Xian Zhu

Chapter 11 Six Reincarnation

"I didn't expect that there would be this text. I thought this thing didn't exist... Hey, it's not right. If it doesn't exist, what did I think I learned at the beginning?" Han Yuan was still a little hesitant at first, but he figured it out in a moment.

It is also a coincidence that Han Yuan learned this kind of text. Just as he began to think, he really didn't know that there would be such words in the world, or after learning the "Ancestral Witch Golden Secret" that he came into contact with this special text in a very accidental situation.

After learning these words, Han Yuan specially checked them and had a simple understanding of them. He knew that they were ancient times or earlier. It is said that such words existed before the earliest demarcation, and it was said that such words existed at the beginning of heaven and earth.

"Three Immortals Mountain' is one of the five gates of the human world. It was built 3, 800 years ago. The ancestors of the school were Lei Tianzun, the divine operator, and Xiaoyao Hou. The preaching was all cut off and died..." Han Yuan could only see here, but the words below were not that he could not recognize them, but there was a thin layer of gold light blocking it. His purple pupil can't see through it.

"...what the hell is this!?" Although he only saw a small part, Han Yuan was already shocked.

Judge Cui also looked carefully at the book and suddenly felt something. He looked up and saw the uncertain expression on Han Yuan's face, and then looked at his eyes that he had been looking at the book in his hand. How could he not know the reason.

"Can you understand the text in my book?"

"...I can understand some, but later..."

"..." Although Han Yuan's words were not finished, Judge Cui already knew what he wanted to say. "Don't say it's you later, even the adults of the ten halls of Yanluo can't understand it. This is related to the sky! Since you can understand what was written before, can you tell me what you see?

Although Han Yuan was shocked, he did not hesitate to tell Judge Cui what he saw.

"How can this happen? Why is it like this? Shouldn't, is he..." Judge Cui said to himself and looked up at Han Yuan again. His eyes were extremely complicated. Even those he had seen in the book before were more shocked by Han Yuan at this time.

Judge Cui got what he wanted to know, but Han Yuan was still in the dark, so when he saw his soulless appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. "This person doesn't know what his origin is. It doesn't matter if he can clearly know the past of the 'Three Immortals Mountain'. It seems that he can still know what will happen in the future. Love, how can this be possible? Is everything really undetermined in this world?

As a practitioner, Han Yuan is naturally not unfamiliar with those innate and acquired algorithms. He also knows that many people in the human world have some skills to calculate the general trend of heaven and earth, but that is just a very inaccurate information. I have never heard of anyone who can know very accurately about the past hundred years. Love, but looking at what is written in the book in front of him, it clearly has that effect. Looking at the thickness of the book and the number of words recorded on each page, Han Yuan has no doubt that there is a great possibility of the past, present and... future of all things in the human world.

"Excuse me..."


Seeing Judge Cui frowning and saying nothing, Han Yuan was not so patient. After a while, he couldn't help interrupting his thinking when he saw that he still didn't say anything.

"Your book..." Han originally had a lot to ask, but he found that he didn't know where to start at all, so he only said three of these, and then stopped again.

Generally speaking, the matter about this book is the same as Yan Luo, and Judge Cui can't tell them, but now that Han Yuan is asking, he doesn't want to hide anything. After all, according to what he said at the beginning, Han Yuan in front of him is likely to be the "key".

"The name of my book is 'Life and Death Book'! It is a strange treasure projected in the underworld after the creation of the world, in order to share the underworld with several other things, but its own power is not only that. Its most powerful thing is as you have seen before. It can not only break yin and yang, but also see the future!"

"The book!?" Hearing this, a word suddenly appeared in Han Yuan's mind, which made him dizzy and even felt that everything was so unreal, but he could know that this thing must be the legendary thing he thought of.

Like many people's cognition, the human world has gone through countless years since its emergence. In these countless years, there are countless geniuses, but they have disappeared in the long river of time. On the contrary, some strange magic weapons have left more. The "land book" is exactly the legendary thing.

According to the legend handed down a long time ago, after the beginning of the division of heaven and earth, there have been many natural things. As soon as they appear, they have great power, enough to move the earth, water, fire and wind, and destroy the heaven and the earth! And magic weapons like this are generally known as "connate", and the "land book" is one of the most famous ones.

Earth Book: After the initial division of heaven and earth, the natural illusion of heaven and earth can know yang, determine the universe, and can replace the work of heaven and earth. It has experienced disasters without damage, and the way of heaven is not destroyed. It has the work of creation and can be a weapon of merit. It cannot be held without great wisdom, great perseverance, great ability and great opportunity. It is said that it is owned by the ancestors of the earth immortals.

"If that thing is really, it would be awesome..." Han Yuan looked at the half of the book with enthusiasm, and his eyes could almost shine. He can't be blamed for being so lost, just because he knew the value of this thing.

"It seems that you have heard the name of 'land book', which saves me from explaining it. Nowadays, although the 'life and death book' in my hand is incomplete and only has the function of 'death', it is not a problem to do you a small favor.

"Deading? Ask for your life!" Han Yuan was a little stunned and thought, "You mean, can you help me find the missing part of the soul?"

Although he didn't know why the other party knew the purpose of his coming here, he did not feel surprised. If he had this legendary object in his hand and could not know the purpose of his trip, Han Yuan was afraid to doubt whether he had real materials.

"My body was destroyed before entering the underworld, and the underworld's yin body could not survive the great disaster of heaven and earth, but with the help of this treasure, I left this trace of divine consciousness. Although this body is a little worse, it is also due to this thing, otherwise it will be difficult for me to return my soul. No matter how to calculate by fate, I should still be gloomy at this time, but it is the cycle of heaven and often unpleasant. However, in my current state, it is still far less than before. There are still some things that can't be done, but you can just help me..."

"Seniors really think I can help, just say it. As long as I can do it, I promise that there will never be a word of speculation." With Han Yuan's intelligence, how could he not know the meaning of the other party's words?

When Judge Cui heard Han Yuan's words, his face finally showed a trace of joy, but it didn't look obvious, but he did look relieved.

"No further in front of him is the 'Rotation Hall' in the Ten Hall. In the last disaster of heaven and earth, the king of rotation also fell yin, without the help of the innate magic weapon. He did not have good luck like me. At that time, he thought about using the 'six reincarnations', but unfortunately he did not have such courage. He was afraid of giving birth to the wrong place and could not keep it." The mystery in the fetus can't restore the original cultivation. But what about the result? Xiuwei was retained, but he lost his life. Alas, his good treasure is useless, and now he is more likely to be cheaper than others. Judge Cui couldn't stop sighing in the middle of his words.

Han Yuan not only knows the "land book", but naturally also knows what the "six reincarnation" is, but he heard what Feng Baiyi said before coming. It sounds like something much more powerful than the "lifebook". After all, no matter how powerful the "lifebook" is, it is just a "land book" projection, which is indeed a little worse.

"The reincarnation king died, and the reincarnation hall has been banned, but now there will be a big change between heaven and earth. Presumably, there must be a lot of people who want to plot to be there. They are really going to be occupied by some evil Xiao Xiao Xiao, who are afraid that there will be some disasters in the whole world."

Han Yuan heard this and finally heard the topic. He couldn't help but be a little surprised and asked, "You mean to ask me to get the 'six reincarnations'?"

"Take the 'six reincarnation'... Er, I'm afraid you can't take this thing. I'm afraid that you can't move it at all. Although you look a little special, this matter is still beyond your ability, and it's inconvenient for me to force others. I didn't say before that the wheel hall was about to be opened. You just need to go inside and help me take out something. As long as you have it, you won't be afraid of the 'six reincarnations' falling into the hands of others. Alas, if my vagina is not scattered, you don't have to take such a risk.

"I don't know what the senior said?" Although Judge Cui said it politely, Han Yuan would not pay attention to it. No matter how nice you say, it can't guarantee your safety. If Han Yuan wants to come, it's better to ask what it is, which is more practical.

"After the earth seal!"



"Your Excellency, I will never read it wrong. That man must be Judge Cui. I recognize the book in his hand."

"...It doesn't mean that he should have died a long time ago. How can he still live until now? I don't believe that so many people can't escape the disaster. He can escape it!"

"..." Although the strange eye is full of confidence in himself, he also knows that his words do not sound credible.

"Forget, whether it's him or not, it's the most important thing to ignore him or find that thing. I'm afraid that the change of the air machine between heaven and earth has been known by many people. It's not too late to do it now. If it's too late, it's not good to say whether there is a chance. Do you see if there is any protective power on the city gate?"

"Let me have a look."

After listening to the man in black's words, the strange eyes no longer entangled with this problem, but carefully looked at the seemingly ordinary huge gate. The moat that had turned into a snake had already disappeared at this time, leaving only a deep ditch. On this side, most of the previous endless underworld soldiers and horses had also been reduced, and there was a little left. There is still some black smoke coming out of his body, and his body has become extremely thin, which should be like ordinary people after being injured.

The strange eyes opened their jaws several times and finally projected divine light. Although the light is dark, it is extremely dazzling in this underworld.

The light is straight and is bombarding the door. Although it is blocked by a thin layer of light on the door, there is no way to go further, but the strange eye also seems to have found it, but it would rather not see anything.

"How is this possible! Unexpectedly, there is someone inside!?"


Han Yuan was wandering in the "Roal Hall" and suddenly felt tight, as if he had been targeted. But when he looked around, he couldn't find anything wrong. "Strange, is it my illusion?"

looked again and found that there was nothing abnormal around him. Han Yuan didn't think much about it any more. He turned his head and turned around the things around him, "Hey, have you found it?"

"No, that guy is not slandering us, is he? Can the baby really be here? The catastrophe of heaven and earth has passed for so long. If there is such a good treasure, it should have been collected by others long ago. How can we be needed to get it? Pluto was a little disapproving and didn't believe Judge Cui's statement.

Han Yuan doesn't think there is anything wrong with such suspicion, but he has some different ideas. "Although that guy's words are a little too suspicious, I still want to believe him, because I really can't think of any reason for him to lie to us, and I also need his help. Don't forget what I did this time. I don't think that as long as I find the 'six reincarnations', I can find my scattered souls. Without that guy's help, there must be no less trouble. And it's pitiful to hear what he said, but it's so easy to send us here. It must be 'a thin camel is bigger than a horse', and we can't beat him.

"Hey, what you said makes sense, but we have found all the places we should look for now, and we still have nothing. What should we do?" The Raven is just complaining. Naturally, it also knows that what Han Yuan said is right, but he is still a little worried.

"It's finished outside, isn't there still inside? Let's take a look inside again. If we don't find it again, it's not too late to retreat.


Han Yuan and Pluto walked carefully to the depths of the "Rotating Hall", but they didn't know that their every move had fallen into the eyes of a person with a heart. It was by no means what they said.