The Evil Emperor's Sacrifice to the Princess

140 Sleepless Qin Feng

"Dongdong!" Hearing someone knocking on the door, Lingyun smiled.

"Come in!" After saying that, I saw a man coming in and found that it was not someone else. Qin Feng! Why are you here? Why don't you go to sleep? A question of concern.

Qin Feng saw Lingyun in front of him. What are you?" I don't know.

"I don't want people to see my beautiful side. Let the Princess of Ghost Moon City have a look at it. I believe that her arrival has inquired about everything about me long ago. Don't you think so?" Go forward and put your arms to Qin Feng.

"I believe you will help me. You don't love me. Maybe one day I will fall in love with you. You can take me away, right?" He said gently and gently stroked Qin Feng's back.

Qin Feng didn't expect this, but as long as Sima Lingyun said, he would definitely do it. He owed her and there was nothing to say. In addition, he just helped him and had no intention of killing.

"If you don't talk, just agree. You are so kind to me. Maybe I will fall in love with you, but now you know that I can say it too bluntly. Nangong Xuan will never let me go. I am his woman, and you know that." Yes! That's not wrong. If you leave with this man, you said that the emperor would let them go, and you will definitely not.

Nangong Xuanyong knows who he is, but he has no intention of leaving. When he comes here, he has to do something. In addition, he seems to be moved by a man, so he won't leave.

Qin Feng listened and believed in Sima Lingyun's words. What kind of person is the emperor? He is a man who kills without blinking an eye. No one knows what it is in the end.

A son of heaven will not let people betray him. If he leaves one day, he will find himself even if he kills people. In addition, how he has become now is no longer an ugly woman.

Think about a man who will let go, no, not to mention this is ancient, a man with the highest status, and Qin Feng is not clear at all, just look at it as a friend.

"You will fall in love with me, and I knew you would fall in love with me. You haven't forgotten me, no." Saying happily, she hugged Lingyun. Lingyun looked at it and didn't say anything more.

What kind of man is this? Why can't you see it for a moment? You really love me." Ask again.

"Yes! I have loved you very much since I met you. But now it's too late to say anything. As long as you know that Sima Lingyun has not forgotten him, she will still fall in love with him. Even if she sacrifices herself in the end, she will take her away sooner or later and go to a place where there is no one to start again. There are only two of them.

Qin Feng thinks well, but Lingyun doesn't think so. What does she want, a higher status, a reason that can make Nangong Xuanyong fall in love with him.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Slowly speaking, you can't blame her. In the past, it was a man who hurt her all the time, but now it's impossible not to use it.

"Qin Feng can only blame yourself, and it's also you who are sorry for Sima Lingyun first, so I helped her teach you a lesson." Who believes what you said? Maybe you loved me at that time, but I was a beauty, but I knew at a glance why you gave the medicine to me this time.

Who will like an ugly woman? The stupid guy will have to believe that why the emperor married Sima Lingyun? Is it because he knew that there would be this day that he married her as a princess? This reason is also a good reason.

It seems that there is no man's words to believe, and he has to be careful, but how to be careful, there are some things that he can't come forward, so he can only let Qin Feng.

No one knows what happened in the end when the people of Ghost Moon City came. "What do you think if Princess Ghost Moon City is allowed to marry General Li?" Ha ha! A smile.

"That's a good idea. You have become much smarter than before. You can also think of them, but why can they be together? What do you think and how to help you?" Qin Feng said, but Sima Lingyun in front of him really didn't know each other in the past. Maybe as the emperor said, people will change, and so will she.

She is the only one who has left the boss Ma family. If she remains unchanged, it is false. If it is still the same as in the past, Qin Feng must not believe that this is the real her.

Why do you still feel sad now? Whose own or beloved woman is it?

"I don't know." Shake his head and say. That's up to you." Yes! How to look at it and how to do it, I can't think of a better way for a while.

"Otherwise, let the Princess Ghost Moon City choose by herself." Qin Feng said, let Lingyun stare and knocked on the head. You're stupid. If only it were like this. You're really a stupid guy. No wonder you love your boss Ma Lingyun. Maybe they haven't loved you. They just want you to be happy. Mumble.

"What's happy, be louder." Qin Feng said that although he had heard some, he still wanted to ask.

"No more! Why don't you sleep?" It seems that this man is not reliable. He is just a stupid guy. Let's rely on himself.

"I can't sleep thinking about you." Then he hugged Lingyun in his arms, slowly closed his eyes, and slowly imprinted his lips on Lingyun's lips.

This feeling is really good, but Lingyun doesn't like it very much, and she doesn't mean to push away Qin Feng. There are not many people in her hands now. It's also good if there is one more person who can do martial arts. In addition, it's still outside the palace. If Nangong Xuanyong wants to kill himself one day, he can also live. This man is not a lover of Sima. Lingyun may save her life.

Slowly Lingyun also closed her eyes. With Qin Feng, this is not what she thought, and there was nothing she could do. She didn't know how a woman survived in ancient times, but to have her own people, or she would die, and she was still a woman who was often used.

Qin Feng took a look and slowly picked up Lingyun and put it on **. Lingyun opened her eyes and took a look. What do you want to do? Don't forget that this is the palace. Men are all the same, thinking about this, hum! Just get up.

"I don't want to be like this. Anyway, I'm married. You don't want me to be..." I don't know how to say that sentence.

"I believe you don't like me like this either." A dead man, a shameless man, came here to think about this, just like Nangong Xuanyong.

So men are all the same, and they are different. They are modern people and will not let Qin Feng do anything to him. In addition, he is not in this mood. If Nangong Xuanyong sees it, his end will be a dead end.

How does it feel for his woman to sleep with other men? If he doesn't love them, he won't let them go.

In addition, who Qin Feng is, how did he know Sima Lingyun, and why there is medicine that can make her like this. It's not ugly. What's the matter?

Qin Feng is right when he hears it! I also have this one when I fall in love with her, but now it's different. She belongs to someone else, so I will definitely do it. No... No... I grabbed Lingyun's hand and pushed it to **.

Lingyun looked at it and retreated. This man must be crazy. If he is not crazy, he wants to do something. You don't need to think about it.

"What do you want to do? You are the emperor's woman." Remind Qin Feng.

Qin Feng ignored this and pressed on Lingyun's body with a shrill smile. You must be mine, not his. You belong to me alone. One stroked Lingyun's body with force.

Lingyun didn't expect it to be like this. Why did she do this to her? Get out of here. Do you hear me? I'm the emperor's man. I don't know you. I'm not really Sima Lingyun. When he roared, he was also afraid. Although he was like Nangong Xuanyong, he didn't mean to be afraid.

But why are you afraid now that you will hurt yourself?" Otherwise, I will call someone." With that, Qin Feng just looked at Lingyun.

"Call! If the emperor comes, what do you think you will do? Whether we do it or not, who will believe it? Glance.