laws of yang thunder, yang fire, and even those gods. They can only drive demons and gods, and the magic weapons are the same.

As a righteous person, there are many more restrictions on the use of magic weapons. Almost all magic weapons driven by magic gas are within the range they can use. But like the people in the devil's way, such a statement is not absolute. At least, whether it can be used depends on the power of the magic weapon!

It's like the "black snake cup" that Han Yuan got before. Although it is said to be a magic weapon, it is almost the same as the most common magic weapon refined by the righteous people. There will be no difficulty for any righteous person who practices the spirit of Xuanling to use it.

The more powerful the magic treasure is, the more powerful the magic spirit will be. If it is used by a person with a strong magic spirit in his body, there may be nothing. However, due to the situation, the consumption required will never be very large, and the master can easily control it. But where is the magic in the body of the righteous? Therefore, if you want to use them, you have to use at least twice as much real qi, so that consumption is naturally no longer affordable for most people. The good luck may just be sucked away from the true qi. If the luck is a little bad, maybe this little life will be sucked away by the magic treasure.

At present, this thing is not only from the hands of Xingfan. You don't have to think about it. It must not be a simple thing, not a simple thing. What's more, he still knew this thing. When he saw this thing, he could already know that the original owner of the magic weapon should be dead.

The thing between two people is not more than two meters high. It is generally a square shape, and it is only about two or three people wide. It is completely made of Sensen white bones, and many various bones fit together to form the shape of this magic weapon.

This thing looks like a whole, but it is not difficult to see from the bone ring on both sides of the front and the bone ring in the middle line. It is more like a bone door that can be opened left and right, and it is different from the deep magic spirit emitted by ordinary magic treasures. This magic weapon actually emits the same color as white bones.

"Xuanyin White Bone Gate!"

In fact, it is not surprising that the blood old monster can know this magic treasure. Just like its owner, this thing can indeed be regarded as famous in the eyes of people with the cultivation of the blood old monster. It's not just because of how powerful it is, but also because of its way of becoming a treasure. Like its name, it really wants to become a treasure, and it doesn't need any natural treasures. All it needs is bones, a hundred pairs of white bones, and a hundred pairs of "raw bones" of the monk in the coming-of-age period!

The so-called "raw bone" is a bone that has just been peeled from the body for less than an hour!

The original owner of this magic weapon was called "White Bone Demon Lord". Although he had the cultivation in the early stage of the body, his magic was extremely poor, and he suffered losses in fighting with people. As a result, by chance, he got a monk "bone" from the out-of-body period, which led to the birth of this magic weapon.

Although the blood old monster did not have a deep friendship with the white bone demon, it also had several fates. When he saw him for the last time, the bone door had already assembled ninety-nine pairs of "raw bones" by him. At that time, he proudly said that when a hundred white bones were collected, the magic would be far beyond the ordinary treasure, saying that it was the strongest of the treasure. I'm afraid it's not too much. Now looking at the breath of this magic weapon, it is easy to see that this magic weapon has become a weapon, and it will fall into the hands of Xingfan Sanren. The last "raw bone" is probably the white bone demon himself...

In the world of practitioners, the division of magic weapons and spells is actually very strict.

magic weapons are divided into: magic weapons, magic weapons, spiritual weapons, treasure weapons, fairy weapons, and Taoist weapons.

The magic is divided into four levels: heaven, earth, mystery and yellow

And each of them is also divided into three levels, middle and lower levels. In this way, the levels are indeed not small, not to mention those of the same and the same level, but also have big or small differences. In addition to the different users, it is really difficult to judge which is better or worse. If it is not a life-and-death struggle, I'm afraid It is difficult to say which one must be better than which one. But one thing is certain, that is, the higher the magic weapons and magic, the more powerful the user needs to be.

A lower treasure is almost the limit that can be used by practitioners in the Yuanying period, and it can't be used more than three times at most. Only a big monk in the out-of-body period like Xingfan Sanren can use it as a conventional means, but the treasure in their hands is a magic treasure, which is another matter.

"This old dog burns, kills and loots everywhere, and it is really available in his hand. The power of this magic treasure is much stronger than the picture in my hand. Is it possible that the picture is not a treasure, but just a spiritual weapon?" Far away from the two's fighting method, Han Yuan was using the escape method to potentially be aside. When he saw the "Xuanyin White Bone Gate", he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Han Yuan's insights are mostly only in Fubo, and the "Tibe Sutra Pavilion" where he has been staying. It's not surprising that he doesn't know this famous magic weapon, so when he sees that this magic treasure is so powerful, he doubts whether he is a "fake" in his hand. Originally, Han Yuan's biggest dependence was except for Lian Mo's Yuanying, but the "Royal Ghost Night Map". Now when comparing the two, Han Yuan knows that he can't handle it.

"It seems that we still have to decide the victory or defeat with one arrow. Use the 'Cding Fire God Arrow' and add all the true qi on the body, and then dissolve the Yuanying to borrow the speed and space power of Emperor Jiang Zuwu... It seems that the best way is to attack!" Han Yuan bit the straw in his mouth, and a smile appeared on his face. The purple eyes, which had no longer been covered by hair, were extremely bright at this time, and only the embarrassed figure behind the bone door were locked.