Xian Zhu

Chapter 25 Life and Death

Originally, without Jackie Chan, Han Yuan was not afraid of all kinds of dangers in the "Senluo Jueyu". Now he has stepped on him, and there is no need to worry about anything. With Jackie Chan's familiarity with the "Senluo Jueyu", many dangers have been avoided without encountering them at all. It's really because the speed is too fast, and there are some sudden ** situations. With his powerful demon body, coupled with the help of his own magic weapon, he can rush straight there without raising his hand. Han Yuan really has nothing to worry about, but at this time, he can't calm down. If he hadn't known that Yu Jackie Chan had done his best, himself It's impossible to pass him, but I'm afraid that Han Yuan will fly by himself at this time.

"Magic Xiu?" Yu Chenglong did not turn his head, but he could also hear Han Yuan's voice and said slowly with some doubt, "It's really possible that it's Mo Xiu. If it's a demon, he may directly satisfy his desire to speak. How can he not kill anyone yet?"

Although Han Yuan had stayed there before and couldn't feel anything, he could feel that there was no blood there. It is speculation that everyone was either captured or being chased by the other party.

"..." Yu Chenglong also wanted to say, "Demon cultivation may not only eat people." But after thinking about it, it's better to forget it. If you say more, there may be more mistakes. Looking at Han Yuan's anxious appearance, it is not difficult to see that those missing people must be very important to him.


In the direction Han Yuan was chasing, a far away place ahead.

A young man who looks small but wears a black and gray robe is steadily stepping on a huge gourd, and the red skin gourd is surrounded by clouds and fog. With its help, it is not slow to see the young people's speed of escape.

"Hey, that beautiful woman can really run. The method of thunder escape is simply used to be fascinated. If her cultivation is a little worse, I may not have been able to keep up with her. The most troublesome thing is the two spiritual charms in her hand. Next time, I must find a way to collect those two charms first." Although the voice on the gourd is not very good, it sounds confident, as if what he is just saying has become a reality.

Compared with the extremely conspicuous gourd, this young man looks really ordinary, not to mention that he has no long things. Even his appearance is so ordinary that it can't be found in the crowd. The only special thing is the robe he wears, or the strange pattern on the robe.

This pattern is just a circle the size of a baby's fist, but it is not difficult to see if you look carefully, such a small ball shape is composed of various blades and killers. If you want to see it more carefully, you can still see that these blades and killing weapons are actually composed of many strange runes. There is something in the pattern that looks like a human head and side face, but it is two sides, one side is a good-looking and the other is a evil spirit.

Like the patterns used by several major factions to identify themselves, there are similar methods in the magic sect, but some small magic sects have made so many fancy patterns. Only the four sects of the magic path will really use this method to distinguish their identity!

For example, the demon disciples of the previous two Tian Xing Island are probably just the most ordinary inner disciples. Just by looking at their empty cultivation, there is no powerful magic that can be seen. People like them, even if they belong to a demon sect like Tianheng Island, have no right to wear that kind of sect costume. From this point, it is not difficult to see that people in the devil's way respect power more than people in the right way. Without strength, they won't talk about their peers.

The young man in front of him can not only identify himself as a demon family, but also have the power to wear such a sect costume. Not to mention what his identity is, he will never be weak just by his strength. I don't know why he appears here. He can only know that An Yuhan's luck is really bad.

In today's human world, as if everyone knows the pattern of clouds and moon, this Shura battle map is also well known. It may not matter if a person doesn't know the cloud and moon pattern, but if he doesn't recognize this Shura battle map, he will definitely die ugly. Because this pattern represents the largest sect of the Demon Family, the Shura sect!

As if the "virtual sky view" is the head of the right path, "Sura Sect" is recognized as the head of the demon sect, and the years of having this identity are much longer than the "virtual sky view". "The View of Heaven" believes that it is the largest sect of cultivation in the world, and it is also recognized by most people. In fact, it is still hindered by the righteousness of the world. If you really want to say it seriously, comparing the strength of a sect alone, the "virtual view of heaven" may not be as good as "Sura Sect"!

As early as hundreds of years ago, the "Sura Sect" did shine for a long time, but then it suddenly fell, but not because of the fight with the righteous sect. There are legends that there is something wrong with the "Sura Sect" sect, but it has not been confirmed yet. All the world knows is that people of Shura Sect rarely walk outside and rarely have the opportunity to see the people in this demon gate. But as long as there are people of "Sura Sect" walking outside, you can know that you must be a master without asking. This is almost as accurate as the laws of nature. It is also for this reason that the "Sura Sect" has faded out of most people's sight for many years, and it has always been holding the title of "the first sect of the Demon Sect"!

Fan Baobao, as a disciple of the youngest generation of the "Sura Sect", can appear in the "Senluo Jueyu", which is enough to show his strength, but he doesn't know what he has cultivated before taking any action. At the speed of his gourd, it was extremely surprising that An Yuhan could escape for so long. Not to mention that he didn't expect it, even An Yuhan himself didn't expect it. All she can do now is keep thunder and fly faster in one direction... faster!

"It must be difficult to fight with him head-on. Brother Zhao and others have been taken away by him and do not know whether they are alive or dead. It is really wise to fight with him. Although Brother Han's whereabouts are unknown, with his ability, there should not really be any danger, and he may only be delayed by some unexpected things. In this case, he will definitely go back to us. When he finds that we are gone, he is likely to use the 'spirit introduction technique' again. Ten thousand steps back, the 'Golden Wing Lake' is also the place he must go. According to the direction pointed out before the moon, there will be nothing wrong!"

An Yuhan is extremely cold, and he is also smart. He thought so much when he fled first, and thought a lot on the way. Finally, he finally recognized and continued to escape, betting on Han Yuan alone!

No need to look back, An Yuhan has felt the tighter magic light behind him, which calmed his mind and accelerated to fly forward. At the same time, he first transformed the giant spirit god with a spiritual charm, blocking behind him. At the speed of Baby Fan behind him, just enough for him to hit him, the giant spirit god had not surpassed. The control range of the "calling charm". I'm afraid that Fan Baobao will also feel very depressed after seeing this giant spirit god.


Above the outer dead star of "Senluo Jueyu", there were originally patriarchal elders who were backed by "Three Immortals Mountain", but now they can't count on him at all. It's not a special relationship, but he is now insurable for himself!


The light mask that was originally outside the thatched house was completely non-existent at this time, and the small house was also broken. In particular, his body flew high. At the previous moment, it was still in the shape of a "big" word, but only a scream was heard, and the "big" was half "horizontal"! The broken arm seems to have been forcibly torn, so although the bone is broken, the flesh is still connected. Although there is no blood, it is even more miserable.

"Hahaha~ weren't you very arrogant before, You Xingzhu? Why are you so embarrassed now? If it weren't for the power of 'mirror, water and moon', I really don't know that you have already lost your own body. Let me think that you would hate Dong Xuanzhen so much, then your real body may also have been lost in the 'Senluo Jueyu', right? Did you ask that boy to help you with what he did? Did you ask him to find a suitable body for you? Tut, it's really easy to calculate. Unfortunately, you can't start this calculation any more. I can barely accept your vigorous body!"

"No! I won't stop you from killing him. Don't kill me, don't..."

Before that, Xingfan Sanren was certainly very happy to hear You Ranzhi's words, but unfortunately, the relationship between the two has been different at this moment. Most importantly, he just lacks something to supplement the large amount of Qi and blood he lost after losing his split on the "Fat Yuxing".

A true gas bounced into the jade dish, and there was a crisp sound at the neck of You, who was still struggling in the air, and twisted into a very strange angle. At this moment, there was no vitality.

A Yuanying, who drilled out of the nearly entity above his head, was also fixed there together without waiting for a big move. Xingfan Sanren smiled and put his hand into the jade plate.

The jade dish looked extremely light outside, but he didn't know until he reached inside that there was even more space inside. Half of the arms of Xingfan Sanren put in, and there was no difficulty at all. When I saw Xingfan Sanren's arm pulled back, I could see the extremely painful expression on Yuanying's face. It seemed that he wanted to struggle, but he couldn't do it at all. He had to be slowly pulled out of the mirror by Xingfan Sanren from afar.

After the last trace of Yuanying was pulled out of Zhenyuan's body, he immediately turned into a mummified corpse and fell from the air. Only the distant Xingfan Sanren sucked some strange power from his nose that could see his face.

It is difficult to distinguish the face in the mixed power of Zhenyuan and Yuanying, but it is not difficult to see from the appearance of its opening. If it really can make a sound, what a fearful howling it should be...