Xian Zhu

Chapter 2 The Power of One Punch

Although Han Yuan knew little about the Demon Sect before he came to the "Sura Sect", he was also familiar with the four sects of the Demon Sect, all thanks to Fubo, because Han Yuan heard the four sects of the four sects of the Demon Sect from Fubo, and there was nowhere to know about these things in the "Three Immortals Mountain".

Han Yuan once suspected that Fubo was a man of the demon sect was also because of Fubo's understanding of the demon sect.

Unlike the righteous sect, many demon sects give people a mysterious feeling, which is not intentional, just because some people who dare to inquire about the affairs of the demon sect generally provoke the people in the demon sect, and few can live long. In this way, some people who don't know have this misconception.

Although the demon sect is not as powerful as the right path, there are many fewer sects and sects, but it is only relatively speaking. Not to mention some small demon sects, each of the four sects of the Demon Sect is a powerful existence.

Shurazong is good at refining the body and incarnation outside the body. The sun and moon gods are good at magic swords. Xuanyanmen poison, gi, medicine and law are four absolutes. The magic of Tianjing Island is almost all-encompassing.

Han Yuan, a person from Tian Xing Island, has really seen it, but it's a pity that he is just two inner disciples. Although he has the cultivation of the period of spiritual silence, he really can't see anything special. But that's why Han Yuan still remembers Han Yuan's strange magic skills that finally escaped from that person.

At this time, the two people in front of Han Yuan, the male cold and handsome and the female enchanting, stood together like this. I didn't know that they thought they were a couple, but only Han Yuan could see that the magic on their bodies was clear, and they were obviously defensive against each other.

The cold and handsome man is only 20 or 30 years old. Although he is not ugly, he is cold like ice, and a sword handle is exposed on his shoulder, which looks a little thicker than ordinary swords. Han Yuan inferred that his sword must not be small. The black clothes that people are most used to wearing in the magic door look extremely ordinary, but they are embroidered with the shape of the sun and the moon on their chest, which is the symbol of the sect of the Sun and Moon God.

The enchanting woman seems to be a little older than the man, but it is difficult to say clearly, because her makeup is too strong, and it is difficult for Han Yuan to see clearly at a glance. It can only be inferred that she is about 30 years old.

It seems that in order to match the heavy makeup on her face, the woman's clothes are also pitiful. Although there is a layer of black yarn covering her body, it is almost transparent. Looking inside through the black yarn, there is no cloth except for the small poor underwear!

"Do I look good, little brother?"

"Okay... good-looking, er, I'm sorry."

Although they are all from the demon family, the woman obviously did not use any magic sounds and charming skills. It was just a very ordinary question. Han Yuan, whose eyes had never left her, still replied in a daze. After reacting, she also felt a little embarrassed.

"It's really awesome. How can such a small cloth be wrapped..." Han Yuan reluctantly withdrew his eyes and couldn't help thinking about the two plump balls on her chest.

No matter what Han Yuan's personality is, he is still a pure little virgin. Although he has also touched and grasped with Chen Muyun and An Yuhan, this visual impact still made him react naturally in a certain position on his body.

"It doesn't seem to be as big as Mu Yun... I feel that Yuhan may be similar to her... It seems to be bigger than Miss Li..."

Han Yuan would like to give her a hug or measure it with his hand, but at most he just thought about it, not to mention that he only met this woman for the first time. Even if he was very familiar with her, Han Yuan would not be so anxious.

In fact, Han Yuan knows those women, and each figure is not worse than the woman in front of him, and it is only worse than this dress. This seemingly and revealing dress is sometimes more deadly than a striped living fragrance!

"Ha ha~ What a real little brother. You are much better than those sanctimonious people. Humph! Those guys are full of benevolence and morality, but they just think about how to take off other people's clothes. I think I met such a guy who strongly picked my Yuanyin when my cultivation was poor. After my cultivation was better than him, I found this field and squeezed out his Yuanyang, hehe..."

"..." The woman said easily and had no expression on her face, but she still heard Han Yuan's heart, "It must be very human to survive after being picked Yuanyin and practice to this extent!"

"Ha ha, interesting little guy, why do you look at your sister like this? Do you also want to taste your sister? If it's you, I don't mind. My sister likes such a cute little guy as you very much.

Han Yuan's eyes were still squinting at the beginning, but he thought that this woman was powerful and looked very different in her eyes. That woman has been looking at Han Yuan, but how can she not see his changes before and after? Although what she said was explicit, she was no longer the previous smiling appearance. She was already laughing until the flowers and branches trembled, which made the senior brother of the "Sura Sect" next to her frequently look sideways, and her eyes were about to fall into the deep groove in her chest, and she didn't know it.

Han Yuan did not doubt this woman's words, not only because he knew that this woman had no reason to lie to him, but also because he could feel that the woman's breath was very strange. Obviously, she was a woman, but her yang was extremely heavy, and she could only maintain a very delicate balance with her yin qi.

"I don't know where Brother Han is going? Do you need me to show you the way? Later, if you really get lost in the door, Uncle Feng's face is not good.

"No, although I don't have a good memory and can't remember the dog's appearance, I can still remember it clearly. If I don't go back to find a dog to lead the way, it's not difficult to walk freely in the door. Brother, you'd better lead the way for these two brothers and sisters.

"Well, that's the same reason. I'll lead the way... Er! You call me a dog!?"

The senior was not slow to react, but he didn't expect that Han Yuan was so straightforward, completely different from the appearance of the righteous man he knew. With just one mouth, he had been scolded cleanly and neatly, so that he was not prepared at all.

Han Yuan has been in the "Sura Sect" for so long. Although he rarely has been in contact with the people in the door, a Fan baby often comes to visit him. In addition, he has heard a lot about things in the devil's door in the past, so he naturally knows what is most important in the devil's door. No one thousand you say, ten thousand, breaking the sky, breaking the earth, there is a great truth, in the eyes of the devil's door, it is not bigger than a fist!

If it is in the right sect, even if there is any hatred, it may hide hatred in the heart, but this set is a little unnecessary in the devil's door. If you really don't like anyone, you can scold your father and mother, or even punch them, but you can't show weakness. From this point of view, Han Yuan's temper is suitable for the Devil's Gate. No wonder he was fierce when he fought before. Whether it was his opponent or his own side, they all felt that he was more like a man in the Devil's Gate than the Devil's Gate.

How can the people of the Devil's Gate have nothing to say? Not to mention that there are outsiders around this person now, even if there are no, how can this person give up if he is ridiculed by Han Yuan like this?

I can't see any magic formula on his hand. With a wave of his sleeves, it is already a star.

"The secret of the cloud and starry sky? It is the best magic skill of the right deputy suzerain. Is it his disciple..." Han Yuan guessed the identity of this person as soon as he saw the abnormality brought by this skill.

Although the two people around this person knew his identity for a long time, they didn't see him take action until this time, just to take the opportunity to see how he was. Compared with the person of the Sun and Moon God Religion, the woman in Xuanyanmen is more interested in Han Yuan. A pair of beautiful eyes did not leave him. If you want to say that this good-looking person, whether male or female, can take advantage of it.

Although Han Yuan is no longer as sloppy as before, he can't wear it now. Except for the purple robe that looks good, he doesn't even wear a pair of shoes. Instead, he looks like an ascetic monk. When he loses his true spirit, he has nothing on his body and looks empty-handed.

The thing that looks like a starlight floats gently, but several people present will not have any contempt. You should know that when the right suzerain of Shura Zong was young, he was claimed to be "invincible all over Yuanying" with this skill alone. You can imagine how powerful this skill is.

Seeing that this starlight is condensed but not scattered, scattered but not chaotic, and without waiting to get close to it, it seemed that under the heavy pressure of the mountain peaks, Han Yuan could already see that this man had practiced this skill to the realm of transformation. Although he seems to be a random blow, the power is not what outsiders can imagine. Han Yuan dares to guarantee that if he is really covered by this starlight, no matter how strong he is, he will definitely be crushed to the ground and his limbs will be exhausted!

"It's really tough! ...But that's interesting." Seeing that the other party's method was fierce, Han Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his left hand had been gently raised. However, in this process, the formula had changed seven times, and finally he clenched his fist.


In the feeling of the three, Han Yuan's punch was so ordinary that he could no longer be ordinary, but as soon as he collided with the starlight, it was actually a flash of light. After the roar passed, he looked up and used the "cloud starry sky secret" and the man was pale. On the other hand, Han Yuan had nothing to do, even the hand of clenched his fist. I couldn't leave a red mark.

"I advise my brother to take some elixir as soon as possible after going back, er, the kind of internal injury, and then use Xuangong to recuperate for 7749 days. Otherwise, he is likely to die in a violent body, but don't blame me for not reminding you."

Han Yuan said light, but looking at the man's appearance, he was clearly aware of it. Looking at the ground around the four people, his face had been slightly discolored. Although he knew that Han Yuan must be a little strange, otherwise he could not be so arrogant, but he did not think of an "ordinary person" who could not feel the existence of true qi at all. It will be so powerful. Because he underestimated the enemy, he suffered such a great loss.