The chief sweetheart

Chapter 23: Shameless Mr. Rong

"Don't be afraid..." Qiao Xiaoxin frowned in pain and looked at him resentfully.

He bent down and gently wiped away the tear from the corner of Qiao Xiaoxin's eyes, "Good girl."

Qiao Xiaoxin really wanted to strangle the man directly, but she just gritted her teeth tightly and said nothing.

He hugged her tightly, gentle but domineering.

What she didn't know was that her entanglement with Rong Heng also began. From then on, the road of love was full of twists and turns, but it was also full of sweetness and sourness.


The next morning, when Qiao Xiaoxin woke up, the man around her was gone, and it was like a dream last night.

She looked down and saw that her long seaweed-like hair spread to her waist, which looked extremely beautiful. She found that now she seemed to have a faint mature standard.

Qiao Xiaoxin's face knew bitterly. I don't know why this smile made her suddenly feel a little sad and happy, which is a very complicated emotion.

It's not good!

She hasn't had time to be sad yet, and she has to go to the hospital to take care of her parents.

Qiao Xiaoxin jumped up and almost fell to the ground.

"Damn Rong Heng..." Qiao Xiaoxin cursed in her stomach, dragged her tired body, quickly washed it, and decorated her face with BB cream in front of the mirror.

She went downstairs and came to the kitchen, but she heard the sound of cutting vegetables in the kitchen, and she walked in curiously.

I saw a man standing against the light, and the beautiful warm sunshine reflected in from the window, plating the man into a warm golden man, and his broad back carried the warmth of the end of the sun.

Rong Heng is cutting lettuce, and the pot beside him is cooking.

She stood still in amazed and looked at the tall back in surprise.

Isn't Rong Heng a rich N generation? How can you cook? It is said that there are several chefs in this rich N-generation family.

Yong Heng heard footsteps and saw Qiao Xiaoxin standing there in a long white dress. The wind blew her skirt and stood there quietly like a fairy staring at him.

Rong Heng smiled at her and looked naturally, "I'm cooking lettuce lean porridge, which is very light. I heard from Xiaotao that you like this kind of porridge, and Uncle Qiao, who is hospitalized, also needs to eat some light food, so I prepared breakfast for several people."

Qiao Xiaoxin was a little embarrassed and said awkwardly in front of the model, "Yes... My father likes to eat porridge and rice cooked at home. Let me do it. I can't bother you..."

Is this man Rong Heng very kind to her? How could you make breakfast for her and her parents? She wants to take back what she just scolded him in her stomach.

Rong Heng gently pushed her. Seeing that Qiao Xiaoxin refused and insisted on grabbing the kitchen knife to make porridge, he simply kissed her forehead. Qiao Xiaoxin immediately got up unnaturally and had to retreat aside.

"Don't bother me. I haven't cooked porridge for a long time. Let you try your man's breakfast."

Rong Heng said with a smile and winked at her mischievly. Qiao Xiaoxin's heart beat and her face was hot. He almost retreated in a panic.

His gaze made her heart beat violently again.

Watching him rush in the kitchen and look at her suddenly have an illusion--

She and Rong Heng are really like a young couple.

Qiao Xiaoxin was shocked by her own thoughts. When she was in a daze, Rong Heng turned around and raised her beautiful eyebrows.

"Why, I haven't seen such a handsome man who can do housework?"

Cong Heng looked a little proud of the spring breeze. She almost sprayed blood. The man was very quiet and sultry outside, but in front of her...

It's just like a naughty child!

Qiao Xiaoxin gave him a white look, "It's stinky!"

"It's not stinky, it's a statement of facts." Rong Heng said with a very serious attitude, "Qiao Xiaoxin, do you think there is no better-looking man in the world than me?"

"You are really a peacock."

Qiao Xiaoxin can't laugh or cry.

The peacock shows the screen just to please others. This guy is a beautiful and proud peacock, who turns its tail and shows her beautiful screen from time to time.

"Didn't you like my peacock very much last night?" Rong Heng smiled evilly, and the smell of porridge permeated the pot. Qiao Xiaoxin was choked to death and her face quickly turned red.

She really doubts whether this man is really the serious man outside?

"Rong Shao, if it were other men, they would be my gold owner. I think... my performance is the same." Qiao Xiaoxin's face was dark. Looking at him with a willing and affectionate look, she remembered that there was a trading relationship between the two, which was inevitably a little uncomfortable. Is this man pretending to be affectionate, or...

Anyway, they are just trading relationships, and Qiao Xiaoxin doesn't want to indulge in his gentleness.

Rong Heng's hand stiffened, and an anger surged up on his face. A pair of deep eyes looked at her very horribly and almost pierced her.

He really made breakfast for her, but she didn't appreciate his help in the snow. This girl would really be pissed off and not lose her life. Just for a moment, Rong Heng's smile was still warm. "Qiao Xin, I won't care about you no matter how you talk in front of me, but if it were someone else, you would think you would have such good luck and let Are you standing here watching me cook breakfast?

Qiao Xiaoxin stopped. Yes, if it were other gold owners, I'm afraid she would have gone out long ago.

Rich men never lack women.

Often, after men get women, they will no longer cherish them as before.

Qiao Xiaoxin was silent and watched Rong Heng cut vegetables and serve dishes. The fragrance of porridge filled the whole kitchen. She had an illusion that the kitchen was her beloved man. She is now in her home... It makes people's heart warm and comfortable.

After Rong Heng cooked the porridge, he took it out of the pot without chopped green onions or something. Qiao Sheng was about to have an operation and didn't need to eat this stimulating thing.

Qiao Xiaoxin hurried forward, and a wisp of guilt flashed through her eyes. Just now, she choked him like that, and he was not angry. "Let's eat first. I'll send it. It's not good to put it in the thermos bottle so early."

Rong Heng hummed, as if he had forgotten what Qiao Xiaoxin said before. He affectionately took Qiao Xiaoxin's waist, "Are you tired? Why don't I bring you breakfast and rest at home?

Qiao Xiaoxin quickly waved her hand, "Don't be tired, don't be tired!"

Looking at Qiao Xiaoxin as cute as the panicked little white rabbit, Rong Heng's heart was also warm. He wiped the fine sweat on his forehead. Qiao Xiaoxin saw this and blamed herself again. Why did she forget to wipe the man's sweat?

A man stared at her. Qiao Xiaoxin's face turned red, and her ears to her neck were full of glowing. It was so spectacular.

Qiao Xiaoxin didn't know what to scold. After saying that, she rushed to one side to scoop porridge, stood aside and took a sip, making her tongue burnt.

Rong Heng stretched out his hand and rubbed her soft hair in pain. "You, it's just a joke. Eat slowly and don't burn it."

The doting in his eyes was so deep that Qiao Xiaoxin was stunned again and felt that this man had only seen him a few times. How could he be so good to himself?

Qiao Xiaoxin really suspects that it's not true. Is she dreaming?

The burning sensation of her tongue made her almost want to cry. Qiao Xiaoxin came to the table with porridge and sat down. She looked uneasily at Rong Heng who followed her, but he reached out his hand to take her bowl and blew it, and her eyes were slightly gentle.

Qiao Xiaoxin's cherry lips opened slightly, but she didn't know what to say. When he handed over the porridge, she thanked her and slowly drank it.

"Do you still want it?" Rong Heng stood up, and Qiao Xiaoxin quickly waved her hand. Her stomach was small and she couldn't eat much at all.


"Do you think I'm here and you can't eat it?" Looking at Qiao Xiaoxin's embarrassed face, Rong Heng couldn't help frowning.

Qiao Xiaoxin shook her head quickly. She didn't know why her heart beat so hard when she looked at him?

Qiao Xiaoxin's feelings in her heart were also unclear, so she had to stand up, "No, I can't eat much breakfast. I'll bring breakfast to my parents first."

"Will you come back at night?"

Rong Heng suddenly smiled and looked at Qiao Xiaoxin gently, trying to eat her into his stomach.

"Hmm..." Qiao Xiaoxin's face had an unconcealed shyness. She lowered her head and hurriedly went into the kitchen to prepare.

Rong Heng looked at the back of the little woman. Her dress drew a beautiful arc, and the gentle waves in his heart swayed. The little woman was simple and innocent, like a spring breeze, straight into his heart.


Qiao Xiaoxin sent breakfast to the hospital and was chased by several reporters at the gate of the hospital. Because of that show, because she had a relationship with Rong Heng, her reputation rose a lot.

However, Qiao Xiaoxin didn't notice that there was a pair of eyes quietly staring at her at the corner not far away, with deep and complex feelings hidden in her eyes, including the scorching heat before the volcanic eruption and uneasily wandering...

Qiao Xiaoxin accompanied her parents in the hospital for another day.

Now she is unemployed and is "special care" by the old man Qiao's family. It is impossible to find a job. Of course, she has to ask Rong Heng, but tomorrow Qiao's father is going to have an operation. Qiao Xiaoxin will also have a good rest and accompany her parents more.

The hospital is filled with a faint smell of potion. Qiao Xiaoxin doesn't like the smell very much, but she has to stay here.

This is an extremely unbearable sadness.

For lunch and dinner, Qiao Xiaoxin returned to the rental house to cook, and Xiaotao also lived there temporarily and served as her deputy.

Her parents' belongings were well packed and placed in the room by Xiaotao. Qiao Xiaoxin feels guilty about Xiaotao. After all, she has just been with her for a month, and Qiao has something wrong, and her contract has expired, so that Xiaotao has not made any money and now she has to follow her poor.

After delivering dinner to her parents in the evening, Qiao Xiaoxin received a call from Rong Heng, saying that she would pick her up at 8 p.m.

Qiao Xiaoxin quickly refused, "No... I'll go back by myself."

"Are you so afraid of being discovered by the media?"