Xian Zhu

Chapter 53?

The snow stopped inexplicably, just like when it came. No one even found out when it stopped. Only the white things can prove that there was indeed snow that fell, and it was a goose feather-sized snow, but in it, some people didn't pay attention at all. To all this.

Blood old monsters and Xingfan scattered people are all cultivation in the early stage of theft. Not to mention in the eyes of ordinary people, even in the eyes of practitioners, they are absolutely superior. In this human world where it is unknown whether there are still immortals, their cultivation is enough to dominate the world.

It's just!

No one can imagine it, I'm afraid they will never think that one day they will be tricked by others, and this person who dares to calculate himself is still a junior in their eyes. Heartbeat period? If someone had told them before that a big infancy was lurking on the side and had already prepared for the fatal blow, they would never believe it! How could they believe that a man who was not moved at this time had really aimed an arrow at them?

I'm afraid it's hard to describe it when they let them think about it afterwards. When they saw the firelight appear in front of their eyes, they thought about something and how they felt in their hearts, but they never forget the arrow, the power of the arrow, and what is not difficult to feel on the arrow. Strong revenge and murderous intent!

Before the arrow in Han Yuan's hand was shot, because he deliberately suppressed his breath and the power of Dijiang to protect him, he could not be discovered by these two masters, but it did not mean that he could not disturb them when he killed them.

Han Yuan pulled the bow and released the arrow for only a moment. Before the arrow really flew out, they felt something, but it was really too fast that they saw a red dot at first sight, and the next moment it became a firelight in front of them. Not only that, the target of this arrow was him. It seems that the murderous spirit on it is like a tangible boundary force, all of which are firmly locked in Xingfan San people!

Xingfan Sanren really can't figure out which way they have provoked the god of killing, so that the other party can use such a terrible arrow.

Horrible, yes, it's horrible!

Because he has felt the existence of Han Yuan, this arrow is more terrible in the eyes of Xingfan Sanren. The heartbeat period is indeed the heartbeat period. He does not have the strange power of Han Yuan's purple pupil. Naturally, he can't see Han Yuan dozens of miles away, but the breath on his body is like a bright lamp. It is impossible for Xingfan Sanren to admit it. Even if what in front of him sounds too strange, Xingfan Sanren will never doubt his judgment, not to mention that there is a bloody old monster with the same stunned expression nearby.


It's a long story, but in fact, it's only a very short time. Based on Han Yuan's calculation, he has been lurking on one side for so long, how can he give Xingfan scattered people too many opportunities? He only had time to think of this, and he already felt afraid that it would be bad.

No matter what cultivation he found the owner of the arrow, the power on the arrow in front of him did not seem to be fake. Yuanying... No, it was far beyond the full blow of the general monks in the early stage of Yuanying, which should be equivalent to the middle of Yuanying, or even a higher level of power.

The gap between the Yuanying period and the out-of-body period is enough to make Xingfan Sanren panic at this time. He doesn't know how long the other party is likely to be on their side, and he doesn't want to know how Han Yuan did it. The only thing he knows now It's just that if you don't try your best, you can't stop this arrow!

I really can't blame Xingfan Sanren for being too wasteful. It can only be said that Han Yuan is too good at timing, exhausted, and lost a lot of true spirit and essence. I'm afraid it's not an exawe to say that Xingfan Sanren is the weakest time in his life at this time. In addition, he has just blocked the old monster magic skills, and his heart is a little relieved. The defense has been loosened, and how could I have thought that such a murderous arrow was waiting for me?

I'm afraid that he may not be able to really understand the purpose of Xingfan Sanren's meaningless shouting. It's probably just a meaningless cry, which comes from the threat of death. The only meaningful action he made is just to adjust a true spirit from his body and make a cold sword. Mang.

Xingfan Sanren can react so quickly, not to mention the old monster that has always been higher than him. He even became more surprised by Xingfan Sanren much earlier. But you don't need to think about it and know that he will definitely not have the same reaction as Xingfan. On the contrary, he quickly entered the role that Han Yuan had prepared for him in advance. As an "com accomplice", how could he easily miss this opportunity to kill?

Maybe it's out of confidence in Han Yuan's arrow or out of contempt for Xingfan Sanren. For whatever reason, the blood monster did not try to work with Han Yuan at this moment, but drove the huge black hand to catch it heavily.

Although there is a full imperial envoy before Xingfan scattered, this bone door is already quite powerful. Even without his personal imperial envoy for a while, there should be no problem, but! However, this is just talking about ordinary times, but it does not include now. If the blood old monster is really so easy to deal with, the performance of Xingfan scattered people all the time is really a little incomprehensible.

The black magic hand and Sen Baigu hand are no longer the same result. After the two are bombarded together, it is only a little effort. The bone door is hit back by a greater force than the previous blow and is hitting the Xingfan San person who is still preparing to deal with the crisis.

The force on the door is geometric. As the owner of the "Xuanyin White Bone Gate", of course, Xingfan will not know, so even if he clearly knows that this is just a "strike east and west", he can only honestly win this "yang conspiracy". After his calculation, the rocket should arrive after the bone gate. In a hurry, he naturally chose first. One side of the bone door.

It is really not difficult to imagine how powerful a great monk in the out-of-body period has done his best. It is also a sword. At this time, the power is comparable to the "Xuanyin White Bone Gate". After the two collided, Xingfan finally avoided the crisis of being seriously injured by the bone gate.

If he hadn't been in a hurry and given him another chance to make a choice, maybe he would never have made such a choice again. He might have protected himself, suffered this impact, and took the opportunity to exit the rocket air machine to lock... It's just that there are not so many if things in the world.


As soon as the crisis was separated, Xingfan San's movements were really not slow. He immediately turned around and planned to deal with the other huge threat, but when he turned around, he found that the rocket was only a few feet away from him. At the speed of this rocket... It was impossible for Xing Fansan to make any action!


The sound was not very big, but it was heard in someone's ear. At least the blood monster heard it. The movement made by this arrow was really too much. Although the fire arrow was longer, it was no more than five feet, and it looked so thin. Except for the flame above was a little strange and the power, it could no longer be seen. There is nothing special about it, but when it hits Xingfan Sanren, it can make his body explode and disperse into countless flames in an instant. Thinking of Xingfan Sanren's identity and the cultivation of the owner of this arrow, the shock in his heart will not be small.

"Sure enough..."

Seeing that Xingfan's scattered body was completely broken, and the old monster who turned into blood couldn't help frowning slightly. In his heart, he could be sure that he had been guessing all the time, and he could secretly scold Xing Fan's voice "hypocrite" in his heart, but he could do anything, but wrapped the "Xuanyin white bone door" that had been grasped by the black gas demon hand with black gas. , and put the black gas into his black robe again.

Dozens of miles away may be out of reach for ordinary people, and it will take some time to reach it, but for the old monster, it is just a blink of an eye, and it can already be reached.

Han Yuan must not escape. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't, because he has fainted at this time.

Seeing the style of the robe and the symbols behind Han Yuan's body, the blood old monster already showed a strange look. When he turned over Han Yuan's body with black gas and saw the strange bird pattern on his chest, he was surprised that even his indifference had also revealed a trace of color.

"Is there a grudge? However, the cultivation of the heartbeat period is at this age again... It should be related to relatives and friends, right? Humph, I've heard that the hypocrite has done a lot of killing and selling goods. This teenager may be one of them? The most important thing is this robe..."

The black gas escaping from the hem of the black robe is like a living spirit snake. With the heart of the old monster that has changed blood, it is only headless and mouthless. There is no way to spit out poison from his mouth, otherwise it will be more like it. Let it climb along Han Yuan's leg to his chest and only let the black gas stay there, but it didn't see any further movement. Then he went to see the blood monster. His eyes were just flashing, and he didn't know what kind of thoughts he had.


I don't know how long it took. The black gas finally collected and returned to the bloody old strange robe. The windless and automatic black clothes finally calmed down, and the body no longer showed the breath of a strong practitioner.

"For the sake of helping me once, I have helped me get a powerful magic treasure... Live, but I still want to see where you can go. Hey, young people, things should always have a beginning and an end, just for the hypocrite and villain of Xingchen, you should also live. I really want to see what kind of expression you will look like when you see him again. He is a very interesting little guy, haha~"

The laughter goes from big to small, from strong to weak, but it can't be heard for a while. Looking up, except for Han Yuan lying on the ground, where is there any trace of an old blood monster? After the last wisp of black ash in the sky disappeared, only the cold wind brushed, brought up the snow on the ground, and struggled again. Finally, everything was quiet.

Far away from the "dust star" tower, a black flame oil lamp in front of the middle-aged man shook, and it was completely extinguished. At the last moment before it was turned off, he could only see that his face was as gloomy as ink, and his face was rubbed to the four fingers and his right hand had been slowly put down...