Xian Zhu

Chapter 56 Worry when waking up

Ask for support, collection, comments, red tickets...

"Original, do you know why other children bully you?"

"...Why Dad? Yuan'er is obviously very good. If there is delicious food, she will give it to everyone. She also lends the wooden sword you made for me to play with, but she was broken by them. Yuan'er was not angry. Why...woo~"

"That's because you look good. They are jealous of you. Because you are too weak and cry, others feel that you are bullied.

"Wow...Wow~ Don't look good in the future, make yourself ugly, and don't cry and laugh every day. Won't they bully me anymore?"

"Ha ha, Yuan'er is so smart. It's so easy to come up with a good idea... However, you don't actually need to do so much. You just need to do a little well. Just do this is enough."

"What is it, Dad?"

"It's very simple. You just need to be more ruthless than those who dare to bully you. Before they bully you, bully them so hard that they are afraid of you. In that case, no one will dare to bully our family again.

"Well, but in that case, won't it scare people away and make friends?"

"Remember, Yuaner, real friends are heart-to-heart. They will not be afraid of you or bully you because you are strong and weak. Only those who have bad intentions will have a different attitude towards you because of these. Such people can't be called friends. It doesn't matter whether they make friends or not.

"...Hmm! Yuan'er, remember, Yuan'er will definitely do it!"

"The meal is ready. It's time to eat. Today is Yuaner's favorite fried meat with mushrooms. Come on, it doesn't taste good when it's cold."

"Oh, here we go! Let's go, Yuaner, eat delicious food."


Blue sky and white clouds, ink night and white stars, red sun and silver moon, green trees and green water, green and yellow flowers... Red to dazzling, black to cold blood finally replaced all colors in innocent children's eyes.


Han Yuan opened his eyes in a daze and seemed to find any focus, so that people could not see whether he was really awake. Looking up along his sight, there would naturally be nothing special. There was only the barrier between the second and third floors of the "Tibetan Sutra Pavilion". On the top wall of the second floor, there was a pair of gods and fairies traveling nine. The beautiful picture of the sky is only seen in Han Yuan's right eye at this time, but only the color is red to black. After he opened and closed his eyes several times, his right eye turned purple again, and the color he saw before really disappeared.

After listening to Aoki's words on "Fat Yuxing" before, although Han Yuan was a little unacceptable at first, he was relieved after thinking about it. Presumably, the Xingfan Sanren didn't really die. The one he killed was probably just a split.

I didn't find this early in the morning. In fact, I can't blame Han Yuan. I didn't see that the old blood monster had been fought with Xingfan for so long that he had just noticed it? However, before he could confirm his idea, Han Yuan had helped him try it first.

Unlike the great monks in the Yuanying period, the strangeness of the monks in the out-of-body period is not what ordinary people can imagine at all, and what they are best at is the use of Yuanying and the mind and God, and there is also a method that is not commonly used, to use external forces and foreign objects to make a separation.

Although the split at this stage is not different from the divine period, if you just put your mind on it and place the real body in an absolutely safe place, such a split can almost be regarded as something that is no different from the real body. Even if you fight, it is not easy. It can be found. If you want to distinguish, the simplest way is to see if there is a Yuanying in this body, which is not different from the great monk in the divine period. No matter how powerful the split is in this period, the fake is still fake. There is no way to put Yuanying on it.

The must-kill arrow was shot by Han Yuan himself. Although he then fainted, it was not difficult for him to know whether the person he killed existed. At first, he just thought that Yuanying was destroyed with his body. When he heard the news from Aoki, how could Han Yuan not know that he The revenge has not really been avenged!

Han Yuan felt the strangest thing about surviving. Anyway, it was not only the split of himself and Xingfan Sanren who were present at that time, and the blood-blooded old monster did not kill him, which made Han Yuan the most puzzled. Han Yuan could see that although the old strange face was not fierce, he was clearly an extremely indifferent person. Not to mention that he was just a disciple of the upright sect, but a demon disciple who fainted there at that time. As long as he was unhappy, he promised to kill him, he would never hesitate at all.

Han Yuan was puzzled and could only be attributed to his good life, but he couldn't think of the clothes he was wearing before. Later, the matter became very clear. Han Yuan woke up and found that there was no one around him. When he pulled Lu Guiyuan's body back to the State of Chen, he happened to find that Qingmu was dealing with Zichen Demon Lord. As soon as he distinguished, Han Yuan could guess the identity of the two. Fortunately, his strength was almost restored at this time, and then he shot the increasingly familiar "sneak attack arrow", but this time he knew that he could not kill the other party, so he transferred the target to another place and took the opportunity to get some good opportunities.

"It's really messy. After a while, you have to add those lies made up with Lu Guiyuan to the truth, and there are so many things. You won't make up to make the real and false truth come true, will you?" With a scratch on the ground, he had grabbed the straw that fell before falling asleep and stuffed it into his mouth. The other hand had been inserted into his hair, making the already messy hair more messy. Regardless of the wrinkles on his body and the robe in the door sent by Aoki, he was very impatiently muttered.

In fact, Han Yuan just shouted and didn't have to worry about it. It's not that he trusted Zou Wei very much and didn't worry about what he knew what he had done. Just because in this "Tibetan Sutra Pavilion", he was the only one left at this time, and the old man Zou Wei actually ran away again. I don't know how Dongxuan Zhenren can rest assured to put this empty tower here so casually. This is a place where the scriptures are hidden in the door, which is extremely important to others. In the "Three Immortals Mountain", it just seems to be an dispensable building.

"Brother Han! Brother Han! Are you awake, Brother Han?" Han Yuan didn't have much time to think about what these people in the sect think of the "Tibetan Sutra Pavilion" only came from below when he was not fully awake, and it turned out to be him.

Han Yuan shook and walked to the edge of the stairs. Regardless of the thick dust on the handrail of the stairs, he pressed his hands on it, stretched out his neck and looked down. He saw a thin teenager standing at the door of the "Tibetan Sutra Pavilion" tower, exploring his body into the tower. There is no need to ask. It can also be known that he must have maintained such a posture and shouted from the door before.

The teenager's eyes were staring at the stairs. As soon as Han Yuan appeared, he saw Han Yuan. He seemed to be relieved, but he completely retreated his body to the door and said, "Brother Han, the head of the master asked you to go to the 'Four Seas Hall', saying that other sects were about to arrive. They want to ask you about what happened to the 'falling feather star' before.

"Well, I know, I'll come over. I'll wash my face. Brother, wait a minute."

I don't know who chose the person sent here, but he is still an acquaintance. This teenager is the disciple named Mingyue under Changchun Zhenren.

Although he has never had a deep relationship with this teenager, Han Yuan has a good impression of this teenager. Therefore, as soon as he saw that he came to call himself, although Han Yuan was a little depressed because he had just woken up, and he did not say anything bad about him, but he just answered and turned around and washed with some water. The action was also straightforward, but he had finished it in a moment. However, when Mingyue saw Han Yuan coming down, she couldn't help rubbing her hands on her robe, still showing a little unbearable expression. She seemed to want to say something, but when she thought of the changes in color when the brothers mentioned Han Yuan and opened her mouth slightly, Mingyue still endured it.

"Brother got up early." Han Yuan stuffed an oil cake into his mouth and asked vaguely, "That 'Four Seas Hall' is not far from the 'Heart Hall'. As you know, I have always been outside more when I entered the inner door, and I haven't been able to many places in the door at all. This 'Four Seas Hall'... Although I've been given a nickname Passeway, but I really don't know where it is. Is it my brother who will lead the way for me this time? So what about this 'Tibetan Sutra Pavilion'?

"Brother Han, please rest assured that the 'Tiangjing Pavilion' is naturally still taken care of by the younger brother. As for the elder brother doesn't know the way, and the master has already told him before he came. This is to prove that the order of the 'Tiangjing Pavilion' can be handed over to the senior brother. It has all the signs in all parts of the sect. I hope you can take it. It's going to be lost! After seeing the master, just return this thing to him. Mingyue was also clever, because he had told him that as soon as Han Yuan asked, he had explained it clearly to Han Yuan and also handed over a slap-sized iron plate to Han Yuan.

Han Yuan took this charm, and it was difficult to recognize what material it was, but it was easy to know that this thing must not be easily imitated. The palm-sized talisman is carved into a strange mountain on the front, which should be the whole picture of the Three Immortals Mountain. If you look carefully at the fine words on the reverse, you can see that they are all precepts and door rules, almost covering the whole back of the talisman.

As soon as he got something, Han Yuan tried to input the true qi into it. As Mingyue said, the location of Sanxian Mountain clearly appeared in his mind in an instant, and the location of the "Four Seas Hall" was also clear.

"Hey, with this thing, you don't have to be afraid of getting lost in the door, or the leader's old man's thoughts... By the way, brother, let me ask you something and see if you know."

"Brother Han, please ask, as long as Mingyue knows, she will definitely not hide it from him."

Seeing that Mingyue's expression was serious, her eyes were clear, and her answers were so happy that Han Yuan's eyes were smiling. "Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to ask you if you know that there is a sister named An Yuhan in the 'Yellow Gate'. Is it okay recently? Er, haven't been bullied or anything, have you?

"Sister An? Naturally, I know that Uncle Gu's favorite is Sister An. How dare anyone in the door dare to bully her? It's just..."

Originally, after listening to the words in front of Mingyue, Han Yuan showed a trace of joy, but when he heard the "just" place, he saw the hesitant expression on Mingyue's little face. Somehow, Han Yuan suddenly felt a jump in his heart and had a very bad feeling.