The Evil Emperor's Sacrifice to the Princess

75 General Li's mansion

General Li's Nangong Xuanyong has been waiting for the arrival of a person, but now he still hasn't come. He still thinks too well. Sima Lingyun did not look for Sandezi or leave the palace. It seems that she thinks too highly of herself.

"Your Majesty!" General Li called.

"It's okay! I just came out to walk alone. I didn't expect to come to General Li's house. How have you been recently? Nangong Xuanyong can say something and look at everything here.

The development of things has not developed as Nangong Xuanyong thought. Sima Lingyun has not come. Maybe she hasn't arrived yet. On the way, or...

General Li! You are not small. You can't always be alone. Do you want me to help you find a wife for you? Nangong Xuanyong asked.

"Your Majesty!" General Li didn't know what to say, but just shouted softly.

"Your Majesty! Then I thanked the emperor first. General Li's mother knelt on the ground.

"Old lady, this is not a palace. You don't have to move and kneel down. Just think that I am also an ordinary people. You don't have to walk around if you have nothing to do. You don't have to be so regular." The emperor said softly and looked at the door, but no one came in to say that Princess Sima Lingyun had arrived.

"If you have anything to do, go ahead. I happen to be fine. You can just walk around here and have a look. You don't have to accompany me." A slight smile.

General Li is the only son of the Li family, and the old lady's man has also died. Now it is not easy to doubt Nangong Xuanyong. It may not be General Li that night, but another person, but what's going on? We have to find out from here.

Two nodded, "General Li! You just accompany me to walk around your house. After staying in the palace for a long time, there have been many things recently. Maybe you can come up with a better solution. Yes! Maybe I can find something, but I don't want to find anything in General Li's mansion.

General Li is also a loyal minister. He has been fighting outside for a long time and has been delayed in personal matters. Which one has to be shown by Sima Lingyun and married is also worthy of General Li's spirit in heaven, so he is relieved.

I came here today and saw Li's house, which reminded me. Now there are not many people up and down in Li's house, which is really unexpected for him.

"It seems that your house is also very..." Is it intentional or unintentional, and you can only look at it later.

"Your Majesty! My mother likes to be quiet, so there are not many servants. General Li said slowly, the arrival of the emperor, which made him not expect that the servants went out to call him back today. This is also something that has not happened for a long time, that is, it happened to his father who passed away. He really can't compare with his father, but it's not much different.

So is Sima Lingyun. She hasn't come yet. I don't know what to do in the palace. Go back to talk about it, or fall asleep.

"Your Majesty! There is nothing better about this, otherwise you can do it and have a rest for a while. As soon as General Li finished speaking, Nangong Xuanyong nodded and could only do this. Li's house was incomparable to the palace, but it was also good.

"General!" A man ran to General Li in a panic.

"What's the matter? I didn't see the emperor here. There is no rule at all." General Li's face changed and entered Nangong Xuanyong's eyes.

"Your Majesty! The villain said good to the emperor. With that, he knelt on the ground, but his eyes kept looking at General Li. Nangong Xuanyong looked at him and didn't want to hear it and smiled. Get up. If there is anything wrong, General Li, you don't have to stay here with me. You go ahead. That's all I can say, or let him say no! I can't go anywhere without my order, so I can only stay here to talk to him. What kind of emperor is he?

"Your Majesty! You do it here first, and I will come over in a moment. After saying that, Nangong Xuanyong nodded and watched the two people leave here. The subordinate's expression was not very good, and General Li was also very flustered. From his footsteps and figure, there must be something.

Sharp eyes stared at every place here, but I didn't see anything. I really thought too much. I got up and came to a room. There was nothing around, but I felt that someone had been staring at me. Looking back, there was no one.

"Am I too**?" He opened the door and went in. "Is this?" An empty room with nothing went in and looked around, "It seems that someone did it earlier than me." No one lived in this room a few days ago. Who lived in this room?

A person came in. Who are you? Why did you come in without General Li's order? Hearing this, Nangong Xuanyong knew that it was a maid's voice and turned his head.

"Your Majesty!" The frightened maid knelt on the ground.

"Don't be afraid. I'm just walking around. Why doesn't anyone live here?" I asked.

"Xiaohua doesn't know either." He lowered his head and said, without raising his head to reply.

"Get up! There is nothing to do with me here. Go ahead with your business. It seems that you have to be careful. As soon as you enter the empty room, someone came in, "Ha ha!" Laugh.

Xiaohua nodded and got up. She stood aside and had no intention of leaving. Nangong Xuanyong saw that he could only leave first, otherwise this maid named Xiaohua would not leave.

Nangong Xuanyong returned to the place where he used to do with General Li. He quietly closed his eyes and could only wait for the arrival of Sima Lingyun. Otherwise, he could not walk around. At every step, someone followed him. He could only look around here and look around looking for the little flower. What.

"It seems that there is something wrong with General Li's mansion, not only the palace. I don't know if other mansions are the same. I have to walk around and have a look. Otherwise, I don't know anything about the situation. No wonder Sima Lingyun will say so." Speak loudly and watch.

"Your Majesty! This is a snack. Would you like to taste it?" Xiaohua put the food on a wooden table before she came up.

Nangong Xuanyong looked at it and nodded his head. Where is General Li?" Asked, he also looked at this maid named Xiaohua, the little jasper. Compared with Sima Lingyun, Nangong Xuanyong didn't know why he married Sima Lingyun.

"I'm the little girl of Li's family." One question.

"If you return to the emperor, Xiaohua entered Li's house at the age of ten. Until now, the Li family is like a biological daughter to Xiaohua, so no matter what the Li family asks Xiaohua to do, Xiaohua will definitely do it." With that, Xiaohua stared at Nangong Xuanyong.

"Is that right? If you are asked to do something to kill and set fire, you will too. This Xiaohua is the same. She obviously wants to say something to him. As long as she wants to treat the Li family alone, she will not be polite.

Where has General Li been? Why haven't he been out for so long? What do you want to do? Let this little flower maid come, what do you want to do, or test him.

"Your Majesty! Look at what you said. General Li won't let Xiaohua do it. Who is Li? He is quite loyal to the emperor and won't mess around. He won't rebel like the Sima family. Xiaohua deliberately said the word Sima in a loud voice, and the well-sighted person knew that he deliberately said so when he heard it.

"Is it?" Since becoming emperor, he didn't know whose words were true and which words were false. Today, he came to Li's house. Although there was nothing, it was only superficial, and the arrival of Xiaohua showed this point.

"Your Majesty! I don't know if Xiaohua can say anything. Ask in a low voice.

"Yes!" Can you say no? It's really funny.

What does Sima Lingyun mean that she hasn't arrived yet?

"Why did the emperor release Sima Qian and marry Sima Lingyun? It's just for a small sacrificial princess to agree. Xiaohua said boldly.

Nangong Xuanyong listened and clapped his hands. Bold! What do you mean by this? It means that I deliberately let Sima Qian, just for a woman. That's what the little flower said. Did someone tell you to say that? Who is it, General Li or someone else? He looked at Xiaohua angrily.

Xiaohua knelt down and said, "No! It's just that no one said it to Xiaohua.

Nangong Xuanyong looked closely with the maid Xiaohua, looking at his expression and was not afraid of him at all. He looked at the hand on the ground and clenched his fist tightly. His hand was not to a subordinate, and his face was not like this.

I have been here since I was ten years old. Is there something wrong with the Li family? Otherwise, or is it related to the living dead man in black? Do you also want to get the things of the Sima family? Yes! Think about it, it's possible that he planned what happened that night, but why can't he find any clues?

"Little flower!" He turned around a few times in front of Xiaohua and smiled indifferently. You are not afraid that I will kill you."

"I believe that the emperor will not. He will not kill Xiaohua because of a few words of Xiaohua." There is nothing wrong with Xiaohua's words. Nangong Xuanyong knows that it seems that someone knows that he will come here and has arranged everything for a long time.

From the beginning to now, I have been in the complete set designed by others, and I have walked in step by step.

"Get up! You can go down. You'd better not let me hear this, or you know what I will do. Saying one word after another, with a ruthless face, she stared at Xiaohua tightly. Xiaohua nodded and slowly retreated.

"What a damn woman!" The palace is like this, and it's the same here. Who said it? Sooner or later, he will definitely find out the life of the person behind him. Otherwise, he, the emperor, really won't be in charge, but he won't do it. He won't let these people go so rampant.

"Sima Lingyun! You woman! I don't know what to do?" Nangong Xuanyong scolded from the bottom of his heart. I have to wait here slowly for a while. If I don't come, I can only go back to the palace first.