Xian Zhu

Chapter 49 Mountain God

When he reappeared on that high platform, even with Han Yuan's mind, he also had a feeling of being reborn. Whoever stays in the darkness for a long time may have an illusion that they will never have a chance to escape from it and can no longer see the light.

Looking up, Han Yuan had seen several other people. Although they all looked a little embarrassed, there were no obvious scars on their bodies. Even Zhao Bingwen and the Hundred-Mu Demon King, who were the first to be banned, were just slightly pale. I guess they either broke their minds or confused their true anger.

Although these individuals look as usual, their eyes are a little strange, especially Kuluo, An Yuhan and Lin Ruyue.

The three people's eyes were a little different, but they were all surprised. Kuluo was also a strong demon with good demeanor, but at this time, he opened his mouth to the boss and couldn't close it. His eyes were about to stare out, and he didn't seem to feel it.

Lin Ruyue's expression on her little face was the strangest, as if she wanted to cry and laugh, and from time to time to see An Yuhan beside her.

Although An Yuhan was also surprised, the expression on his face was still cold. He just looked at Han Yuan and didn't look at it much. He only turned his head aside and couldn't see him. He was afraid that he had made a plan in his heart. After that, he must let Han Yuan give himself a "reasonable explanation" afterwards.


Several people looked so strange, how could Han Yuan not be surprised? He knew that there must be something wrong with him, so he thought of looking down. It didn't matter, but he was also shocked. He actually held a soft ball in his arms. Looking only at the thin black clothes, Han Yuan already remembered who this was.

Originally, in the dark, the six senses were reduced to the weakest, and Han Yuan did not feel keen. Although he always knew that the six-finger demon king was in his arms, there was no special feeling in his hand. At this time, as soon as he came out, he felt that he could not recover so quickly that he would forget her. If it hadn't been for everyone's strange eyes, Han Yuan might not have found it.

The problem of this discovery was that Han Yuan's face was thick, and he couldn't help blushing. Originally, he wanted to push her away, but when he saw her eyes closed and frowning, he gave up this plan. Anyway, it was indeed her credit that her group could see the sun again, just to see At this point, Han Yuan can't let go at this time.

"Hey, boy, what happened before?" Although the Hundred-eye Demon King had been banned in it for a long time and did not know what happened later, he could see that the situation of the Six-Finger Demon King was a little bad.

The same demon king is compared with the six-finger demon king along the way, but the hundred-eye demon king is much more "low-key". Of course, this is not because of his nature, but because compared with the six-finger demon king, he is still weak. In the world of practitioners, if he has no strength, he intends to have no right to speak.

At present, the six-finger demon king is in a coma. I'm afraid the happiest person is him. Especially when he thinks of the benefits Han Yuan got before, he will never put up with it. Previously, the six-finger demon king made him worry, but now without her, there are so many people present that he is not the only one who has the final say? He didn't care why the six-finger demon king fell into Han Yuan's arms, and there was any extraordinary relationship between them. All he cared about was the two golden people in Han Yuan's hand.

Although Han Yuan was still thinking about the Six-Finger Demon King, he also heard the words of the Hundred-Month Demon King clearly, but he did not answer him. He couldn't even look at him. He only looked over him and looked back.

Although the hundred-eye demon king could have today's cultivation, it was not by chance that he did not rely on his own wisdom. Seeing that Han Yuan was so calm, he did not first think that Han Yuan was pretending to be calm, but immediately thought about the reason.


Looking at Han Yuan for a long time without withdrawing his eyes, the hundred-eyed demon king turned around and looked back to see the thing. Even with his ability, he was very scared.

Several people were originally on the high platform. Although they were only at the waist of the stage, they were already in a very high place. The previous black flag had already rested all the black fog. Only by a strange monster's claws grasped it, the monster flew to the place near the top. The snake-shaped creature that was originally there had become living creatures, and both sides have At this time, although they did not move, they were all looked at each other, and the hostility was already very strong.

The thing flying in the sky may be a little strange to others, but Han Yuan is the most familiar. The strange beast with claws and wings is the famous ancestral witch "Dijiang"!

The snake-shaped monster coiled at the top of the high platform is extremely long, a little longer than the real body of Jackie Chan. It has scales and no claws, and its head and tail are almost as thick. Moreover, it actually has two heads, one is a snake head with horns, and the other is a human head, which makes people feel cold and feels extremely strange.

When the hundred-eye demon king was looking for trouble with Han Yuan, the two monsters had already shifted their eyes. I don't know if they were quarreled by him or for some other reason.

I feel that those two cold eyes are locked on me. How can the hundred-eyed demon king dare to act rashly? Even if he knows that Han Yuan can be kneaded by him, it is a little bad at the moment.


I don't know what they saw from the hundred-eyed demon king. The snake-shaped demon has moved its mouth first. The snake's mouth is round and looks inside. In the deep black hole, something has come out of it with the sound of breaking the air, but with the strange pupil of the hundred-eyed demon king, nothing can't be seen.

His body suddenly became heavy, and the hundred-eye demon king could smell a bloody smell. Fortunately, after hundreds of battles, he finally took the opportunity to transform the demon body. It was not easy to stop his body, otherwise he was afraid that he had been swallowed into the strange snake's stomach by this strange force.

"Mountain God?"

Although the hundred-eye demon king is powerful, he is also a person who has lived for a long time. His knowledge is not bad, but it can't be said that he knows everything. What he can't recognize doesn't mean that he can't recognize it like Jackie Chan, who is a snake demon.

Although snake-shaped demons are very common, they are a large branch of the demon clan. General snake demons are also very ordinary, just like Jackie Chan. However, when there were earliest demons, snake-shaped demons are the top existence. What can be called names are some powerful and outrageous guys, even the most At least, you can manage a mountain, but don't underestimate the name of "mountain god". You should know that in ancient times, no mountain was as small as it is now, and the most common one is much bigger than the current stars.

Although this snake body monster is a little different from what Jackie Chan knows, the characteristics of the snake body and human face are not bad. It is not difficult to recognize from these. It is likely to be the ancient snake.

Since it can protect a mountain, but only the size of the territory, this "mountain god" must be much more powerful than the star. According to the judgment of the hundred-eye demon king, this snake, which can't even be transformed into a human body, has exceeded the out-of-body period...

The huge gap in cultivation is not as easy to make up as it seems. At least the Hundred Eyes Demon King is not Han Yuan.

The suction force continued. Although the hundred-eye demon king demon body struggled hard, the effect was not obvious. At this time, he had already been pulled off the ground. Many of the demon eyes shot out all kinds of light, but none of them could shoot too far, and only a few meters in front of him had been scattered and shattered. The snake seemed to be dissatisfied with its power and was provoked. The snake's head did not move, the snake's body slid, and the human head was already surrounded and facing the Hundred-eye demon king.


I could barely hear what it was shouting, but I couldn't understand what it meant. When the sound sounded, the only thing that changed was the Hundred Eyes Demon King.

Originally, the hundred-eyed demon king was still struggling, but when he was stared at by the man's face, he could no longer move. His body trembled like uncontrollably, and each eye was wide open and bulging.


After the first broken sound sounded, then the second and third... Although the series of sounds are not big, with the pieces of eyes and bright red blood that exploded there, it will still feel extremely harsh.

The Hundred-eye Demon King was so severely damaged that he had begun to struggle again, but there was another suction in the mouth of the snake. This time, although his body was no longer sucked, everyone seemed to see a virtual shadow flying out of his body in a trance. As soon as the virtual shadow was pulled out, the hundred-eye demon king calmed down again, emitting a cold breath as if it were dead, and threw it into the mouth of the snake with the virtual shadow.