Little Flowermaker's Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 157 Waves

"Brother Taoist, please stay." The divine operator took a step forward and looked at ease.

Xiafei turned around and looked puzzled, "Huh? It's the Elder God! What's the matter?" A few doubts surged up while speaking.

The divine operator glanced at Zhao Xuan and deliberately paused at the blue eyebrows. After looking at each other, he quickly moved away. "Brother Taoist, although this little brother is a gardener in Konglun Mountain, his duty is to take care of the herbs in the Fangmu Garden on the mountain. If you want to stay in Fengyun Mountain, you have to let him go back and hand over the work anyway!" After saying that, he turned his face and looked at the blue eyebrows, "Do you think so?"

Lan Meizi snorted coldly and turned his head elsewhere, but then suddenly turned his head and looked at the divine operator with a smile. "As far as I said, the exchange period between the disciples of the two schools of Konglun and Fengyun has passed, and several elders and disciples have also returned to Konglun Mountain. The elders are still staying in Fengyun Mountain. They won't watch it. The maple forest here is green, and the scenery is unique. Do you want to live there for a while before leaving? Lan Meizi's words are not polite at all. The implication is to remind Shen Sanzi that he should go back and don't rely on Fengyun Mountain.

The divine operator heard his voice and smiled, "Brother Lan Dao made fun of me. My divine operator is not a person who likes to swim in the mountains and rivers so much. What kind of trees and trees are vast, the sky and the earth are big, where does the vegetation not take root? Naturally, I didn't stay because of this, but..." With that, he turned his eyes to Zhao Xuan.

Seeing this, the blue eyebrows raised her eyebrows, thinking that the old guy would not like this boy, and wanted to take him back to Konglun Mountain as a closed disciple first!

"I stayed because some disciples participated in the search for Yu Ruyi. At the beginning, seven disciples and a little gardener were sent out, but now Yu Ruyi found them, but my seven disciples did not come back, only one little gardener came back. As the chief elder of Konglun Mountain, I can't shirk it. How can the responsibility be taken away? The divine operator said righteously. In fact, he had wanted to say this for a long time, but it was only because he saw that Xiafei was very happy to find Yu Ruyi just now, so he forced his anger down.

Speaking of this, Lan Meizi was shocked by Tianhe Taoist at the same time, and others also looked at each other.

And Zhao Xuan suddenly realized and said, "Ah! How could I forget this? Miss Lu, they are still crying in the blood hole!" Thinking of this, he was also very anxious.

After settling his mind, Xiafei walked to the divine operator and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the other seven disciples of your school have sent people out to look for it. I believe there will be news soon." Worried that Konglun Mountain would come to plead guilty, Xiafei really wanted to calm down the mood of the divine operator.

Tianhe Taoist took a step forward, "Don't worry, the elders of God. Several disciples of your school are very safe now. Let's do this! Tomorrow I will personally pick them up and give them an explanation to the elder.

"Oh? Didn't my disciples of Konglun Mountain set out with the disciples of your school? Why didn't you come back together?" The doubt in the eyes of the divine operator is even heavier. In fact, he didn't mean to embarrass anyone when he asked this. It's just that several disciples didn't come back for a day, and he felt restless for a day. After all, when the treasure "Yu Ruyi" of Fengyun Mountain was stolen, he organized several disciples to go with him on his own initiative. The original intention was to let them experience it. If something happens, I'm afraid that he, the thirteen elders of Konglun Mountain, can't afford it!

"This, they are..." Tianhe Taoist just wanted to say something, but suddenly he choked and couldn't speak. After all, there is a clear sense of good and evil. I'm afraid I can't directly tell everyone that the disciples of Konglun Mountain will stay in the crying blood hole at this time! How does this make him talk?

"Hmm?" The divine operator raised his eyebrows slightly and seemed to be very interested in the words that Tianhe Taoist had not said.


The Tianhe Taoist hesitated, but the more so, the more suspicious the eyes in everyone's eyes. There are only three people in the field who know things, one is Lan Meizi, one is Zhao Xuan, and the other is Tianhe Taoist himself. But no one wants to tell this fact.

Everyone present, including Xiafei, looked at Tianhe Taoist with a very urgent and suspicious eye, which made him very anxious and looked a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, at this time, Lan Meizi stood up and relieved him. "Let me explain this to you!" Originally, Meizi wanted to find a reason to prevaricate, but in the face of everyone's questioning, he felt that there was no need to hide it. Although he might be criticized by others as soon as he spoke out, he could not care so much.

He stood forward and said slowly, "Because there was an accident in the process of finding Yu Ruyi this time, and the situation was critical..." He paused and continued, "So after discussing with Tianhe, I decided to place some disciples with shallow cultivation in weeping blood..."

Before the word hole was exported, a little Taoist priest suddenly ran in with a panic look and shouted, "Master, it's not good, it's not good."

Everyone looked back.

"What's the fuss about?" Xiafei saw the little Taoist priest running in in panic, and there was a little displeasure between his eyebrows.

The little Taoist priest gasped and said, "Outside, there are demonic people attacking and coming in. Those people have strong martial arts and have injured several disciples."

After saying that, there were bursts of noise in the field. Several elders stood up on the spot and asked Xiafei to fight against the enemy. Xiafei nodded, and they went out with many disciples.

After a while, there were only Xiafei Zhenren, Tianhe Taoist and Lan Meizi, Shensuanzi and others left in the lobby, including Zhao Xuan.

"What do you think of this?" Xia Fei thought for a moment and asked several people present.

"What does the head brother mean?" Tianhe Taoist took a step forward.

Xiafei sighed slowly, and his expression suddenly became serious. "The two paths of good and evil have been at peace for decades, and there have been no waves. Why are there any demon disciples coming now? Isn't it that decades of peace will be gone forever?

Xia Fei's sudden words shocked several people present, especially the blue eyebrows and the divine operator. They were both masters who were well divination and predicted all kinds of signs more accurately than others. Now the people in the demon religion are coming aggressively. Are you afraid that this is going to be a horse?

"Okay, let's go out and see what's going on first." Xiafei said that the wind had flown out of the door, and the Tianhe Taoist immediately followed.

Only the blue eyebrows and the divine operator were left in the hall. After they looked at each other, they moved their eyes to Zhao Xuan at the same time.

"Two elders, why are you staring at me like this! I'm sorry." Zhao Xuan felt really uncomfortable when he was looked at by two old men who were hundreds of years old.

"Ky, what will happen in the future depends on your creation."

After saying that, Lan Meizi flew out of the door, and the divine operator also galloped away after taking a deep look at Zhao Xuan.

"Look at my creation? Why do you say that? It's inexplicable!" Zhao Xuan was confused when he heard it, and then he rose up against the wind.

Halfway up the mountainside of Fengyun Mountain, the maple trees here are still red, reflecting the sunset in the sky and the sky forest.

If it had been at this time, it would have been surprisingly quiet. But at this moment, the magic swords all over the mountain showed their magical power in the afterglow of the sunset, and the crackling sound of knocking loudly.

When Xiafei and Lan Meizi and others arrived, there was already a sea of people. All kinds of magic weapons shining strangely in the air, and the sad scream in the crowd all announced the fierce situation of this vicious battle.

In the crowd, there are two rows of people. The clothes of the two sides are very different, so it is easy to distinguish between each other. One side is a Taoist priest and disciple in a Tibetan robe, and although the other side is veiled and can't see clearly, they are all wearing red robes. There are strange skulls painted in the middle of the robe, all of which are like beasts and extremely brave.

Among the many men in red, a handsome man in a black robe was particularly eye-catching. He was not veiled, and his two sword eyebrows flew like temples, which seemed to be very beautiful.

"Qin Ziang." Zhao Xuan was the first to shout out after seeing it.

Qin Ziang also seemed to hear his shouting and looked sideways, showing a joking look, but soon he rose up. At the same time, a little disciple of Fengyun Mountain, who was not far away from him, was shot out.

The next moment, a fast figure beside Zhao Xuan flew out, took over the little disciple's body and fell firmly on the ground. The robe hunted in the wind, and it turned out to be Xiafei. He just observed the crowd for a while and found that the people in such a demon religion were all cruel and deadly, and the people in his door, except for those elders, other disciples were a little less ruthless than those in the demon sect, which made him angry for a while. It happened that one of the little disciples was hit by Qin Ziang. Flying, so Xiafei flew to catch it on the spot. At the same time, there was a heat wave in his body. If he hadn't been wearing a Tibetan Taoist robe at this time, I'm afraid that the blue veins on his arm would have appeared.

"How can this be? The devil has eaten the courage of the ambitious leopard and dares to break into my mountain to hurt people. Let me not let you have a long memory?" Xiafei really squeezed out this sentence from between his teeth. After saying that, he burst out a huge gas from his body. He only flew dozens of meters of demon disciples around him who tried to attack him, hit the maple tree trunk and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground for fear of not being able to live.

Qin Ziang's face was still light and did not react much. For his Devil Valley, it is normal for hundreds of believers to fight at a time, and there is no need to pay attention to it at all. But Xiafei doesn't think so. Although there are many disciples on Fengyun Mountain, each of them is highly valued and loved by the leader. Therefore, after seeing many disciples injured, Xia Feizhen's anger was about to explode.