Xian Zhu

Chapter 41 Under the High Platform

Several people relap together, and Han Yuan was really relieved. Although they don't seem to have been hurt, it is not difficult to feel that the atmosphere is a little wrong. If it is later, no one can guarantee that there will be no conflict.

"Hey, boy, is it your broken illusion?"

"He broke it."

Han Yuan has never had a good attitude towards those who are rude to him. If the demon king hadn't made a voice in time, Han Yuan didn't know whether he could stand it or behave so "behaving honestly". He just heard from An Yuhan say that the murderous spirit of the Hundred-eye Demon King before did not seem to be fake.

Han Yuan believes that he is an " honest man". If others don't provoke him, he will never deliberately provoke others. But if someone touches his reverse scales, not to mention that the other party is the demon king of the out-of-body period, the more powerful demon king, or something else, Han Yuan will certainly not forget this hatred. Even if he can't revenge immediately, he will definitely remember this matter in his head and will never forget it easily!

I don't know what the hundred-eyed demon king thinks. He just doesn't like Han Yuan. Maybe it's because Han Yuan doesn't care about anything, maybe it's because the six-finger demon king looks at him differently, or he doesn't like him for no reason. Anyway, he just wants to take the opportunity to find Han Yuan's trouble, but unfortunately it's still The six-finger demon king supported him, and the hundred-eye demon king had to endure it first.

"Find a chance to kill you sooner or later!" Han Yuan smiled, as if he didn't know that the hundred-eye demon king intended to trouble him. He only let the six-finger demon king answer on his behalf. He didn't say much, but still looked at the high platform in front of him.

Like what Han Yuan and others saw when they broke through the fog, this place is clearly like a hall, but it is empty inside. Except for the ground and walls with shining gold and silver light, they can't see the dome here at all.

Although I came here to look for treasure, there is obviously no treasure in it. At least now it seems that nothing can be found except the huge triangular platform.

It is said that this high platform is a sacrificial platform, just because it really looks like that kind of thing.

You can't see much from the four corners of the high platform. The four golden people standing slightly taller than ordinary people are far away from each other. They not only don't look like dead things, but also look like living people. They are all eyes closed and silent, and their appearances are also very different.

Standing along the bottom four golden people facing up, the high platform looks like a ladder. I don't know whether it is convenient for people to settle down or for some other reason. In a slightly higher place, a flag several meters was erected, but at this time, the wind was calm, and the flag failed to unfold, but just looked at the weak hanging there. I can't see any difference.

A little further up, there is a thick barrel around this high platform. It can be seen in another direction that this thing is carved like a long snake, and there are many different strange creatures.

At the top, you can only see the golden light that bounces from time to time, but you can't see what it is. You can only know that it is also like a platform.

"Does it look like there are at least three levels?"

"...hmm." For Han Yuan's judgment, the six-finger demon king is more convinced. Although the demon spirit on her body is still a little difficult to control, she is no longer out of control as before. She just secretly suppresses the demon spirit in her body and answers casually.

Han Yuan stood there and looked up at the high platform. Although he had made a judgment, he had no intention of moving at all. He just pulled An Yuhan and Feng Xinyan back a little more and gave up a large area of open space, leaving only two groups of six-finger demon king and Baimu demon king, including Zhao Bingwen and Fan Baobao, who wanted to come. Along the way, they have recognized the Hundred Eyes Demon King as their temporary backer.

"Try it, Kuluo."


The six-finger demon king did not look at Han Yuan, let alone the side of the hundred-eyed demon king, but ordered Kuluo around him, as if they didn't know the danger in the eyes of others. Kuluo, who was going to take risks, didn't even blink.

Several people were not far from the high platform, but they were close in a few steps. When there was still some distance away, he suddenly frowned and stopped. Obviously, he could not see any obstacles, but it seemed that he had hit some obstacle.


The sword popped out of the scabbard like a dragon. As soon as it appeared, it turned into a sword rainbow across the sky. A light crossed it and cut down in front of him.

However, as soon as the original obstruction was broken, the golden man who was closest to Kuluo opened his eyes. As soon as his body moved, the golden light flashed and he could not see his figure again. The next moment, the Kuluo's sword dissipated the sword light and flew back backwards. Just by watching Kuluo spitting blood and fly back, he knew that this sword must not be himself. Recall.

Sure enough, before the flying sword retreated to Kuluo's side with mourning, another golden light flashed and flew to Kuluo again. Just looking at the speed, it was much faster than the take-off sword, and there was no time to ask someone to save it.


Han Yuan only heard a disdainful hum, and felt a black and gold light passing in front of him.

The golden man originally moved very fast and had turned into Jin Hong, but suddenly appeared again. Not only that, his body seemed to be nailed there. Obviously, he was very close to Kuluo, but in the end, he could only stop there and could not make any more.

The six-finger demon king stood there, which was not tall, twice as small as the golden man, but he waved his hand. The golden man seemed to have become a pile of sand and mud. An inch of wind turned into countless golden powders. The strength of the six-finger demon king shook, and those gold powders were all blown away. Where they went, several people couldn't even see what the golden man looked like.

"The overall strength is probably equivalent to the Yuanying period, but it is not as strange as the Yuanying period, but it is not difficult to deal with. The rest is up to you."


Infancy? Isn't it difficult to deal with?

Such a judgment shows that only the six-finger demon king can have, and even the hundred-finger demon king does not despise these golden people as much as she does. Although he don't know what the overall strength of the six-finger demon king said is, just by looking at the speed of the golden man just now, the hundred-finger demon king knows that this alone, even he himself can't compare. .

There were so many people present, only the hundred-eye demon king was happy. After listening to the words of the six-finger demon king, he had already picked one to lean on. Fan Baobao followed without any hesitation. Zhao Bingwen looked at Han Yuan's group of people and also gritted his teeth and followed.

"You go to deal with the other one. You don't have to defeat it. Just wait for me to solve it and help you. If it really doesn't work, I will ask the Six-Finger Demon King to help you. If I guess correctly, the reason why she asked us to kill these four gold people is likely to see that this is some kind of mechanism, formation and so on. If you really want to break them, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to kill them at the same time.

"Take the spiritual charm with Ruyue to defend yourself, Yu Chenglong, protect your mistress. All right, go quickly!" After Han Yuan handed over the summoning charm to An Yuhan, he gave a warning to Jackie Chan that the Hundred-eye Demon King had been handed over, so he didn't have time to tell anything more, so he recognized a golden man and rushed up.

It was also a coincidence that Han Yuan recognized the golden man, and he seemed to be a monk-like guy. As soon as he felt Han Yuan approaching, he also came back to life like the previous Jin man and did not say much. However, as soon as he could do the action, he had already patted his palm, and a big golden hand fell straight to the top of Han Yuan's head like the top of Mount Taishan.

"Damn! Isn't it so unlucky?" Seeing the power of this golden palm, Han Yuan could already think of the original Zen master Xiaoming, but compared with Xiaoming. The golden man in front of him was more powerful. Before he really fell, he already felt as if he was unstoppable.

Although Han Yuan secretly scolded the wandering people, he also knew that it was not a good time to think too much, so he had to emit black gas on his hand to ignite the green flame, and instantly condensed a huge green hand to meet him.

"...another secret."

No matter how careful Han Yuan is, he may hide it from many people, and there is no way to hide it from the six-finger demon king. That very obvious trace of magic has been seen by the six-finger demon king, because after she entered the hall, her eyes have not really left Han Yuan for a moment!