Little Flowermaker's Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 64 Black Hole War

Sure enough, Zhao Xuan guessed well. When he went deeper, the cave was obviously much wider, but the ground was full of debris left by the dead, various shapes, complete or incomplete, and a cross pillow, which was shocking. These wrecks should be left by those who were captured and eaten by the four ghosts.

There is an iron gate in front of you, with a skull hanging on the bronze door wall. He carefully walked around the wreckage and gently stroked the bronze door with the tip of his finger, which was rusty and a little abrupt.

Zhao Xuan groped on the iron gate with the colorful light emitted by the ball, trying to find a switch. In the position where he is standing now, several left and right passages of the mountain wall have been sealed by stones, leaving only the iron gate in front of him. He guessed that Qingling should be here. Sure enough, the person inside the door seemed to hear the click of her nails touching the rust on the wall outside. Even if she made a "no" sound, she felt that someone had come to save her.

"Qingling", Zhao Xuan recognized that it was the sound of Qingling. He suddenly became excited and was not in a hurry to find the switch. Instead, he pushed the iron door with his feet and was ready to break in, but the door was so tightly locked that he did not respond no matter how he pushed it.

When the people inside heard the movement outside the door, they also began to be restless.

"What kind of door is this? There is not even a switch." Zhao Xuan's mind moved and then decided to use magic to break the door. He pinched the lotus to the wall of the door and did not respond at first. "It seems that my spell is not proficient enough! If you can escape with Qingling today, you will practice hard in the future.

Zhao Xuan was so anxious that he sweated coldly, and then tried several times. Finally, the door was broken by a force for the eighth time, and he was split in half from the middle of the door wall and fell to the ground with a click. The quality of this iron gate is thick, and it falls straight down, and the loud noise can not be underestimated.

At this time, the heart of the blood-sucking nigger in another small stone cave skipped. At this time, his two ghost hands held a man tightly, whose face was blue and he probably fainted. His body was soft like a puddle of mud and clamped into the nigga's hand, and two big holes were bitten out of his carotid artery, from which blood was constantly being pumped away and sent into the nigger's mouth.

"Someone is coming?" The nigga's face was suspicious and his mouth was slightly open. After thinking for a while, he kicked the man's body and hit the wall of the cave and fell down. The man never groaned. His body was white because of too much blood, and he was probably dead.

"Well..." Qingling's hands and feet were tied and sitting on the ground, her hair was messy, and her mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth. At this time, she was trying to stand up.

"Miss Qingling." Zhao Xuan stepped forward with an arrow. First, he took off the cloth on her mouth and reached out to pick up the hemp rope on her hands and feet.

"Why are you here?" After the cloth in Qingling's mouth was removed, it was finally much more comfortable.

"I'll save you! Are you all right? I'm worried about it." Zhao Xuan answered without thinking and didn't notice the expression of Qingling at this time, and unconsciously floated two red clouds on his pink cheeks.

As soon as Zhao Xuan's words came out, he immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly changed his words and said, "Well, isn't that the medicine mother-in-law not there!" I'm a man. It's reasonable to protect girls. You don't have to worry about it!" When he said this, his cheeks were also red.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment, and neither of them stopped talking.

At this time, a white figure in the distance outside the door was rapidly flying this way, followed by countless ethereal ghosts. The blue light lit up the whole cave. For a time, miserable sobs were everywhere, filling this dark cave like 18 floors of hell.

After hearing the sound, Zhao Xuan and Qingling turned around. When they saw the blue eyes in front of them, they became nervous, and the blood all over their bodies suddenly turned up like a steed and were on alert.

"Miss Qingling, I'll deal with them. You find a chance to go first." Zhao Xuan turned his face and whispered to Qingling. He was not trying to be strong, but his whole body was now full of a sense of mission. For the first time, he felt that he could be so manly.

"No, we have to walk together. I won't leave you alone." I don't know when a short flute appeared in his hand. The whole body is white, with a section of black bars on it, and the whole body is shiny with silver.

Zhao Xuan looked at her sideways, and her exquisite face had unshakable firmness and persistence, just like her determination on the edge of the cliff of Fengyun Mountain. Somehow, he began to admire this woman from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't even want to leave." The voice of the nigga came faintly, and then a white shadow flashed.

The ball in Zhao Xuan's hand glowed. He jumped forward and turned to Qingling and said, "I'll deal with the nigs. Those little ghosts behind will be handed over to you. Be careful." After saying that, the whole person has met the white shadow.

"Hmm!" Qingling nodded, and the silver flute in his hand flashed, like a tough sword in the dark cave, scratching a sound in the air and stabbing the ghosts in front of him.

If you really want to fight, this cave is really a little small and can't make room at all. Zhao Xuan's body dodged left and right in mid-air, dodging the black gas attacked by the black ghost.

The black ghost shot black gas and still couldn't understand his hatred. With a wave of his sleeve robe, many unidentified creatures immediately flew out, one by one, one, all over the cave. Some attached to the wall of the cave to prepare for a sneak attack, and some flew around Zhao Xuan, grinning and about to bite him.

It didn't take long for Zhao Xuan to be tired and out of breath. He was eager to read the formula, and the color of the small ball in his hand soared hundreds of times in an instant, reflecting the whole cave, but it made people take a cold breath. At this time, the wall of the cave was densely covered with all kinds of disgusting small creatures, including bats, poisonous snakes, scorpions, poisonous toads, etc. There is also a small creature that Zhao Xuan saw outside the black hole that wants snakes and is not snakes, but also disgusting as disgusting it is. Fortunately, Qingling is not in this doorway, otherwise she will faint when she sees these.

"Little ball, I rely on you." Zhao Xuan shouted at the small ball in his hand, his eyes wide open, and a lot of sweat fell on his forehead. At this time, the ball's body changed, from the beginning of the circle and slowly transformed into a colorful bronze sword. There was a green crossbar on the body of the sword, which was very conspicuous.

The nigger was also stunned when he saw the sword at first. Although he didn't know the origin of the sword, he knew that it was absolutely extraordinary except for the colorful light from the sword and the domineering color of the dumb bronze color of the sword itself.

Those disgusting little creatures began to go crazy at the nigger spell, and collectively made a sound that made people's scalp numb than the previous sound of ghosts crying on the other side of the bamboo forest.

After holding the bronze sword in his hand, Zhao Xuan suddenly rose and attached it directly to the top of the cave wall, staring at the every move of the nigga and those little creatures below with a wary look. The soaring light of the bronze sword reflected the whole cave like daylight.

The incantations in the nigger's mouth were more urgent. Those little creatures all flew out like arrows from the string and rushed to Zhao Xuan, who rushed straight to the top of the cave. A small but fierce one was even more fierce than the mountain beasts. Moreover, these disgusting little creatures could fly. Especially the poisonous toad, at this time, the stomach is bulging, and a stream of heat in the body is about to erupt.

Seeing that all kinds of poisonous things in front of him are coming, Zhao Xuanqiang calmed down. Even if he waved the ancient bronze sword in his hand, the color of the sword body trembled and pulled out. First, he drew a line in the air like a rainbow, and then suddenly circled in front of Zhao Xuan to form a colorful barrier. Those poisonous things did not stop at all when they saw the barrier and continued to rush forward in batches, trying to cross the barrier to bite the people behind them.

Dozens of snake-like creatures made a "hist" cry after hitting the colorful barrier and fell to the ground. They twitched a few times and then did not move. Then, another group fell from the air and made a "hicing" scream. Although the sound was subtle, you can still imagine how tragic the impact they received after jumping on the barrier.

Zhao Xuan watched the batches of "dead men" falling to death after rushing to the colorful barrier in front of him, and couldn't help but feel refreshed. He didn't notice that a group of poisonous toads with swollen stomachs were ready to move directly under his body.

Qingling was chased out of the hole by a group of ghosts. At this time, there was already a full moon hanging outside. As soon as she came out of the hole, she suddenly felt that the air was very fresh. She was caught in the hole by the niggas for a long time, and her nose was always full of disgusting blood, and she was about to vomit.

But before she could enjoy the fresh air, the ghost behind her had caught up. Now is the night and a good time for activities. They don't have to be afraid of seeing the light and die at all. They are calculating to suck up her blood and eat her meat after catching the little girl.

Qingling looked at a pair of strange blue eyes in front of him and slowly exhaled. The silver Xiao in his hand was raised high, and instantly shot at those ghosts like a sharp blade.

How cunning those ghosts are, one by one, they quickly turned into black smoke and circled in the air, making strange laughter around the clear bell.

Qingling was surrounded by black smoke, and the silver xiao in his hand waved in the air. Every time he attacked, there was a black smoke making a tragic cry, and then turned back to the previous blue-eyed ghost collapsed on the ground and screamed miserable.

Seeing that their companions were injured, the ghosts rushed to Qingling and bit them like crazy, but every time they were flashed by her, only their pink clothes were bitten to pieces.

Qingling saw that the ghost attack was too fierce and couldn't stand it for a moment. He waved the silver flute in his hand and immediately covered an aperture in front of him to temporarily protect himself in it for a temporary rest.