Xian Zhu

Chapter 1 Zichen died

As soon as the fiery red figure appeared in front of people. Although he had already heard the familiar voice, it was not until then that he made An Yuhan believe that this was not his own illusion.

Originally, An Yuhan and Wang Ren were still a little happy to see Han Yuan appear. Especially when they saw that Han Yuan took action, they had solved the most difficult one of the enemy to deal with, and they were also very excited. However, when they heard his name for the two of them, they were a little speechless.

"My woman..."

"My men?"

Han Yuan did not feel that he had said anything wrong, but the true spirit popped up in his hand and hit the spiritual charm. The purple giant spirit god had tightened his hand a little more, and the "little guy" in his hand was scattered into countless true anger. Zhao Bingwen, who was about to be pinched to death, picked up a little life, but he also fainted, like a dead dog. He fell to the ground as hard as he did.

Seeing that he was saved, Han Yuan took action again to help An Yuhan and Wang Ren.

It's not that Han Yuan doesn't pay attention to the difference between intimidity, but he knows Zhao Bingwen's identity. Although he looks fearless when he runs out, he doesn't really know that he has done something wrong. Sooner or later, the teacher will come back, and he must think about an answer when he goes back. No matter how he admitted his mistake, Han Yuan didn't think it was of any practical use, so he thought of saving Dong Xuanzhen's disciples...

"The old man should be able to say a few good words for me this time..." Han Yuan felt much more relieved when he saw Zhao Bingwen, who fell to the ground and looked gray.

After the purple giant spirit god got a hit, he went to deal with the man of the imperial envoy Seal and the Book of Land Sutra. Han Yuan used another blue spirit charm with his backhand. However, when he saw this spiritual charm, the three of them no longer had a fluke and could be sure that the spiritual charm made by Han Yuan was the treasure of his head.

"Call the divine charm. The summoning of the giant spirit god! Not good! It's the person sent by the head. Let's go!" The man who took the token didn't care about An Yuhan. Seeing that the blue giant spirit was about to show his whole body, he shouted in a panic. Regardless of whether the other two heard his words clearly, he hurriedly retreated.

Han Yuan didn't mind that this guy reacted so quickly. He just looked at him with a smile and said, "You still want to run away even if you know my identity? How can I give you such a chance again? I know the weaknesses of your magic weapons!"


When he saw Han Yuan holding two treasures from his head, and then listened to Han Yuan's statement, how could he have the time to doubt it? Hearing Han Yuan's words, he didn't know what he thought of. He suddenly took all the treasures on the token, but he applied a magic formula to use another magic weapon to escape, but unfortunately, he overestimated his reaction and speed.

However, as soon as he flew out of the distance, a firelight followed him. After the firelight hit his body and blew him into a fireball, only the token was taken back by Han Yuan.

He waved the flame bow in his hand and put it all away, but in the other hand has used true qi to stimulate the token. Now its former owner is dead. Although there is divine attachment on it, it is not very strong. With Han Yuan's current cultivation, it is not difficult to break through, but as soon as soon as the true anger is collected, The mark on the token has been completely erased, and the black dandelion seeds have been collected to save An Yuhan.

At this time, Han Yuan has already wanted to run away. Unfortunately, the person holding the Fuzhu Dijing was entangled by the purple giant spirit god and could not get out at all. Wang Ren was the only opponent who really had the opportunity to escape, but Wang Ren at this time would not let Did he walk so easily? He has always been bullied by that man, and now he has finally survived. With Han Yuan on his side, what else does he have to worry about? When he used the flying sword again, he was like Lu Guiyuan. He regarded the flying sword as an ordinary sword in the secular world and held it in his hand, and he had already rushed close to the other party.

At this time, the man suddenly found that Wang Ren's copper and iron bones were so annoying that he was like a mouse pulling a turtle, and there was no way to start. If it hadn't been for the strength on his sword charm, he could push Wang Ren away from time to time. At this time, I'm afraid he would have been cut off by Wang Ren with a sword.

"Uh! Ah!"

He doesn't have to be afraid of Wang Ren, but unfortunately Wang Ren doesn't really want to fight with him, just to pull him here temporarily, because he knows that that's all he needs to do, and he doesn't have to worry about the rest.

To deal with an opponent who was not excited in the early stage, Han Yuan did not bother to use any magic weapons and spells. He rushed up directly, leaving a big footprint on the opponent's back. At the same time, he also sent him under Wang Ren's sword. He did not have the bronze and iron bones like Wang Ren. When he hit the flying sword, he was immediately front and back. The back is transparent!

Wang Ren is not an ordinary teenager. Have you ever seen any bloody scene of killing the enemy with his father's battlefield before? There are also many people who died in his hands, but he was the first to kill the practitioner, and he was still a little nervous. The man's life was also hard. He was pierced by the flying sword and did not return to heaven immediately. Wang Ren watched him move back on his sword, as if he was about to struggle out of the flying sword. Although his eyes were gloomy, he had not given up all his desire to survive.

"It turns out that people are afraid of death, and practitioners are no exception."

"Won! Poo!"

Quickly pulled out the flying sword and stabbed it heavily, giving the man a chance to react at all. This time, it finally broke the other party's heart. When the sword left the body, it had spewed out enough blood, and the man's eyes were wide open and died.

Two of the three died in the blink of an eye. How dare the man with the "Fuzhuan Dijing" in his hand dare to stay for a long time? Although Han Yuan's giant spirit god with spiritual charm was powerful, he tried his best to block it with magic, but he drove a yellow cloud to escape.

This person is smart and decisive to say, but unfortunately he doesn't understand Han Yuan's character. If he has nothing in his hand, it's okay to say, but there is such a treasure in the faction, how can Han Yuan easily let him go?

As soon as the formula in his hand changed, Han Yuan's true qi also changed. The man also suddenly stepped on the front space, and an arm poked out at the next moment. Just behind the man's neck, he had strangled the man's neck and grabbed him as if he were scratching a chicken. As soon as his true qi rushed into his body, it made him no longer have any resistance. With a little strength in his hand, he had crushed the man's neckbone and let his body fall from the air by itself.

"You haven't been hurt, have you?"

"No, Brother Han."


"Well, as long as it's not hurt." Han Yuan seemed to have completely forgotten what had happened before. Seeing An Yuhan and Wang Ren, he had no embarrassed expression at all, but casually asked, "Do you still need your help in the next war?"

"I don't think it's necessary. Our State of Yan is no worse than the State of Chu. Before, we only lost a lot in the practitioners. At present, in the face-to-face military, the soldiers of our State of Yan will definitely not be defeated again."


Hearing the pride in Wang Ren's words, Han Yuan didn't care about it. At that time, he still looked down on the secular things a lot. Hundreds of thousands of people said no, and it was gone. The practitioners also killed him regardless of his cultivation. What else can touch Han Yuan? Except for the people around him, other people and things now seem to be getting farther and farther away from him, and you can't let him care too much.

Han Yuan just answered casually, and suddenly turned into a fire cloud to roll up the two. He didn't bother to look at the reaction of the soldiers on the two sides below. He was sure which side was the army of the State of Chu. It was directly a "wild fire" and turned their side into a sea of fire. Regardless of the different expressions on An Yuhan and Wang Ren's faces, Then the two flew away from here. When Wang Ren turned around excitedly, he could barely see that the army of the State of Yan had attacked, and the State of Chu was running around under the power of the sea of fire...


Far away from the sky, at this time, the body of Zichen Demon Lord was floating quietly in the void. Seeing that there were almost no scars on his body, but his breath was gone for a long time, and his body had completely turned pale.


A desolate howling sounded, but the bitters beside him showed a trace of intolerance on their faces, but the owner of the beautiful arm did not seem to have any touch. Just gently raised his hand and put it down, and there was a more painful cry. Fortunately, in this starry sky, few people would be here. Otherwise, you may be scared by this scream.

"You know, my patience is not as good as you think. If you don't say where that thing is, I can't guarantee that I will be heavier. You know the pain of soul search."

"I... I really don't know. I only remember that when I played with Aoki, I didn't get any injuries, and then I ran away. How could I have time to go to see other places? ...You can't kill me! Even if you are the demon king, even if you are stronger than me, aren't you afraid...ah~~~~!"

"It's a lot!"

The six-finger demon king intended to interrogate him for a while. After hearing his words, his eyes showed a very impatient look. With a little strength in his hand, he had poked a hole in Yuanying, the Zichen Demon Lord in front of him. A beautiful hand penetrated in, as if he was looking for something in Yuanying, through Yuanying's half penetration. Ming's body can easily see the movement of her hands inside. What's more frightening is that until this time, Yuan Ying of Zichen Demon Zun was still alive, but the expression on her face had long been distorted to an inhuman appearance, and it was so painful that she could no longer make any sound.

"Ha, I found it!"


After a happy voice sounded by the six-finger demon king, Yuan Ying of Zichen Demon Lord was already stiff. The next moment, she suddenly tightened back. Finally, it was seen that Yuan Ying was sucked in by the hands of the six-finger demon king.

Compared with Yuanying, who swallowed a monk in the out-of-body period, it made the six-finger demon king happier. It was the memory found from his Yuanying by the method of soul search.

"Rocket? Do today's practitioners still use this technique? ...Anyway, the picture should be in his hands. Be sure to find this person! And the whereabouts of the things are also known, Senluo Jueyu... I must get that thing!"


The six-finger demon king is not afraid that his words will be heard by Kuluo. Kuluo is indeed extremely indifferent. The empty sleeve of his right arm is windless and automatic, and his temperament is very different from before. I don't know if there was another breakthrough in the last disaster. It was infancy. However, even if it hasn't arrived, the cultivation is likely to be a step further, and it will not be far from the realm of that Yuanying.

Seeing the black and golden true spirit entanglement and pulling on the six-finger demon king, Kuluo's face inadvertently drew a trace of worry, but he did not dare to say anything more, so he had to quietly press his head lower.