Kid, my sister is your grandfather

Chapter 52 Mo Hengxuan's Choice

Gorgeous banquets, smiling people are all performing a comedy. Everyone has a mask on their faces. This is Gong Xiaoxi's first thought of returning to the banquet.

Mo Hengxuan's eyes turned to her, conveying a sense of apology. What does he feel sorry for? Sorry, he abandoned himself and chose Guan Nuo? Gong Xiaoxi thought it was ridiculous. She didn't know how Mo Hengxuan felt after she disappeared from the banquet. After she disappeared, he became distracted. As soon as she walked out of the side door of the garden, her eyes circled around her.

He felt sorry for not being with her, but tonight was his beloved sister's birthday and asked him not to leave, which also made him helpless.

It's just... Gong Xiaoxi doesn't know these things, so he misunderstood like this. Misunderstanding, he didn't know anything, so he began to suspect and caused a misunderstanding. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she is as holy as a goddess.

Guannuo's purpose is obvious for women. Since Mo Hengxuan and Gong Xiaoxi dissolved their marriage contract, many nobles have wanted to climb the gold mine of the Mo family. And the public knows that he is just the adopted daughter of the Mo family, and another meaning is the child daughter-in-law. She wants to use this birthday to express that she is the only woman around Mo Hengxuan.

The appearance of Gong Xiaoxi took away her demeanor, and there were more topics around Gong Xiaoxi than her, which made her more or less unbalanced. But with so many people present, she can't show it so clearly.

After entering the banquet, Gong Xiaoxi casually found a place to sit down and picked up a glass of red wine and tasted it. I'm also thinking about whether to go home or not.

As soon as she entered the banquet, she has been paying attention to Gong Xiaoxi's whereabouts. Fan Moxi avoided a group of objects harassing her and came to sit down next to Gong Xiaoxi: "Xiaoxi, are you bored? Seeing that you seem to be uncomfortable, why don't we go back first?

Gong Xiaoxi was also thinking about going back. At this time, Fan Moxi proposed that of course she was willing to agree. When she was about to say yes, the laughter from there caught her attention.

Mo Hengxuan and Guan Nuo, who were surrounded by five or six people, hugged intimately, and the men surrounding them were slightly drunk, perhaps intentionally. As if discussed in advance, Mo Hengxuan and Guan Nuo were surrounded within his own scope, so that Mo Hengxuan had to hold Guan Nuo.

The purpose of these people is to make him have an ambiguous embrace with Guan Nuo. Seeing that the goal has been achieved, they naturally laugh and attract the attention of Gong Xiaoxi.

Seeing this picture, Gong Xiaoxi suddenly didn't want to leave like this. She wanted to see what kind of spark Mo Hengxuan and Guan Nuo could make.

"No, I'm fine. I don't want to go now. Why don't we stay and enjoy the food here?

Gong Xiaoxi showed an evil arc at the corners of his mouth, and the cold breath enveloped her again. It's just that the joy there was not affected by her.

"Mo Shao, eat up Xiaonuo's tofu like this. You boy know that Xiaonuo is not your own sister."

"I have always regarded her as a kiss..." The unfinished sentence can be guessed by the well-sighted person. It's just disturbed.

"Mo Shao and Xiao Nuo come to have a drink..."

"Not bad, good proposal."

"Hey, you guys can't play like this."

"Grip a glass of wine, hand in a glass of wine, hand in a glass of wine."

A person comes up with ideas, as long as it's fun, all the people are cooperating to join in the fun.

So many people are constantly beating the beat, and the parties have to cooperate, but Guan Nuo must be very satisfied.

Gong Xiaoxi calmly looked at the two people over there drinking a glass of wine, and the people around him applauded. Her face did not change at all. She was very calm, and Fan Moxi, who was so calm beside her, couldn't stand it.

Guan Nuo, who drank a glass of wine, unconsciously looked at Gong Xiaoxi, and she left a proud look.

Provocation, another naked provocation.

No one cares whether Gong Xiaoxi was Mo Hengxuan's fiancee or not. After all, the two of them have not been married yet. They won't think that this glass of wine will bring to Gong Xiaoxi.

"Xiaoxi, let's not look at it. Let's go home." Worried that Gong Xiaoxi would not be able to stand it, Fan Moxi gently persuaded him.

Gong Xiaoxi smiled brightly and was sweet and lovely, diverting the eyes of some people: "I'm fine. It's okay."

Such pure, sweet, but domineering, without any pretentious smile has corrupted the hearts of most of the men present. The protagonist Guan Nuo is no longer dazzling, and his eyes are fixed on this smiling woman.

Mo Hengxuan suddenly thought about it, and she left a proud look.

Provocation, another naked provocation.

No one cares whether Gong Xiaoxi was Mo Hengxuan's fiancee or not. After all, the two of them have not been married yet. They won't think that this glass of wine will bring to Gong Xiaoxi.

"Xiaoxi, let's not look at it. Let's go home." Worried that Gong Xiaoxi would not be able to stand it, Fan Moxi gently persuaded him.

Gong Xiaoxi smiled brightly and was sweet and lovely, diverting the eyes of some people: "I'm fine. It's okay."

Such pure, sweet, but domineering, without any pretentious smile has corrupted the hearts of most of the men present. The protagonist Guan Nuo is no longer dazzling, and his eyes are fixed on this smiling woman.

Mo Hengxuan suddenly wanted to hide her smile and only allow himself to appreciate it.

So many people admire her, which makes him a little proud and a little unhappy. People are always contradictory.

It surprised Guan Nuo to see that the two of them were so ambiguous that they could stay and continue to watch. If Gong Xiaoxi doesn't leave, Mo Hengxuan's heart will not be on her. When I sent her an invitation, I just wanted to tell Mo Hengxuan that I was not a girl who liked to care. It's just to please Mo Hengxuan.

The handover between Mo Hengxuan and Gong Xiaoxi gave Guan Nuo a wake-up call. She pulled Mo Hengxuan's arm, and her soft voice calmed Mo Hengxuan's frustration: "Brother Xuan, I'm so dizzy. Why don't you take me back?"

She thought that Mo Hengxuan would send her back, so that Mo Hengxuan could not see Gong Xiaoxi.

I don't know when it rained outside, making it even more sad outside.

Gong Xiaoxi also followed them out of the door of the banquet. Yusi hit her in the face and came cool.

I didn't say a word to him tonight...

Guan Nuo huddled in Mo Hengxuan's arms to avoid the blow of the rain. Mo Hengxuan also held him in his arms, which was very ordinary and ordinary.

"Mo Hengxuan, I want you to take me home."

In the end, I couldn't help opening my mouth. Women, always like this, can't stand their men being kind to other women. In the end, such an arrogant woman opened her mouth first.

When Mo Hengxuan heard her words, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Does this mean that Gong Xiaoxi is jealous? Before the happy heart stopped, it was extinguished by Guan Nuo.

"Sister Xiaoxi... Brother Xuan has promised to take me home." Guan Nuo drank too much tonight and blushed. Relying on wine, she refused Gong Xiaoxi's proposal.

"What if I insist?" Gong Xiaoxi is also very strong now, and she refuses to give in. Guan Nuo's birthday today, she has to grab her boyfriend. She must take it back.

The two women just looked at Mo Hengxuan and waited for his decision. This makes him very big. He has only one person, and he doesn't know how to split up. On the one hand is his own girlfriend and the other is his sister. How can he choose?

When Gong Xiaoxi saw Mo Hengxuan hesitated there, he couldn't help talking about Mo Hengxuan and left. Very ungentle and very rude.

This woman is so jealous.

"Dong--" lost Mo Hengxuan's support, Guan Nuo was already drunk. Such a large pull made her center of gravity unstable and fell to the ground.

Mo Hengxuan wanted to run over, but Gong Xiaoxi grabbed him desperately. He was very happy that she was jealous of him, but Guan Nuo fell to the ground and he had to go over: "Good boy, don't make trouble."

Hearing this, Gong Xiaoxi's hand slowly slipped down. Mo Hengxuan also rushed to Guan Nuo's side immediately.

It turns out that he doesn't allow him to be ambiguous with other women in this way, and it's just noisy in his eyes? It turned out that he asked him to take her home, but it was just noisy? Ha ha... Gong Xiaoxi, it turns out that everything you have done is so worthless in his eyes, just noisy. It's just a joke...

The rain fell on his body and fell along the lines of his body. I can't tell whether it's rain or tears on my face. Mo Hengxuan took Guan Nuo into the car, didn't even look at her, and drove away. Gong Xiaoxi laughed at himself and wanted to turn around and give them a perfect back. His head was getting heavier and heavier, his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he could no longer stand the control, and fell to the ground heavily...