School grass's cute little girlfriend

Chapter 3 I Press Me

The school was very lively to prepare for the school sports meeting, but Ling Xia looked sad, as if others owed her millions.

The riverside patted her on the shoulder, "The person you love secretly came to you!"

"Ah?" After hearing the four words 'secret lover', Ling Xia's bitter face immediately changed to a smile.

Sure enough, Yexi is standing outside the window looking at himself!

Ignoring the way the river side made fun of her, he met Ye Xi's eyes with a smile, "What's the senior coming to me for?"

"Well, I happen to be in charge of logistics. Did you report the high jump and long jump?"

Ye Xi looked at her small body with some worry. Ling Xia knew that she was despised for her height, but who said that the other party was her secret lover?

Just take it as a worry!

"Well, although I only have 165, it's my first time to try the high jump and long jump. Will the senior go to the scene then?"

Ling Xia lowered her head and played with her fingers and asked calmly. Ye Xi seemed to fall into deep thinking. Ling Xia, who had not been able to wait to answer for a long time, was even more confused.

As soon as I wanted to speak, I was robbed by Ye Xi. "As a logistics team, I should be a little busy. Can you tell me the number of you play that day? Otherwise, you may miss it."

"Uh-huh, okay, okay, I will definitely tell the senior then."

Ling Xia's head was like pounding garlic, and Ye Xi returned to her with a particularly sunny smile.

Ling Xia's heart couldn't help rippling again.

"In this case, my classmates will cheer up."

"My name is Ling Xia, senior, and I don't have to call my classmates all the time!" Ling Xia hurriedly corrected his pronunciation. She didn't want to be called a classmate by him like other girls!


"Okay, Ling Xia, good luck. I'll go to work first."

"Okay, goodbye, senior." Ling Xia waved reluctantly, and the head by the river came out of the window.

I can't help laughing at her, "Don't look, everyone has gone downstairs!"

In exchange, Ling Xia stared at him angrily. Jiangbian knew that he had said something wrong, touched his nose and sat back to his seat.

The day of the sports meeting came as scheduled, and Ling Xia did not inform Ye Xi of the long jump.

Because she heard from the river that he is busy now, but maybe he will be less busy when he jumps, right?

Sure enough, Ling Xia became the prophetic emperor today, and it was accurate when the riverside was entrusted by Ling Xia to find Ye Xi.

The other party agreed to follow, and two people happened to arrive at Lingxia.

Ye Xi saw that today's Lingxia was wearing a loose sweatshirt. Maybe it was because the weather was too hot. Her forehead was already covered with fine sweat and she had been urging the riverside to fan herself to cool herself.

Ye Xi handed the water in his hand to Ling Xia, "Don't be nervous. Although it's the first time to participate in the high jump, you will be fine."

"Don't worry, senior. Xiaxia is so restless because the weather is too hot!" Jiangbian said this against her will, but she can't reveal the truth!

Ling Xia took a sip of the water given by Ye Xi. Sure enough, the power of love is great!

Another one is Ling Xia's turn to play. As a result, Ye Xi had to apologize for leaving at the last moment. Ling Xia was relieved. If he was here, she wouldn't be able to play well?

Ling Xia is finally on the stage!

When she began to run, jumped high, turned over the pole, and was preparing for a perfect landing, Ye Xi, who was pulled away, was standing at his landing place.

The audience next to him exclaimed. Ye Xi turned around and found a huge thing hitting him in the middle of the door!

For good, there was a cushion underneath, and the fall was not too heavy. Ling Xia slowly lifted her body.

When I saw Ye Xi, who was pressed by himself, his face was hot. How can this be calculated?

Do you overwhelm the other party in public?

Do you want to be allowed by yourself?

When Ling Xia pulled Yexi up and found some bruises on his side face, arms and legs, what should he do?

What if you suddenly don't want it?

When Ling Xia was still hesitating on the mat, the referee and Jiangbian and others had surrounded him, and Jiangbian exclaimed: "Blood!"

Ling Xia saw that the blood on Ye Xi's arm was flowing out at a slow speed, and Ling Xia couldn't stand it and fainted on Ye Xi's back.

Ye Xi called out with a very unreserved voice. Of course, Ling Xia had no chance to hear it!

The riverside accepted the fate and helped Ling Xia up. Just as he wanted her to lean on his body, he was robbed by a strong force and looked up at Ling Ran.

So the riverside was silent. She knew that the other party didn't like her, and she wanted to establish a good image in front of Ling Yang.

Only a little away from Ling Ran, she said to Ling Ran in a low voice, "Xia Xia will get better as long as she doesn't smell blood."

"I know." Ling Ran's voice was a little indifferent.

The riverside made a self-deprecating 'Oh'.

After all, the other party is Ling Xia's eldest brother. How can she not know that she fainted?

He could only force a laugh and asked Ye Xi, who was still lying on the ground, "Are you okay, senior?"

Ling Xia, lying in her brother's arms, seemed to feel some magic. When the sound by the river fell, she had already woken up. This was the first time so fast.

However, when she saw the color of blood, she couldn't help turning her head and asked Ling Ran for help in a begging tone, "Brother, can you get his arm where I can't see first!"

"Good." Ling Ran agreed without thinking about it and put Ye Xi's uninjured hand on his shoulder.

Preparing to help Ling Xia take him to the infirmary, "Little follow up."

"Oh, good!"

As soon as Ling Xia raised her feet, she saw standing by the riverside and unable to move. She had to take her hand by herself, "Let's go!"

"But your big brother..." Jiangbian was still a little worried, and Ling Xia was a little helpless.

"If you don't lead me away, I will walk with my eyes open. If I open my eyes, I will see the blood on the ground, and I will feel dizzy when I see the blood on the ground!" Do you have the heart to make me faint alone on the road?

The riverside shook its head vigorously.

Ling Xia smiled with satisfaction, "Then let's go!"

After thinking about it, the riverside still decided to follow up and have a look. He took Ling Xia's hand with closed eyes and carefully told her all the way what potholes were, which made Ling Xia very relieved.

Ling Ran in front of him looked sideways and saw that the riverside was so careful that he couldn't say anything more. He could only shake his head and give up.

Does your third brother really deserve such a good girl?

Ye Xi on his shoulder was a little curious, "What's wrong with the teacher? Why do you sigh?"

"When you are worried, you will know why. Go to the infirmary to wrap the wound for you first!"

Ling Ran deliberately skipped this topic, and as a student, Ye Xi could not continue to ask questions, so he could only be led by Ling Ran step by step.

When Ling Xia arrived, the doctor happened to correct Ye Xi's wrong foot. Ling Xia couldn't help shaking when she heard the sound of correcting the bones. It was really horrible.

The doctor in the infirmary still chattered a lot, but it seemed that there was another accident in the stadium.

Ye Xi's arm was not yet bandaged, so he threw them gauze and potion, and he hurried away with the medicine box.

Ling Xia didn't know what to do with the potion and gauze in her hand. She wanted to ask for help by the river, but the other party was lowering her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

I wanted the eldest brother to come, but he said, "Jiangbian, come out, I have something to talk to you."

The riverside, which was named, suddenly raised its head and looked at Ling Xia with some fear. Ling Xia was helpless.

Give her a comforting smile and tell her that she will be fine. Ling Xia looked at the figure going out by the river and trembled a little.

All of a sudden, only she and Yexi were left in the whole room to look at each other.

Ye Xi seemed to know that Ling Xia had dizziness and said very intimately, "Just close your eyes and apply medicine to me. I'll tell you where the wound is?" Is this okay?"

"Uh-huh!" Lingxia's chicken nodded like pecking rice, which was really great.

Under the step-by-step guidance of Ye Xi, Ling Xia finally completed the most successful dressing in history, and finally laughed proudly, and Ye Xi seemed to bend the corners of her mouth under her infection.

When Ling Xia saw that there was still a scratch on Yexi's side face, she picked up the potion beside her and said, "I'll wipe your face, otherwise it's not good to break your face!"

began to gain an inch.

"Isn't it said that there are a few cool scars on boys' faces? Otherwise, it will be called a little white face. Ye Xi's words were a little joked, but Ling Xia ignored them all.

Ling Xia was very close. When she wiped the wound on his face, she stared at it without blinking. How could such a great opportunity be missed?

When Yexi felt that Ling Xia wiped the wound on her face, she had to blow it every time she wiped it. Although she was a little puzzled, she also felt a little funny, so she went with her.

And the riverside, which began to be called out by Ling Ran, is suffering from inhuman torture at this time.

Ling Ran didn't say anything, just turned her back to her, and she couldn't figure out what the other party was doing. He could only stand and wait until he said the first sentence, "Do you like the third brother so much?"

"...yes." Jiangbian responded, it's about feelings.

If you don't make a mistake, if you are robbed by others, it will be too late to cry, not to mention...

Ling Ran continued to ask her, "Why do you like him?"

"If you like it, you like it. What's the reason?" The river is a little puzzled.

Ling Ran held his frame and replied, "I still don't think he is worthy of you. Since they will be separated sooner or later, and they are pursuing it hard now?

Jiangbian was lowering his head and twisting his fingers. After hearing it, he could only bite his lower lip, and his face looked like the heart of the Yellow River.

"I think people always have what they want to pursue, and he is the one I want to pursue, even if it is a failure in the end!"

"That's it! Well, good luck. I'll go back first."

Within waiting for the river's answer, he had already taken a step, and his eyes flashed through the lens with sharpness.

The riverside still bowed politely to his back: "Goodbye, teacher."

At lunch, Ling Xia asked the second brother of the 'royal chef' at home to make two bentos and deliver them. Yexi's ankle misalignment was still caused by herself, and she must be more or less guilty.

Although you can't promise yourself as an apology now, it's not bad to be able to accumulate little by little at ordinary times!

As the saying goes, it's time to be affectionate!

After Ling Ying sent the bento, she was driven back by Ling Xia. Looking at Ye Xi's bandaged hand, she thought it was inconvenient for him to eat, so Ling Xia was very happy to feed him!

Ye Xi was still a little embarrassed at first, because he had never been fed so much.

Later, because Ling Xia always pestered him that he would feel sorry for nothing like this, Ye Xi could only look at the sky helplessly and let her go!

Anyway, he is the one who enjoys it...