Xian Zhu

Chapter 6 Rotation Hall

Since the birth of creatures, the great disaster of heaven and earth has never stopped. Although it has only been once in tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many times it has experienced it. In the great disaster of heaven and earth, all saints are ants. No matter how powerful the heaven and the underworld are, they are just slightly stronger creatures. In such a disaster There is no possibility of escaping.

I can't tell which heaven and earth disaster finally destroyed the underworld and the heaven, resulting in the appearance of immortals. The souls of the hell are empty, and the six reincarnations no longer rotate, and there is no such thing as to fly after the fairy disaster!

"Without this 'Yin Cao Difu', the soul is out of control, so how do those creatures get the souls now? Could it be..." Han Yuan's eyes flashed and his mind turned around, and he had thought of something in a moment.

"Yes, your current souls are naturally generated in the human world, and the souls that used to wander on earth, what kind of soul enters into what kind of body are completely dependent on their own combination. Tut-t-t, it's hard to imagine how weak people are now, and they can also be able to seduce the spirit of heaven and earth. It's a miracle."


Han Yuan said that it was "completeness of living things" all day long, and that's what others said was the same, but it was only today that he understood it. Now the statement about "completeness of living things" is incomplete, and it is still the most important one, which is really shocking.


"Do you think you saw a Pluto?"

"I can see it clearly, it's true!"

In a place in the underworld, outside a boundless city, there are already fierce soldiers and horses. On the endless black plain, there are the same endless black horse armor riding heavily. Even these people's faces are strong, and only some black smoke keeps drilling out of the cracks in the armor to make them look good. As if they were all covered in a veil, there is no way to see clearly.

This boundless underworld horse is divided into several square arrays, each of which is led by the most black yin general, among which is also like the secular army in the world. Some military commanders, centurions and thousands of captains are mixed in it. No matter what they look like, the black gas on their bodies is better than ordinary dark soldiers. Thicker.

There is only one person in the front of the army. His breath is as heavy as a mountain. He has a square face and a black robe. There is a big snake painted on the robe, which almost occupies his whole robe. Compared with the dragon shape painted on those scale robes and dragon robes, it is not much different.

At this time, there was no one around him. Looking up along the sound, he saw a single eye more than ten feet long and wide embedded in the clouds, looking no different from strangers's eyes, blinking from time to time, as if waiting for his master's order.

"Don't worry about it. Maybe it's the fish that escaped from the disaster of heaven and earth and hid in the yellow spring. It's just a different species of heaven and earth. It won't have any impact on my big plan. If it really wants to break into here, it's not too late to kill it." The man in black thought about it and didn't pay much attention.

"B Siege."

After listening to the words of the man in black, the huge eyes did not say anything, and in the blink of an eye, it was hidden in the dark cloud. The man in black waved his hand casually, and the voice was not loud, but the whole audience heard it. As soon as the soldiers behind him heard the order, they all rushed their horses. Strangely, there was no sound of roaring at the tide-like army.

Although there are countless cracks and gaps in the city in front of the army, it is still very strong. You don't have to stand under the city to feel the mountain-like terrible atmosphere of the city.

The tall double-opened city gate is full of ghosts, but the two door rings are in the shape of ghosts. The ring biting in the mouth is actually a human figure whose body is bent back. The eyes are wide open angrily and the mouth is extremely open, as if it is making a silent howling. Three large characters are engraved in the middle of the door, which is exactly what "Roal Hall" is written!

In ancient times, there were many legends about "Yin Cao Difu", "Huangquan Hell" and "Blood Sea" in the underworld, almost comparable to the "Heavenly Court" and "Immortal World". Only later did they slowly become much less. The reason is that the reason is that people's fear, especially the practitioners, are never willing to admit that it is true This place exists.

After a long time, although the facts cannot be changed, they can make practitioners slowly forget here. Few people are willing to mention the magic door that are "fatuous" with it, but Han Yuan knows that this place really exists, because he has a "ghost night map" in his hand, and because he is here now...

"Although this 'Yan Cao Difu' is empty and looks like a completely barren land, the master said that the soul I lacked is here. In this way, there should still be the ability to collect the soul, but why is it my soul? Why do you have to bring my soul here? And the words that the master said before he came..." He sat on the ravens and saw that the black around him flashed past him like a flash of light and shadow. He was used to it for a long time, just thinking about something else.

Because of the power of the Pluto, Han Yuan, a living man, sits on it, and no one else can feel him. If you really look at him, you can only see the Pluto. Unless you look at it with the naked eye, you can find something, but as long as you leave the sight, Han Yuan will become a "transparent person" again.

Although the Raven can hear Han Yuan's words, he is too lazy to answer the phone. After talking to Han Yuan for a long time, it was also a lot of fun. At this time, it was also a little tired. In addition, at this time, it flew at full speed, which really cost a lot of effort.

"Hey, are you true before? If we get to the 'Ten Temples', can we find my missing soul? Although Pluto didn't say anything, Han Yuan wouldn't forget it like this and couldn't help asking again.

"You are right to believe me. No matter what the current 'underworld' is. If your soul is thrown in by yourself, it will definitely not be in this wilderness. It is most likely that the 'ten halls'. Ten steps back, even if you can't find your soul at that time, I can also take you to find the 'Sansheng Stone'. With the power of that thing, you can definitely find your soul. Don't worry. Although I also like it here, I prefer to get out of the picture scroll. If you can't recover your cultivation, we will have to be trapped in it all the time.

"Oh, that's good, that's good, hey!"

Han Yuan is naturally not the person who doesn't understand. The reason why he is so wordy is just that he is curious about the purpose of the crow. Han Yuan is more relieved to hear it.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is just human. Whether Han Yuan has cultivation now or not, sitting under him is an out-of-body cultivation. If this crow really wants to harm Han Yuan, he only needs to turn slightly sideways at such a speed to ensure that it will not leave him a trace of life.

If Han Yuan hasn't seen the mountain ghost, it's okay. After seeing the mountain ghost, Han Yuan can't believe that these underworld creatures will have a good temper, but the crow looks more obedient than Jackie Chan at present, so Han Yuan can't help but doubt its motives.

Although Feng Baiyi did not tell Han Yuan about An Yuhan, he told him that Yu Chenglong's cultivation had made a breakthrough and sneaked back into his soul. Unfortunately, Han Yuan has no cultivation and true spirit now, and there is no way to summon him out. Even if there is a way to summon him out, Han Yuan is also sure that Jackie Chan will not be as good as Pluto's ability at present.

"If that's the case, I don't need to worry about anything. And it's better to have this guy to protect me than to rampage with my bare arms, right? Although its power is a little different from what I know, it may not be able to use magic. At least there seems to be no limit to the magic skill of turning blood monsters. Thinking of the "blood transformation method", Han Yuan was more happy.

Although Pluto has a way to know most of the thoughts of the people who come into contact with it, it is by no means all. As long as Han Yuan is careful and takes care of some things that he doesn't want it to know, he is not afraid of being eavesdropped by it.

As Han Yuan thought, the "blood transformation method" is one of the techniques that is not limited by the type of true qi!

The reason why the blood transformation method has such characteristics is naturally not just accidental. As most people know, the blood transformation old monster is a dispersion and has the ability to create this skill. In addition to talent, of course, the most important thing is luck. As for other details, he is not in charge, and he can't control it. That's it.

The old monster did not have a teacher, and the way to cultivate truth was completely by himself. In his opinion, there was no difference between good and evil. In this way, when he created skills, he did not deliberately pursue any power to use. As a result, after he really created it, he found that his "magic power" was the same for demon practice!

The reason why the "big method of transforming blood" is called "magic power" is actually because of its terrible power that can transform human flesh and blood.

"There seems to be something blocking in front of you. Hold on!"


Han Yuan only had time to make a suspicious sound, and he already felt that the raven under his body accelerated again. If he hadn't reacted fast enough and hugged the raven's neck in time, he would have been thrown out.



Although the wind in his ear is not small, it does not prevent Han Yuan from hearing the cry of the crow, and also hears another sound. Although he can hear the beast roar, Han Yuan can't tell what is in the way by this alone.

"You can deal with it later. This guy is the most difficult to deal with. If I go, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it for a while."

As soon as he felt that the Raven slowed down again, Han Yuan suddenly fell from the air and looked down. There was no shadow of the Raven. "Damn, I was just wondering if this guy would play such a trick. I didn't expect his dream to come true so soon. Is it possible that it heard my idea? Er?"

As soon as Han Yuan thought of this, he suddenly felt a cold current surging on his body. Although unlike the forces he knew, Han Yuan could be sure that this should also be a force. He tried to guide it to the operating vein of the "Ancestor Witch Golden Body Secret". Han Yuan immediately sprayed out a mouthful of blood, so that it was easy to hang. Go back to the air.