The Evil Emperor's Sacrifice to the Princess

260 Finale 2

When Black Son heard how could he be Sandezi, Qin Feng also heard it. Sandezi. I also don't believe what I heard.

"Yes! I didn't expect the emperor to know. It's really unexpected. After saying that, Sandezi took away the black cloth, and Heizi and Qin Feng took a look. Sandezi! The person behind it is you. With that, I couldn't believe everything I saw.

"What's the matter? What's the rightness of Nangong Xuanyong to be emperor? It's better for me to be an emperor than him. This man is the emperor. It's really ridiculous. Don't think that you can be emperor by being born in the royal family. Why? Why? I can still be Sandezi." Humph! It roared.

Qin Feng listened and was about to hit Sandezi, but when Sandezi saw it, he waved his hand. Several people came out and three looked at it. Sima Lingyun." I called.

Nangong Xuanyong took a look. What are you doing?" A question that I don't understand.

"What do you think, hand over the things, or this woman will die in front of you three men. Don't you want her, or do you want something?" As he asked, with a cold face, Sima Lingyun didn't expect it to be Sandezi.

"There is nothing. It will happen to death. You'd better kill my Lingyun." I didn't expect it to be Sandezi. It's really ridiculous. No wonder some things always happen, as if they know. No matter what they do, it seems... Now they know.

"Sandezi, what do you mean by doing this? You are a father-in-law. Even if you become an emperor, you will not do it for you..." Humph! A dead man, a dead eunuch.

"That's the future. As long as I get something, I can unify the world. I don't want to know anything else." Speak loudly.

"I can unify the world. Don't think that I didn't know that the emperor went to fight the Ghost Moon City. If I didn't kill Yue Gufeng, he would be really ridiculous. He can't even fight Yue Gufeng. Who do you think is the emperor? It will be his Nangong Xuanyong, a useless emperor." It was full of the screams of Sandezi, and General Li stood up from the ground.

"Sandezi!" General Li smiled and Sandezi looked at it. You're not dead. Why did you come back alive again? When I asked in fear, I saw that Nangong Xuan was never like a person, as if he knew that he was the person behind him, which made people dare not think about it.

"Three virtues! Don't exaise yourself too much. We know everything about you. Just let you slowly act alone. Otherwise, you can come out and kill the people who are right with the emperor. In addition, the ministers you killed are also killed by the emperor. What's more, you want to start a new imperial examination and start all over again. Otherwise, you have three virtues It's funny that the son can live until now. As for who killed Yue Gufeng, you didn't see it as emperor, just don't say it.

Sima Lingyun heard it. Emperor! You know, but you..." It's ridiculous and even more pathetic. What is it in Nangong Xuanyong's?

"Haha!" He laughed loudly, "Maybe it's time." After saying that, he closed his eyes and grabbed the sword in front of him and stabbed him in his heart.

Sandezi didn't expect this to happen. Nangong Xuanyong looked at it, "Sima Lingyun..."

Heizi hit Sandezi as soon as he saw Qin Feng, but everything seemed to be the same thing. At the same time, Sima Lingyun took a look at Nangong Xuanyong and closed her eyes and a tear fell down.


"Miss! Miss!" Someone shouted, and they didn't know what to do. Miss! Miss, wake up."

"Who? I'm not dead. What's your name?" Lingyun screamed and looked up at everything in front of her. Where is this? Who are you? How can I be here? I'm not in ancient times. What is this place? Lingyun asked.

"Miss, are you all right?" A man asked, and Ling Yun looked at it, "Oh! You are Nangong Xuanyong! Why did you come here? He hugged each other.

When the man saw it, he didn't know what to say. Suddenly, he didn't know what was going on and hugged Lingyun.

"Yes! I'm here. I will treat you well in this life. We will live happily together. After listening to Lingyun, Lingyun nodded and burst into tears. She believed that when she came back here, maybe everything had just begun.

The blue sky, white clouds, and there seemed to be a person looking at the two people in the sky. Lingyun also raised her head, as if she saw a person, who seemed to be a strange old man.

Isn't it really nice to return to modern times and have a beloved person?

"Nangong Xuanyong..."