The Evil Emperor's Sacrifice to the Princess

208 Blood and Tears

Everyone left, and Xiaohua didn't want to be upset because she looked at her. For her, Dr. Wang didn't say anything, but she knew better than anyone else.

"It won't make Yue'er and the Empress Dowager get along well, and it won't make them get along." Mumbled that without tears, my heart is hurting. Now the main purpose is to take good care of myself, and then I can find these two people. She doesn't want to care about others, and her past thoughts are gone.

"Nangong Xuanyong!" This man, the man he fell in love with, has loved in the past, but he is not as painful as he is now. He hates this man even more, but he still gives her his things. I don't know if he is crazy or funny.

"Cough!" His face turned paler and slowly came to the mirror and looked at himself inside. "This is not you. Why are you so ugly? You are still ugly with the ugly woman at the beginning, hehe." As he asked, he could see his modern appearance, "I want to go back to modern times." Yes! In the past, I have always wanted to come to ancient times, but now I have come, but so what? It's nothing. It's not as beautiful as written in the novel. Everything is fake and fake.

What kind of place is this? A place that is impersonal, a place where people don't kill people, and even more so in this palace.

"Nangong Xuanyong! Why don't you love me? Why? Asking the mirror, he said that he was not himself in his eyes.

"Of course I don't love you. It's strange that he will love you. Even if I fall in love with you, you won't have a good end. Just watch. Look, you will also die in his hands and die in his hands." A voice sounded.

"Who are you? Come out." Asking, he got up and looked around. There was no one. "Did you hear it wrong?" I made it again.

Tears fell. How long can I live?" He asked in the mirror again.

"I won't live for a few days. As long as everyone gathers together, you will die. You will definitely die. If you leave now, you will be saved. Leave quickly." The voice sounded again, but now Lingyun's bitter smile, no matter what, she will never leave, and even death will make Nangong Xuanyong fall in love with him.

Although it is easy to say to others, it is difficult to change yourself. Xiaohua's love for General Li is not so deep, and she is deep and can't be compared with anyone.

Drops of tears fall, and it is even more heartbreaking. As long as you live for a day, it will mean anything, and you will not let go of yourself. Sooner or later, these people will die in her hands and must die in her hands.

"Moon ancient style! It's all because of you, otherwise it wouldn't have been like this. Why did you die? Why did you die? You died at a bad time. Why did you die? Why did I do something wrong? Why did God do this to me? Why? In ancient times, everything is changing. Why do you do this?

"Of course we have to do this, otherwise how can it go on like this?" The sound sounded again. Lingyun didn't seem to be afraid. She was not afraid of death. What else was there to be afraid of?

"Princess! What's wrong with you? Who are you talking to? Don't scare Xiaohua. When Xiaohua came in, she heard Lingyun's voice. She thought she was talking to someone and looked around. There was no one.

"No! Who can I talk to? I just say to myself, where have you been? Asking, he turned around and smiled.

Xiaohua's face changed at a glance. Princess! What's wrong with you? What's wrong with your face? I dare not look down. There are tears on my face and in my eyes.

Drops of blood and tears fell down, and the frightened Xiaohua didn't know what to do. I don't know what will happen if it goes on like this.

"Princess! If you do it here, Xiaohua will call the emperor to come and ask the emperor to go up. Lingyun grabbed it when she was about to turn around. No! He just came here for something. Now that he has got it, naturally won't come again. It's just for his own business. No, what's the use of calling it? It's okay. It will be fine in a moment, and it will be fine in a moment. He spoke loudly, even from his mouth. Poo!" With a sound, a blood clot vomited to the ground.

Lingyun just smiled gently. It seems that I can't do it. No one should tell anyone about this matter. Otherwise, the Empress Dowager, Yue's son and Yuefei will definitely see my jokes. These people can't wait for me to die earlier, so that they can have one less opponent. With that, he remembered, but he did it and Xiaohua came forward. Princess! How can you be like this? Why are you like this? Xiaohua doesn't want to see you die like this. Yes! If you don't want to see the princess die like this, you must talk to the emperor.

"It's okay! You helped me over there for a while, and suddenly found that I seemed to be very tired and wanted to sleep for a while. In modern times, even if you are tired, you don't have the feeling of today. As long as you sleep for a while, tomorrow will be fine. Now it's different. It's different. It's because my heart is really tired. Why do you fall in love with this kind of man, an impersonal man?

"Do you think I'm wrong? I shouldn't fall in love with each other. At that time, Xiaohua said you like nothing. Now it doesn't be like that. It's not wrong to fall in love with anyone, but I just love the wrong person." Yes! Women shouldn't be like this. They shouldn't live for men. It's right to live for themselves.

Xiaohua listened and tears fell down, wiping the tears on her face little by little for Lingyun. It's okay. If it weren't for the princess, I believe that the current little flowers would have become like this. Xiaohua won't blame you. Princess, don't think about anything now. Just take good care of yourself. This is the main thing. One day we will definitely avenge ourselves in the future. We will not let them go and won't let them go. " Speaking loudly, the two hugged each other.

Xiaohua clearly understands that if it goes on like this, the princess will die, but she can't think like this. Now she is alone, and there is no one else, no relatives, no friends, only herself. She will not leave the princess alone.

What are blood and tears? I only heard of it in the past. When I came to ancient times and fell down, Lingyun clearly knew that it was love, and it was a kind of heartbreaking blood and tears.

shook his head and felt a headache. His hand was covered in his heart, as if he was no longer himself. Everything was walking in the opposite direction. It seemed that he saw a man, an old man, waving to himself, smiled, and disappeared.

"Strange old man." With a scream, Xiaohua took a look. What a strange old man." Asking.

"Nothing?" Yes! Why did she see the strange old man, but suddenly disappeared? What's going on? She couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Lingyun got up and fell straight to the ground. The scared little flower didn't know what to do.

"Princess!" A scream helped Lingyun up and found blood on her head, drop by drop, which made Xiaohua feel afraid for the first time since she was born. This kind of fear is a fear not far from death.

"It's okay, it's okay." After saying that, blood and tears fell down again. Is it painful or heartache? Now Lingyun can't say it. Drop by drop, she closed her eyes, as if this will feel better. There is no place on her body that is good, and Xiaohua can only ask someone to see the princess.