Little Flowermaker's Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 15 Blood Basin Mouth

It was late at night. Just as the disciples were sleepy, a flash of lightning passed through the sky, reflecting the whole cave. Then there was a thunderbolt on the flat ground, destroying the tranquility of the night. The wind roared outside, and the pouring rain poured in from the mouth of the cave.

The heavy rain hit Zhao Xuan's tent and made a crackling sound. Part of the bean-sized raindrops immersed in the tent, and the other part slid down the oblique edge of the tent to the ground.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Zhao Xuan was having a tryst with Zhou Gong and jumped up from the tent by the downpour. While covering the rain on his face with his hand, he grabbed the tent and pulled it in.

Another lightning flashed, the whole sky turned dark purple, and the rumble thunder shook the mountain slightly. Zhao Xuan looked into the cave, and everyone was sleeping soundly! Several elders were tired of meditation and also leaned on the rock wall to rest.

It's raining heavily outside and keeps pouring in. Zhao Xuan's tent was set a few meters away from the edge of the cliff. The ground was wet by the rain and he couldn't sleep at all. Want to squeeze in! The seats over there are occupied by other disciples. He doesn't want to rest on the rock wall like several elders. The elders have a profound cultivation and can lean on them to sleep like that. He can't do it. If they sleep like that, their whole back will be bruised when they wake up.

If it really doesn't work, you can only sit until dawn. The sky outside has become slightly white, and there is a dark purple lightning bolt after another, with a thunderous sound. I don't think it will be dawn soon.

Zhao Xuan walked back to the cliff and found a corner that was not wet by the rain and sat down cross-legged. He opened the cloth bag he carried with him and took out the old scroll. Since he failed to refine gas at the foot of the mountain in the evening, he has been busy hiding from monsters, running for his life and looking for caves all night. It is only in the middle of the night that he has a chance to take it out and study again.

"Refining gas, gather the essence of heaven and earth in Dantian, until it is collected and released freely, and then it is completed." Zhao Xuan read this sentence repeatedly. He understood the literal meaning and knew the method of gathering gas, but he didn't know how to put the absorbed essence of heaven and earth into Dantian. Previously, when refining gas, I put the gas into my stomach, and as a result, all the gas ran out.

After sitting down, Zhao Xuan began to close his eyes. He imagined that he was on an empty mountain with faint clouds around him. Occasionally, a group of wild geese flew from north to south. Behind it is a small bamboo forest with a stream next to it. The sound of birds in the forest is crisp and pleasant, and the gurgling water in the stream is clear to the bottom.

"Ah! The air is so good. He began to absorb the essence of heaven and earth. These essences come from everything in nature, including the aura of stones, the aura of water, and the aura of creatures, such as birds and trees.

A stream of aura enters from Zhao Xuan's nose like smoke and floats into his stomach through the respiratory tract. As soon as he was nervous, he kept contracting his abdomen. When he contracted like this, those auras really did not enter the stomach, but penetrated out of the intestines and slid down to reach the lower Dantian Renmai Guanyuan point.

He felt that the aura had reached the position of three inches under the abdomen. Zhao Xuan's mind turned sharply and cooperated with the peristalsis of the abdomen. He felt that Dantian was slowly absorbing the aura in his body, which was very slow but did absorbing it. After a while, Dantian did not absorb it, and the rest of the aura slowly flowed in the body. At this time, Zhao Xuan opened his mouth and exhaled, and the carbon dioxide in his body was mixed with the remaining aura absorbed by Dantian just now flew out of his nose and mouth, and suddenly felt refreshed.

Feeling that Dantian had absorbed part of the aura, Zhao Xuan was so excited. He slowly opened his eyes. It was already dawn and the rain stopped, but the sky was still a little gray. Raindrops dripped on the climbing vine and slid down the stems and leaves like fallen pearls. In it, the elders and disciples have not woken up yet.

Zhao Xuan got up and walked to the edge of the cliff, pushed away the climbing vine that blocked his sight, and breathed the fresh air of nature in the morning.

A moment after, a roar came, and the whole cave shook in an instant.

After waking up, everyone climbed out of the tent and looked panicked. The elders suddenly opened their eyes and looked at each other in consters. The mountain shook violently and tilted greatly. Zhao Xuan stood closest to the cliff and was almost thrown down the valley. Fortunately, the divine operator flew over in time to pull him.

Suddenly, a big mouth appeared in the gap on the other side of the cliff, and some animal corpses were chewing in the red mouth, and the blood slid down its mouth. The fishy smell of animal carcasses is disgusting.

"Hatch up and don't fall down." The elders shouted.

As the cave continued to tilt, everyone grabbed the rock wall tightly with both hands. Seeing that several disciples could hardly stand falling into the blood basin, the divine operator quickly jumped to the disciples and pulled back those disciples. Then he printed with his hands, read a word in his mouth, and drew a long straight line with his left foot ten meters away from the cliff. This straight line is ten, and ten hundred become countless intersecting lines, winding left and right into a spider web. With a finger, a silver-white light flashed on the spider web. After the light was dim, the spider web had become as hard as wire, and the crisscrossed web had a metallic luster.

The blood basin on the edge of the cliff opened more and more, and I couldn't wait to swallow the whole cave. The animal's body had been chewed down by it, but the disgusting smell still spread throughout the cave. Maybe the tenacious resistance of the people in the cave angered it! It roared angrily, and its dark brown sharp fangs bit off the climbing vine hanging on the edge of the cliff, revealing a big lion's head. The monster's face is no different from that of an ordinary lion. The monster has a pair of copper bell-sized eyes, protruding from the round eye socket groove; the large mouth of the blood basin may be opened or closed, and the blood from the animal corpse at the mouth sticks to the hair, which looks very ferocious and horrible.

Originally, the disciples were hidden in the depths of the cave, far from the gap on the edge of the cliff. In addition, there are climbing vines on the other side of the gap, so the smell of ordinary people will not spread out; even if the smell floats out through the crevices of climbing vines, it is only a very small part. When it floats out of the cave, it has been blown away by the wind. Besides, last night It was still raining, and those tiny smells were suppressed by the heavy rain.

But when Zhao Xuan refined gas on the edge of the cliff in the early morning, he gathered a lot of heaven and earth aura, which was absorbed through the body and then excreted from the body. At this time, the gas emitted by the human body was not only carbon dioxide but also heaven and earth aura. Coincidentally, when did the pouring rain all night stop, but it stopped when Zhao Xuan refined gas. When the gas floated, it was free and smooth, and it spread far away. The monster is very ** to Reiki. The two gases were mixed together and floated out and quickly discovered by the monster, and then it was tracked.