Xian Zhu

Chapter 38 The Battle of the Trapped Beast

Han Yuan's knowledge is limited, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything. At least Han Yuan can call out the name of the monster in front of him.

With the vastness of the human world, how can there be more than thousands of creatures? In addition to the difference between people and demons, there are also thousands of differences between people and demons.

is also a demon clan. In the simplest case, the demons in the "Senluo Jueyu" are not very different from those outside. Although many of them are practicing skills, they are more likely to strengthen the demon body and maximize the ability of the demon body. It is for this reason that Jackie Chan and others always like to change the true shape of demons.

However, this is only the division of demons now. It is said that at the earliest, some demons were even worse than the demons in the "Senluo Jueyu". Because the demon body is too strong, some of them can't change their human form at all, and because they feel that the demon body is strong, they are unwilling to practice the method of changing people. .

is one of them.

In fact, this thing does not have a certain appearance. Among people's word of mouth, there are actually many versions of its appearance, and if you want to distinguish them correctly, in addition to listening to the sound, the best way is to see if you are dizzy. For example, the one in front of Han Yuan and others, according to the appearance, according to the sound, according to the degree of tinnitus. Han Yuan can be sure that he has never admitted his mistake.


Although it roared like before, it did not take the initiative this time, but gently scratched its claws on the ground, leaving many deep or shallow scratches, like a naughty big cat.

"Bai Wenjing, don't act rashly. Yi Chen tried to attract its attention, hit its eyes and do it!"

Seeing that Feng Xinyan's situation under the monster's claws was not good, Han Yuan didn't say much. He told everyone what they should do in just one sentence. Before they agreed, Han Yuan had already ignited red inflammation outside his body and rushed up with the escape method of "fire from the sky".

Since there are four eyes on his head, he must not be white. Not to mention that he can see six ways and listen to all directions, he can't think of it. At least Han Yuan is so "exhiously" that it is not easy to see him.

Almost as soon as Han Yuan made a move, he turned his head to him, but before any further action, a golden light flew out of Yi Chen's hand. On the way, it had turned into a very long chain with the thickness of his arm, and it was wrapped around the roaring neck.

Demons are beasts, and the most annoying thing is chains and other things. Since he is also a beast, naturally there is no exception. Yi Chen's chain has been torn off before it really plays a role. He doesn't care about Han Yuan, who is close to him. He only pointed a big mouth at Yi Chen and spit out a white light from his mouth.


Although Yi Chen was on guard, this white light was still too strong and horizontal. Before Yi Chen used his means, he had already attacked nearby. Fortunately, there was a Bai Wenjing who made an ice shield in time. The ice shield originally only relied on the size of the two people, but after a while, it was no longer the original size and became extremely generous.

"What a powerful force of ice, can't stop it, avoid it quickly." Bai Wenjing looked at the change of the ice shield and knew it was going to be bad. As she spoke, she pulled Yi Chen away. As soon as they left, the ice shield suddenly exploded and broke into large and small ice cubes and ice powder.

With one blow, he didn't wait, and a red light came out of his mouth. The light didn't need to hit anything. It just skipped by the place where the two were waiting before they fled, which had melted the ice and snow on the ground and evaporated in the blink of an eye.


A broken wind sounded, and a dark loess thorn suddenly flew out. It was impossible to see where it came from. It could only be seen that it was running extremely fast. Although the body is huge, it does not lack flexibility in its actions. You can see it just by looking at its previous movements. Normally, it is not difficult to avoid the thorn at its speed, but someone thought of it first and controlled it.

"Ghost vine!"

Kuluo pressed his hands on the ground, and only his eyes were looking at the earth thorns, and he was using his divine consciousness to control it and stabbed one of his eyes.

Kuluo pressed his hands and could not see anything special, but with the demonic spirit on his body, it had turned the originally dark ground into earthy yellow. Although it did not turn into sand, it was no longer the original "gloomy iron" appearance.

Not far away, there is such a change in the blink of an eye. It has just changed color, and many snake vines have emerged from below. These vines are more than the means used by Yi Chen before. They don't seem to be thicker than there, but they are much more flexible than chains, and they are better than There are a large number, which entangles it so that it can't break free immediately.

" hiss!"

Seeing that the roaring demon was trapped, how could Kuluo waste this hard-won opportunity? Controlling the speed of the earth thorn suddenly changed, and the open loess thorn, which could still see its shape, has turned into a streamer. I don't know how fast the speed is, but it brings out a sound like cutting paper.

Seeing that victory is in sight, it is the calmness of bitterness, and there is a trace of joy on his face, but then this trace of joy has solidified on his face.

I don't know what the official name is, but it is full of sharp weapons, and it can spit out ice and fire in its mouth. It is not difficult to see that this guy is a very extraordinary strong demon. The reason why Han Yuan asked Kuluo to attack its eyes was that his eyes were probably the only weakness on his body. Kuluo also thought of it, and then he saw that the blow was about to win, and he was a little happy. But at this time, a yellow light suddenly shot out of the eye that was about to be thorned. As soon as it shone on the streamlight turned into the earth thorn, it showed its shape, and then it turned into a small pinch of dust at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This light is like a signal. With this first one, there are three other eyes shooting together, and four yellow light recoiled back and ejected, which has cut into many sections of the yellow vines that originally entangled it. When they fall to the ground again, they have become sandy and no longer have the previous power.


Originally, Yi Chen had successfully attracted all its attention, but after this action, it naturally shifted its attention to Kuluo. The huge roar like before is different from before. Obviously, it is the power of sound achievement, but you can see that the sound wave seems to have substance.

If it is replaced by Bai Wenjing or Yi Chen standing in front of it, it is difficult to say whether it can be reacted, but after all, it is not them standing here, but the demon sword cultivation, bitter Luo!

As soon as the magic formula in his hand was introduced, the long sword on his waist had been scabbarded, and there was no gorgeous sword move. However, under the control of Kuluo, he gently stroked from top to bottom. Unexpectedly, he could not even hear a sound of breaking the air. If he was sharp, he could see that at the moment when his sword crossed the sword, there was a black line flashed, and Later, I saw a silver and white sword light condensed into silk.

"... This guy is even more powerful than Lu Guiyuan in the method of flying sword. I thought he had a broken arm and should have a great impact on his cultivation, but now it seems that he has been blessed by misfortune." Han Yuan rescued Feng Xinyan and looked back. He happened to see this scene. Although he did not quite understand what Jianxiu said about the realm of "turning sword into silk", he knew that a trace of silver light was enough to surpass the vast majority of the magic weapons in the world!

Such a sword light, not to mention what kind of sound wave, even if there is a spiritual treasure of heaven and earth in front of him, Kuluo should also be able to cut it. Just gently cross, the sound wave has been scattered on both sides, hit the wall, and immediately has been deeply concave into two deep pits.

A sword broke the roaring beast sound attack, and did not wait for a little breath. A strong wind sounded in Kuluo's ear. There was no time to see what it was. He only had time to put the sword in front of him. The next moment, he was hit by the beast's claws and flew straight out. Fortunately, there were no obstacles along the way, otherwise if he hit it at such a speed, he was likely to be killed. In the end, it hit the colorful light curtain and finally stopped.

If you don't look at the bleeding bitterness, Han Yuan has been entangled with firelight. Before he gets close, a green flame has popped out in his hand. This flame looks very similar to the straightened silk thread, but it looks thicker. Compared with the Hanyuan Rockets, although it is a little less powerful, it is better than changing more.

The green flame shot out and surrounded it into a ring of fire. Instead of attacking the beast immediately, it used a fast speed to surround the beast first.


As soon as the magic formula in Han Yuan's hand was drawn, the fire ring itself did not move, and it was stretched up and down. On the same time, it went straight to the ground and synthesized a cylindrical transparent light column, covering the whole body of the roaring beast.


"I can't trap it for too long. Hurry back!" He was sleepy, but he had just been trapped. Before the people who watched were happy, Han Yuan was already anxious to shout.

Fortunately, several people in the light curtain did not react slowly, so they listened to Han Yuan's words and immediately ran to him. Almost as soon as they avoided the original place, the beast had broken Han Yuan's magic and shot an electric arc from the one-horn. Yi Chen only had time to block it with the magic. With just a few pause, the electric light had hit his left shoulder, and the blow had gone straight through.


"...The five elements are complete. Sure enough, the five elements are complete. It seems that some real skills will be used." Han Yuan held Yi Chen, and the true qi in the other hand had condensed, and the green lotus appeared on his head. Among them, the lotus seed was hanging on the lotus flower, emitting seven-color light.

The true qi surged on his body, and Han Yuan's strength had been instantly increased to the limit. Although he had not been in the spiritual death period, it would take a long time to fully master the cultivation of the spiritual silence period.

"Liuyang Real Fire?"

Han Yuan's body was really angry. When he climbed to the peak, it was like ignited oil. It was all ignited with a sound of "hoo", but it was different from the blue flame of "Cding Divine Fire". At this time, it burned like the red flame usually used by Han Yuan, but it was still easy to see with bitter eyes. The color in the flame core is much darker and redder than elsewhere.