Little Flowermaker's Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 2 Adventure in the Forest 1

Since Niu Xiaopang went to Konglun Mountain, Zhao Xuan has lost a companion. Children of his age in the village have gone to practice Taoism and worship their masters. This is a custom in Niujia Village. Children who reach the age of 12 can consider learning Taoism from Mount Lun. They think that being a Taoist priest is an honor, which can strengthen the body and glorify their ancestors. If you are lucky enough to meet a famous teacher as a closed disciple, you can still get some superior skills with the master's optics, which can't be learned in ordinary Taoism. On the day of the teacher, it is easy to travel thousands of miles. If you can't meet Bole and have general qualifications, you can only be an ordinary Taoist priest in Taoist Temple, learn some basic skills, and only play a role in strengthening the body. Generally, you will not do much. And the poorly qualified monks have only one way, which is to go home and do what they should do!

There is such a palm-sized place in Niujia Village. If you don't find something for recreation, you will be suffocate! Zhao Xuan usually opened a small area in the garden to plant some flowers and plants in addition to helping the flower lady water the vegetable garden. I'm not interested! It's just to pass the time. In fact, he most wanted to learn Taoism from Niu Xiaopang, just like who said, "A good man is everywhere." But when it comes to learning Taoism in Konglun Mountain, Aunt Hua has an attitude from beginning to end: no, there is no room for discussion. For this, Zhao Xuan was beaten by Aunt Hua for the first time and so far when he was eight years old.

That day, when Aunt Hua went to the riverside to wash clothes and pass by the bridge, she saw Niu Gen teaching several children to practice Taoism. At first, she thought it was interesting and was going to stop and watch it for a while. In fact, if you want to learn serious Taoism, you must go to Taoism and go through systematic learning. Although Niu Gen also learns Taoism and has been working in Konglun Mountain, due to the lack of venues and equipment, he only teaches the children in the village to lay a good physical foundation for them to enter Taoism in the future. Aunt Hua originally looked at it with a smile. At first glance, Zhao Xuan was also among them and was seriously drawing something. Aunt Hua was furious. She left the wooden bucket with clothes in her hand and ran away to push Niu Xiaopang away and slapped Zhao Xuan on the spot.

"I haven't told you many times that you are not allowed to practice martial arts. Your child is really ignorant. It will cause trouble."

"Oh! I said, Sister Hua, why don't you let Xiao Zhao practice? If you can successfully pass the interview of Konglun Mountain, it will be the ancestral Jide, which is still the custom of Niujia Village! Besides, monism can strengthen the body, how can it catch fire? Niu Gen said anstly.

"Okay! His uncle, while you are here to make it clear to you today, don't provoke my Xuaner to practice any Taoism in the future. It's your business to have such a custom in Niujia Village. Don't forget that Xuaner's surname is Zhao.

"No, why don't you reason!"

"Dadhua, why don't you let Brother Xuan practice Taoism?" Niu Xiaopang asked timidly. This guy is also very funny. He usually talks like anything. He has more than once said that he wants to find more than 20 little hooligans to teach Aunt Hua and so on. When she saw Aunt Hua, she had to shrink back like a turtle.

"People all over the world can learn, but he can't."

After saying that, Aunt Hua pulled Zhao Xuan's head and left without looking back. Zhao Xuan covered his hot cheeks and followed him without saying a word.

Since then, whenever Niu Gen taught children to practice in the village, Zhao Xuan stood aside and watched. He didn't resent Aunt Hua, but felt aggrieved and a little unclear. Why can people all over the world learn, but he can't? Why? Why is that?

That day, Zhao Xuan chased several old hens and ran to the woods outside the village. Aunt Hua forgot to close the fence of the chicken pen when feeding the chicken this morning. She turned around and just wanted to do something else to find that all the chickens ran out. She was so anxious.

"Xuan'er, hurry up and don't let the chicken run away."

Zhao Xuan was watering vegetables in the vegetable garden at that time. As soon as he heard Aunt Hua's voice, he immediately caught up with him. These old hens ran so fast that they soon ran into the woods outside the village, exhausting him out of breath.

"Look at how to deal with you if I get caught." He rested for a few seconds and caught up again.

"Hey, I still want to run."

Zhao Xuan caught a chicken and put it in his net bag. Seeing that he was going to catch another one, he suddenly seemed to trip over something. He lay forward and only heard a "plop" sound. Unexpectedly, he fell into a big puddle on the ground and fell like a toad.

"Oh, it hurts!"

He got up and wiped the sewage from his face with his hand and threw it aside. He looked back and found a vine on the ground that spread to an unknown place in front of him.

"This is the thing that tripped me! Well, why is it so long?"

He led the "culprit" around more than 100 meters without seeing the root, and it did not cling to any plants, but crawled on the ground and stretched out. He led the trees and vines, and the road became more and more remote. Correctly speaking, there was no way. The front is full of thorns, a large area higher than the top of the head, and the vine in his hand passes under the thorn. Fujiko has passed, and people can't pass. You can't rush there! I've heard of negative Jing, but I haven't heard of Chongjing! If you have to go there, you have to bloom. On the one hand, Zhao Xuan was curious about where the tree vine led, and on the other hand, he couldn't go over to find out the thorns in front of him. He stood where he was so entangled. No, go! I was really curious and itchy. Go! If you want to eradicate this thorn, you have to run back to get a firewood knife and then run over for half an hour!

"Isn't it just a tree and avine? It's a little longer, but it's not unusual. Forget it, it's not fun. Let's go home!"

He comforted himself in his heart, threw the tree rattan casually, turned around and prepared to leave. As soon as he stepped forward, there was a heavy gasp from behind him, one after another.

"What! This sound is scary."

It is judged that the sound source should be behind the thorn bush. He shrank his hands and walked back, and his palms pressed against the edge of his ear to block the noise to hear the real sound.

The sound of gasping is getting heavier and heavier, and the sound of drooling is mixed in the middle.

The sound sounds like some kind of animal, and you can faintly see a blue-green shadow through the cracks in the thorns. Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan's heart is not to mention how complicated it is. He is excited and worried, which is like a feeling of tears in a smile and a smile in tears.

After all, the curiosity mentality still prevails and takes risks. At worst, just bring some self-defense tools. Hey! Curiosity kills the cat!

"I have to go back and get an axe or something to split the thorns."

Zhao Xuan ran home. Half an hour later, he came again with an axe for cutting wood and a thick wooden stick. The axe is used to split the thorns, and the wooden stick is used to defend itself. If it's a beast or something, sting it with a stick.

"Which side do you start? I have to plan well, but don't disturb that thing."

After a while, the blue-green ball seemed to be asleep and no longer gasped, but snored low.

Here comes the opportunity. In order not to disturb it, Zhao Xuan did not dare to chop the thorns directly with the axe. Instead, he first scratched some fallen leaves on the ground with his feet, then picked up a leaf and wrapped it around the thorny thorns. With the other hand, he held the axe tightly and cut the thorns with a sharp knife.

The thorn is very thick, and it took a lot of effort to cut one. He was a little discouraged, but as long as he thought of the blue-green figure, he was full of energy. The knife fell from his hand and cut off a few more. Fortunately, the blue-green ball slept soundly and did not notice his movements.

Another half hour has passed. The thorns have almost been dealt with. They have been cut a lot and scattered in place, but they still block the view.

Zhao Xuan picked up the wooden stick and picked up the broken jing one by one, acting as light as if a woman was embroidering.

"Quick, hurry up." He was about to see the blue-green ball. He was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He held his pounding heart, took a deep breath and immediately locked his eyes in front of him for fear of missing some earth-shaking picture.

The thorns were picked aside and slowly revealed the scene in front of them.