Xian Zhu

Chapter 19 Powerful Bear Demon

"Isn't the second brother lazy again? Why haven't you attracted people for so long?

When Jackie Chan was captured, in the woods not far away, the strong man had been a little impatient. According to his previous nature, he must kill it at this time, but when he looked back at the strange flower, he still put up with it.

It is also unclear whether there are four seasons, cold and warm in the "Senluo Jueyu". What is known is that there are not many branches and leaves on the tree that the strong man saw at this time, and there is only one flower, as if it had been exhausted early in the morning.

The flowers on the tree can be seen at a glance. They are indeed a begonia flower, but they are not as tall as ordinary begonias. Not only are the flowers all pure blue, but the core stamens are crystal clear, like crystals carved and ice crystals.

"Let's wait." After withdrawing his eyes, the strong man still suppressed his mind and thought to himself, "Don't care whether the second brother is lazy or not. What he said before is always right. Compared with revenge for the third brother, it is more important to avenge his own life. In case of the loss of 'Ice Heart Begonia', the demon king will blame him... huh?"

The strong man was still thinking about the pros and cons, and suddenly felt something. When he looked up, Yu Chenglong's figure could be seen clearly. At this time, he had already returned to his human form, and he was still holding a man in his hand.

"Brother, are you in a hurry? If I had known that this boy was so difficult to deal with, I wouldn't have wanted to capture him alive. I might as well lead him here to save effort as I thought before.

"Did you catch him?"

As soon as Jackie Chan flew nearby, his voice came out early. At the same time, he threw Han Yuan directly from the height of the sky. Looking at Han Yuan's closed eyes and without resistance, he seemed to have fainted.

"Hey, I thought this boy was so powerful, but I didn't expect him to be a strong man. I thought about saving some strength for the eldest brother before trying to capture him. The third brother was killed by him and other juniors. Those little guys have all been killed, and only the first murderer was caught in order to let the eldest brother deal with it himself.

"Okay, okay!"

Although Jackie Chan has always done things properly, this time is still the best in the eldest brother's opinion. You don't have to work hard to get your face back. If you want to do everything like this, how much energy do you need to save?

"Bright, have you asked which school this boy is from? If it's a troublesome sect, you have to figure out whether the things are clean enough. If they find it up after they know it, it will be a big trouble. Looking at Han Yuan who fell to the ground, the strong man was not in a hurry to kill him, but just asked Yu Chenglong again.

If this strong man thinks more carefully, it must not be difficult to find that Yu Chenglong is a little different from usual, but unfortunately, he only cares about being happy and doesn't have to bother himself at this time. How can he see Yu Chenglong's strangeness?

"The other guys are not very clear. I only heard that this boy is from the 'Three Immortals Mountain' and is an inner disciple." Yu Chenglong replied carefully.

"Sanxian Mountain" sounds like a big name, but in the ears of a strong man, he can't even frown, as if it's just an ordinary faction, "It's not a magic door!" Hey, I haven't been dizzy for a few days. I just used this boy to relieve my buns, but unfortunately, he hasn't even finished the golden elixir..."

That's all, and the strong man suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of it right away with his wisdom, so he had to stop there.

"So you are afraid of the devil. Let me guess. Don't you think that the righteous sects are all kind of kind of people who are easy to bully?"


The strong man suddenly felt hot and didn't have time to feel anything else. There were already words ringing in his ear and looked up to see that Yu Chenglong had become "more and more distant" from himself, and the faint boy on the ground had already stood up and ignited a blue flame on his clenched fist. It was not until then that it came to him. The pain made me know that I was blown out by this punch.

Han Yuan didn't care about the blue flame in his hand, and waved his other hand out of thin air. After shaking back and forth, a trace of black gas escaped. The strong man who "flyed" halfway had a bad intuition. Although his chest still hurt badly, he had no time to care about it. He only condensed the demonic spirit on his body and became a giant bear model in the blink of an eye. What a monster.

Just looking at his appearance is not very different from that of ordinary bears, but his hair is golden, and his size is also surprisingly big. The two Hanyuan together may not be his size, like a meat mountain. It's hard to know how he is so big that he can fly in the sky.

Although this guy is not as smart as Jackie Chan, he is at least a strong demon who has been killed for a long time, and his cultivation is more powerful than Jackie Chan. He has reached the late period of spiritual death. Generally speaking, not to mention Han Yuan's heartbeat juniors, even those in the spiritual silence period will not provoke him for no reason.

He said that Han Yuanyi was bold or arrogant. Anyway, after the previous incident of "Fat Yuxing", he already knew where his limit was. Nowadays, as long as he uses all his means, he will not be worse than the ordinary spiritual silence period. Unless the enemy he faces is a great monk of the Yuanying period, he can say that he has a great chance of winning.

The bear demon changed into a real body, and the demon spirit on his body was already strong and terrible. With him as the center, a large area in the sky and underground were dyed gold. But such a beautiful color can't make you feel comfortable. On the contrary, it has a lot of cold atmosphere, which makes people unable to retreat.


If you want to say that this bear demon is a strong demon in the spiritual silence period, the magic is indeed much faster than that of Han Yuan. Han originally took advantage of the sneak attack, but he still failed to hit it. Now he has changed his demon body. Because he feels dangerous, the bear demon's casting speed is faster than usual. Therefore, before Han Yuan condensed the blue flame and grabbed it out, the bear demon had spit out a breath of demon elixir and rolled it up like a flying curtain.


Han Yuan captured Yu Chenglong, let him pretend to catch himself alive, take himself to the bear demon, and wait for the opportunity to attack him. It was really a very good plan. If it hadn't been for so much cultivation, he might have won the previous punch.

Han originally planned to sneak attack, so he also had some understanding of the three demons on the road. The dead bird demon did not care about it. Jackie Chan and the bear demon were not unknown people. In addition to their special identities, they were also good at their skills.

Yu Jackie Chan's rubble-like thing, as Han Yuan thought, is a medium-grade spiritual treasure. Although it is only a magic weapon for pure protection, it is also a little different from ordinary magic weapons, because this thing does not come from elsewhere, but has been degenerates several times on Jackie Chan himself. Snake scales, in the words of external demon cultivation, this thing is actually equivalent to a "life magic weapon", and its power is far from comparable to that of ordinary magic weapons.

Before, he was too panicked, but he only used all the power of this spiritual treasure, otherwise, he would never be easily broken by Han Yuan.

The bear demon is not as smart as Jackie Chan. Don't think about the magic weapon. What's more, from his real body, he can't find anything to refine the "magic weapon", but by chance, he got a magic skill and was refined by him. Otherwise, he would not have the current cultivation.

Although it is said that the skills of human practitioners are not suitable for demons, since existences like the six-finger demon king can be cultivated by human skills, it also means that other demons can do the same. It's just the difference between the probability and whether they will go crazy.

The monsters in "Senluo Jueyu" are many different from those outside, but in the eyes of ordinary practitioners, the biggest difference is actually only one, that is, their success rate of practicing human skills is greater, or they are more likely to succeed in practicing magic skills!

There must be some reasons for this, but it is not what Han Yuan wants to care about. Although he had heard from Jackie Chan before he came, the bear demon's skills were all about magic skills, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he saw a lot of the people of the devil's door, and there were many people who had dealt with him. In Han Yuan's memory, the only difference between them and the skills learned by righteous people is only in the strangeness, but the bear demon in front of him gave Han Yuan some surprises.

"What a power!"

The demon gas blew out like a waterfall. Han Yuan's big hand of blue flame collided with the demon spirit, and it was actually stopped. Not to mention a strong thrust came from it, which made Han Yuan's body tremble fiercely. Fortunately, Han Yuan pinched the formula in time, otherwise he might be knocked out.

"Creation does not mean everything!"

The words of practice in the world can also be used in many cases. Of course, it is also applicable to Han Yuan's current situation.

Han Yuan only felt that the other party was just a cultivation in the later stage of spiritual silence, and he even dared to attack the big monks in the out-of-body period, but he forgot that there were many people like Zhao Bingwen who had no strength in practice, but also had not only good cultivation, but also had strong skills like the bear demon in front of him.

Han Yuan heard from Jackie Chan that the demon gate refined by the bear demon is called the "Four Heavenly King Tianmitabha Seal"!

It is not very clear about the classics of He School. What people know is that this skill has a little meaning to become water and fire with the Buddha's power. It must be the fundamental practice of the Demon Sect. This skill is said to be a magic or a Tao, but it is not as finely divided as today's martial arts. Anyway, there is nothing special about the method that teaches people to refine qi, but after a few turns of true qi, it will become powerfully sink to a terrible extent, and it will be used at will as the top of Mount Tai and the collapse of the five mountains. Potential.

The skill is powerful, but it doesn't really have that effect. No one can say it. If you really practice it, people say that this skill is already like this. If you can't practice it, they will directly say that you haven't practiced it yet...

This is true for ordinary people, and this is even more so. He is a demon. Even if he really can't practice anything, it can't be regarded as a strange thing. Now it's rare to practice it. Although he can't practice that skill to the extreme, there are still some characteristics of this momentum, which Han Yuan realized that the spell did not have.

"Hey, I don't know if this is a sleep and touching a pillow. Originally, I didn't believe the snake demon's words, but now it seems that this magic skill is really good. I hope he can keep it close to him..." Han Yuan did not panic after stabilizing his body, but thought about the benefits that he was about to get it.

Seeing that his flame hand was suppressed, Han Yuan muttered in a low voice, "I can't compare strength. No matter what, in addition to the gods and Buddhas, it seems that there is another kind of existence that is very good at, such as cultivation and magic weapons. I really haven't been afraid of anyone!"

When Yu Chenglong saw that the two fought fiercely, he wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but before he could move, he suddenly felt cold and could not move at all. Obviously, he could feel that there was no external force, but he had a feeling in his heart that if he took a wrong step, he might be torn in an instant. Fragments.

Qiang looked up at Han Yuan. Yu Chenglong could easily see it. At this time, he already had an "ordinary" picture scroll in his hand.