Xian Zhu

Chapter 8 is about the conditions

Although Han Yuan and An Yuhan were attacked, fortunately, they did not lose their mind. However, as soon as they got up from the ground, Han Yuan looked at the environment he was in at this time. When he felt that there was no danger to his life, he rested his true breath and then cared about An Yuhan.

As Han Yuan looked at, the place where the two were at this time did not seem to be big, and they could see everything clearly at a glance. It was not surprising to think about it. After all, Han Yuan had understood before that the two of them were swept into the hut by the evil wind, and the small house was only so big from the outside. Inside As long as it's not "no hole", how can it be so big?

A bed, a table, a chair, and a dilapidated oil lamp of color are all four things in this room. In addition, there is only the old man sitting in the chair.

The old man does seem to be young, but it is extremely difficult to judge his age, not because of his appearance, but because he can't see his face at all!

It's also strange to say. The room is obviously not big, and Han Yuan and An Yuhan are not dizzy. They are so close, not to mention a look. Maybe they can see clearly whether he has eye excrement or not, but the truth is that all they can see is the thick hair that is completely covered his face, only vaguely I saw a pair of small eyes flashing between the cracks of his hair.

The reason why I can see that this person is not young is because of Han Yuan's careful observation. At a glance, he saw his dry hands without any water. In this way, there is only a layer of old leather on it. It can never be owned by any young man. Then contact his speculation about his identity and say that he is It makes sense for an older person.

"Old man, pretend to be a ghost, if it's not inconvenient to show the purple pupil power..." Han Yuan saw that An Yuhan was not hurt, and then he was a little relieved, but his mind was quite bad.

If the old man knew what Han Yuan was thinking at this time, he didn't know if he would kill Han Yuan on the spot. Unfortunately, he didn't have the ability to read his mind, so he just looked at Han Yuan and An Yuhan's words and deeds with interest, but did not speak immediately until he saw Han Yuan and the others calm down and stood silently. Next, he moved slightly on the chair.

"You two little guys look like new faces, and they are just inner disciples. How could the leader send you here to die? Do you think that the little guy who was blown away by me can protect you in the 'Senluo Jueyu'? After such a year, how can the leader be so naive?"


As soon as the man opened his mouth to speak, his voice was indeed the same old. Only then did Han Yuan and An Yuhan affirm that the other party must not be young. If it's just like this, the most strange thing is that he can't hear a trace of respect when he mentions Dong Xuanzhen's tone, just as if he were talking about an irrelevant person, which surprised Han Yuan and the two of them, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

As a "star owner", you can let people know that this person's strength must not be weak, but it is not obvious how strong he will be at a glance. After all, the difference between Han Yuan and his cultivation is too big, and it is not strange that he can't see it.

"outterm? It feels similar to the split of Xingfan Sanren, but compared with Zichen Demon Lord and Uncle Qingmu, it seems to be much worse. Is it just a split? Strange."

An Yuhan may not see it at all, but from Han Yuan's knowledge, he can also speculate a little bit about this person's cultivation. After all, he has not only seen the great monk in the out-of-law period, but even fought. Just by comparing the three people he has seen before, he can already have a rough estimate of this person's cultivation, but his cultivation needs to be estimated. After that, there was a little more doubt.

"Jior, whose disciple was the person who was blown away by me before?"

"... under the master's door."

"Ha, no wonder, it's no wonder that he just wears the robe of an inner disciple, but he has the cultivation of the spiritual silence period. It turned out to be a master disciple of the head. It's really good to see the talent, but it's just that the 'flowers raised in the house' are too delicate to withstand the wind and rain. If the wind and waves are a little stronger, I'm afraid they will break... Er, leave him alone, don't care about him. Speaking of which, you two little guys are very interesting, especially you. The real fire has turned around and won the power of Qingyan. At your age, it's very rare!"

"However, compared with cultivation and magic, what I like most is your reaction. At a young age, you can already have such experience of fighting against the enemy. I think you have also experienced life and death. How can you make such an accurate judgment in such a sudden situation?"

Although Han Yuan heard the other party's words clearly, he did not show any joy on his face. Even his usual smile was not seen much, and his face was just expressionless. Although he knew that this was especially a person in the door, somehow, the feeling he gave Han Yuan was not like other elders in the "Three Immortals Mountain" at all, but made Han Yuan feel like a great enemy.

Seeing that Han Yuan did not answer, the man didn't care, but his eyes had not left Han Yuan and the two. He didn't know what he was thinking in his heart. After a while, he said, "Don't worry, I just tried your cultivation before. The head of your trip has already sent you a letter, and I will send you there immediately. 'Senluo Jueyu', but before that, you have to promise me one thing first.

"..." Han Yuan knew that it was finally time to play meat.


"At the end of the year, the snow comes, and the autumn rain will be late next year. Today's night will be staggering, and tomorrow morning will be safe..."

"Ha, good poetry, good poetry, you are so interested. Isn't there something good?"


Compared with the heart hall of the "Three Immortals Mountain" and the Sihai Hall, this place is much more majestic, especially among which a golden wall is even more eye-catching. You don't need to look carefully, you can see that this is the hall where Wang Yuan went up the mountain to ask for help.

The Qingfeng Taoist sat on the seat, and the tea on the table was already cold. He didn't care about it. He just looked at the white snow outside and sent a poem casually, but it had just been read out, and it had been interrupted, and then there was no continuity. Shixing was interrupted. According to him, he should be annoyed, but in fact, he didn't change his face. He just picked up the tea cup with herbal tea and drank it. The tea juice leaked down his beard. He didn't seem to notice it, just looked at the figure outside the temple gate.

Dong Xuanzhen didn't seem to see the movement of the Qingfeng Taoist at all. He just walked in, but the soles of his feet did not bring a trace of snow into the hall. Looking along his pace, there were no footprints on the snowfield behind him.

After the appearance of Dongxuan Zhenren, Qingfeng Taoist's eyes did not leave him. He kept looking at him sitting on the other side without saying anything. Until he saw him go to get the teacup, Qingfeng Dao made him grab the teapot and press it in his arms.

"What are you doing here?"

"..." Seeing Qingfeng Taoist's words and deeds, Dong Xuanzhen also stiffened his movements, so he took back his hand to take the teacup, pretended not to care, and said slowly, "With our relationship, what other reasons do I need to come here to see? If that's true, it's too much to say, right?"

"Hey, it sounds good. You seem to have forgotten that you haven't come to me for more than a hundred years. This is the first time in a hundred years. Is it because you are grateful to the two disciples I sent you before?"


"Hmm, sure enough!"

Although Dong Xuanzhen did not admit it, he only saw that he suddenly stopped talking, and the Qingfeng Taoist knew that the matter must be related to Han Yuan and Wang Ren.

"With your ability, you must know those things before, and I won't talk to you anymore. Although I'm a little curious about what happened after that, it's not because of this matter. But there is one thing I need to ask first. Although Dongxuan Zhenren is a little difficult to speak, since he has come here this time, he will no longer care about those things. It's always difficult for him to come. As a result, he will run again for nothing, right?

"Do you want to ask me why it's them?"

Dong Xuanzhen knew that he might be a little better than his cultivation, but it was hard to say in other aspects. At least he could never have any secrets in front of Qingfeng, so he was not surprised to hear that he could guess what he wanted to ask. He just looked at him, but was waiting for Qingfeng's answer.

"...It's nothing to tell you." Qingfeng and Dongxuan looked at each other a lot, and their eyes finally calmed down. What he said also made Dongxuan breathe a sigh of relief, but he continued to say, "In fact, when I chose the two of them, I was sure that you would come to ask me one day. Even if Wang Ren is not worth letting you go there in person, in addition, that boy is enough to let you Move your buttocks."

Seeing that Dongxuan's real face was no longer smiling, Qingfeng showed a happy expression and continued to say, "You must be able to guess something about that boy, but most of your skills are in cultivation. The method of fate is not your strength. What you know must be extremely limited... I said before... It's not impossible to know something from me, but there is a condition.


"Nine Palace Algorithm!"


When he heard the word "condition" on the first day of the lunar new year, Dong Xuanzhen was vaguely aware of it. He thought that the other party would not say these words, but he didn't expect that he would still hear this in the end.

Qingfeng seemed to be very satisfied with Dongxuan's expression, or he was very happy to surprise Dongxuan, as if he was not afraid that he would not agree at all. He just pressed the teapot on the table and said, "I can remind you that he is worth the price!"

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