Xian Zhu

Chapter 21 Mirror Flower and Moon

Compared with all creatures, the stars in the universe have existed for too long. It has been so long that it can't remember its origin. For so long that it has no intention of caring too much about anything that happens in it. Everything is running according to their long-standing rules. For example, there are a few death stars outside the "Senluo Jueyu".

In fact, there is no need to make people say it deliberately. It is easy for ordinary people to imagine that these stars should not exist at the earliest, and they may have been here, but at that time they had not all become what they are now.

In fact, no matter what you say, now they just stay here at ease and leave here. They will no longer have any effect in this starry sky. Now they can be used as a guard or as a battlefield...

"Oh! Boom!"

A cold light crossed, and although it flew out of the void from the stars in an instant, its effect after crossing the top of the mountain can still be seen. The peak made of hard rocks, under this cold light, is just like a slightly harder tofu, which has been easily cut into two sections. The part up from the mountainside did not slide down, but directly "folded" to one side and hit the ground heavily.

"Tut! Especially, if you want to be obedient, maybe I can still let you live, but if you have to find yourself uncomfortable, don't blame me for being rude! I must occupy this place today!" After repeated exchanges, although Xingfan Sanren is also surprised and especially profound, he has never thought of retreating.

Seeing Xingfan's obsession, he couldn't help saying in the hut, "... I'm really curious why this death star is so attractive to you. If you can tell me and ask me to take the initiative to let it out of here, it's not impossible."

The thatched hut where You Ran lived has been covered with a huge light mask outside, which completely protects the whole place. The glazed light flowed on it. After the sound of the falling of the half of the mountain peak stopped a little, it changed back to its original colorless appearance, so that people could not see how it had changed before. Xingfan Sanren, who was not far away, also frowned again and rubbed his hands on his face.

If carefully, it is not difficult to see that the flying sword around him at this time is not the one he used before when he felling Yuxing, but a strange flying sword, but it can't be seen whether he came as a split this time, and the cultivation shown on his body is still in the early stage.

Xingfan Sanren knew how much force he had applied, but a sword was cut off the peak on the mask, but there was no way for him to let him know whether he had done his best.

As the same "star owner", Xingfan Sanren dares to say that he is the most powerful, but as a person in the "virtual sky view", Xingfan Sanren believes that ordinary people can't beat him at all. Unfortunately, his luck has not been good recently. The people he met are not ordinary people, at least not ordinary people he can deal with.

The blood old monster and Zichen demon don't talk about them. After all, they are all people of the demon family. In many aspects, they are not easy to compare. Just talk about Aoki and Youranzhi. Xingfan people themselves have to admit that if they fight against them head-on, they really don't have a good chance of winning, even if they do it.

Although the "Three Immortals Mountain" is one of the five schools of the right path, although it has fallen, it is already at the bottom of the "Ten Thousand Immortals Association" in several worlds, but it cannot be said that everyone in the "Three Immortals Mountain" can't compare with the "Xu Tianguan". In fact, they are actually only one disciple. Other people in the door, especially these teachers and elders, don't know whether they have inherited the consistent "banditry spirit" of the "Three Immortals Mountain" or for some other reasons. Anyway, they are more advanced and more powerful than a person, that is, the head of the "virtual sky" always has to tell the people under the door and less to provoke them. It can be imagined, "Three Immortal Mountain "How much it is for outsiders to worry about. If this is not the case, there is no need for Xingfan Sanren to work so hard to calculate a small inner disciple.

"I need to borrow your place to cast spells." Xingfan's face was black and red, and the color changed again and again. He wanted to touch the storage ring, but he didn't know what he thought of, or answered You Ran: "At this time, there is a young man I want to kill in the 'Senluo Jueyu', but his identity is a little special. I can't do it directly, so I have to use the secret method, and I want to With that secret method, the best place is on these dead stars.

"The younger generation? What is your special identity? Why did you choose me... Ha, I know. You are not talking about the disciples of our 'Three Immortals Mountain', are you?


If you want to know, You Ranzhi must also be a calculating person, otherwise he would not have counted the disciples of his own sect. Therefore, there is no need for Xingfan to say more, especially this side can already guess some.

The room was a little quiet, and You Ranzhi's voice came out of it again and said, "If it's normal, even if you want to kill the disciples of our sect, I can leave it alone. Presumably you know how much I hate the old ghost Dongxuan. However, the current situation is a little special, because I happen to have something to do with one of them, so I have to ask which one you are going to kill. If it happens to be the boy who happens to do something for me, I have to say 'sorry'.

"Oh, then thank Brother You first. The younger person I want to kill is called 'Han Yuan'."

Although Yu Ranzhi's words were not very polite, Xingfan Sanren didn't feel good about it, but showed a trace of joy on his face. In his imagination, it will not be so coincidental anyway. There must be many disciples everywhere under the gate of Sanxian Mountain. How can it be so coincidental that he wants to kill is just to use that person?

I just want to say: "The recent luck of Xingfan Sanren is really bad!"

Han Yuan and You Ranzhi don't talk much, but since You Ranzhi is looking for him, what's the reason why he doesn't even know his name? So as soon as I heard the name, I didn't say anything more. I just popped out of the light mask and threw a few strong lights into the earth, changing a few green vines.

It's not accurate to say that these things are green vines, because each one is dozens of feet long, and it can't let people see where the tail is. The thickness is much larger than the peak that just fell. Fortunately, it is not as toothy as a monster, otherwise...

There is no need for Xingfan Sanren to think about "otherwise". The vine twisted and changed again. It turned out to be a strange flower in the position of the head of the vine. It can be seen that there are dense sharp teeth in the middle of the flower, which is not much worse than some flesh-eating and blood-drinking monsters.

"Tianluo eats demon vine!"

Naturally, Xingfan scattered people will not recognize this horrible plant, but he knows it. He is not sure that he can deal with them, so when he sees them, he immediately wants to retreat, but he didn't expect that his body suddenly tightened. The power that should not have on the Death Star appeared naturally at this moment. It's here.


"Return to countercurrent!"

It was not until he was bound by the seemingly ubiquitous wind that Xing Fan San thought of the unique secret method, which was particularly famous at the beginning, but it was too late. It would not be difficult for several "Tianluo demon-eating vines" to deal with a monk who had no power to fight back.

The strange flowers on several demon vines are as big as the mouthpiece of monsters. They have tightly bit the scattered people of Xingfan and pulled them repeatedly. Don't say that he is just a mortal fetus, even the golden-bodied arhats may not be able to stand it. In a short time, it will be blood all over his body. Thanks to his true qi protection, he has changed I'm afraid that the great monk of Yuanying has been torn to pieces long ago.

Xingfan Sanren didn't know to regret it until this time. Although he already knew the character of You Ran, he also knew the contradiction between the Xuanzhen people in charge, otherwise he would never have come here so boldly, but that doesn't mean that he can also calculate the relationship between Han Yuan and You Ran, and he doesn't know any innate and acquired algorithms. .

"If I had known it, it would have been better to take the initiative just now, and now I don't know if it's in a hurry." Xingfan Sanren strongly encouraged the true qi on his body. Even if he knew that this could only solve the pain for a while, he did not care too much. He just complained about himself secretly and tried to seduce "that thing" on his body with his heart.

Seeing that Xingfan Sanren was entangled to death, Youranzhi's voice in the room seemed to be a little complacent and spread from it: "It's really a little unfortunate to say that few disciples have entered our 'Three Immortals Mountain' recently. I have also secretly found a few people to help me, but they simply died inside. . Recently, there are only three people who have entered, and the kid named Han Yuan you mentioned is the one I like the most. So it seems that our vision is very similar.

"I don't care if you have any hatred with him. All I know is that now he is doing something for me. When things are done, I have nothing to do with him. Even if I give him to you to kill him, there is no problem. But at this time, the matter has not been done yet. If you kill him like this, who else will I ask to help me with this?

"..." You Ranzhi's words sounded good, but Xingfan Sanren will never believe his words again.

In order to kill Han Yuan, Xingfan can naturally take the initiative to help You Ranzhi, or find someone else to help him. It's just that Yu Ranzhi's character really made him a little trustworthy. God knew that You Ranzhi saw that he was eager to kill Han Yuan, and whether he would come up with other requirements. You should know that people's greed is endless!

"It's done!" After a distracted move, Xingfan Sanren finally led out a precious light before being torn to pieces.

Although the appearance of the treasure light is not bright, it is also extremely hazy, which makes people unable to see what is inside at all. They can only see what seems to be a round thing. When a few precious lights are cast from above to cut off the demon vine, people can see clearly that this thing is actually a jade disk about a foot in size.

It is not very appropriate to just say that this thing is a jade dish. At least this thing can be seen at a glance. Just looking at the appearance can make people see that this thing will never be worse than the "Xuanyin White Bone Gate" he has used before.

The jade dish, which is about the size of a foot, is all green, but does not transmit light. It is very much like a stone material, but it is extremely smooth. At a glance, the whole plate is densely covered with small characters, like tadpoles flowing freely in the dish, so dense does not give people a feeling of crowding at all.

Only after a few rays of light appeared, the thing has attracted moisture by itself. Obviously, it is on a dead star, but it has a way to condense a pool of clear water at the bottom of the plate, which is really strange.

"Mirror flowers and water moon!"

Seeing this thing, the sound from the room finally brought a trace of panic. On the other hand, although Xingfan Sanren was stained with blood at this time, he was no longer as embarrassed as before, and his face was full of confident and proud expression.